The Covid establishment has been getting away with murder
In his latest letter to corrupt Westminster politicians, Doug Brodie spells out the key elements of the elite’s genocidal war on the British populace and how UK and international lawyers are mounting a counter attack in our defense.
I recently put the following question to my MP and other politicians but never got an answer:
Do you deny that you and the entire political class have needlessly dragged out the Covid scare since summer 2020 when UK Covid deaths all but disappeared [later resurgences were caused by the vaccines, proved below] in order to administer the unnecessary and, as was forewarned and quickly demonstrated, dangerous Covid vaccines to the entire population, all for the appalling yet patently obvious ulterior motive of getting everyone hooked on vaccine passports which will morph into social credit digital IDs ready for the Davos/WEF/UN “Great Reset”?
This post gives the evidence backing my assertion, repeating earlier work such as here, here, here, here, here and here but focussing on Covid criminality. Its purpose is to show politicians that growing numbers are now aware of their evil hidden agenda.
It shows how the disproportionate restrictions, hardships and massive collateral damage which the Covid establishment has put us through over the past 21 months of fake public health emergency have had very little to do with “tackling the pandemic”.
It shows the extent to which the general public have been deceived and manipulated by the government (cf. Josef Goebbels) and the paid for, collaborating mainstream media and how criminally they have been treated by the Covid establishment.
Pre-March 2020 establishment machinations
It is revealing to go back to the 1980s AIDS crisis when current US health chief Dr Anthony Fauci was the AIDS Czar. He took the same approach then as he has done on Covid now by insisting that the only cure for HIV/AIDS was a very expensive Big Pharma drug, the very toxic experimental drug AZT. He used the powers of his position to suppress the use of inexpensive alternative drugs with the result that, as for Covid now (expensive useless remdesivir allowed, cheap life-saving ivermectin banned), many thousands died needlessly to the profit of Big Pharma.
Another key player in the Covid chicanery is mathematical biologist Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. Professor Ferguson has been serially wrong throughout his career. In the case of Covid, he predicted early on there could be 500,000 UK Covid deaths. He has received big funding from global health megalomaniac Bill Gates (whose father was a eugenicist). It very much looks as if Ferguson is paid to come up with deliberately exaggerated, fear-mongering predictions.
The carefully-referenced book “Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey” exposes how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was planned as long ago as 2017 by so-called global predators like WEF boss Klaus Schwab and Big Pharma funded by vaccine-obsessed multi-billionaire Bill Gates.
Together with the global Digital/Financial complex of Big Tech and Big Money and supported by apparatchiks like Anthony Fauci [and Christopher Whitty], they have sought to usurp the normal rules of democracy for their own rapacious gain and by their actions have condemned many thousands, globally perhaps millions, to death.
This book also reveals how Fauci funded Wuhan “gain of function” research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of coronaviruses, ostensibly for biodefence purposes.
It is notable that a coronavirus pandemic planning exercise known as “Event 201” involving Bill Gates, the WEF, Chinese government representatives and others was held in October 2019 not long before SARS-CoV-2 struck. Coincidental timing? That meeting reportedly set the groundwork for the Covid establishment’s media propaganda and censorship campaign.
Watch this interview by Dr Dolores Cahill in which she reveals frightening facts about the long-understood problems of mRNA vaccines which were brushed aside in the establishment’s frantic rush to bring out the Covid vaccines. She notes that in prior animal studies on these mRNA vaccines, 50% and in some studies 100% of the animals died. Prior to 2020 no mRNA vaccine had ever been approved, despite decades of experimentation, because they are so dangerous.
This led her to say, as have many other independent doctors and scientists, e.g. here and here, that there is no need for any dangerous gene therapy mRNA injections because inexpensive, very safe, Nobel prize-winning drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could provide very good prevention and treatments for Covid and could have avoided most of the deaths.
These cheap drugs have indeed proved highly successful at treating Covid in many non-conformist countries around the world, usually administered early before any hospitalisation is needed. It is criminal to pretend that Covid is a “public health emergency” when such effective treatments could easily be made available. Why didn’t Nicola Sturgeon’s devolved health service authorise these beneficial drugs for use in Scotland? Why has no politician campaigned on this issue?
The Covid lockdown lies and skulduggeries
The fatal flaws in the Covid establishment’s Great Reset strategy which they will hopefully be unable to overcome short of using Nazi-like brutality (e.g. mandatory vaccinations) as they try to achieve their nefarious hidden agenda are (i) Covid turned out to be a relatively mild disease, recently stated by the WHO to be comparable to flu, and (ii) the Covid vaccines turned out to give hardly any immunity to Covid and to be very harmful in themselves, as explained by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and others.
The first UK lockdown started on 23 March 2020, with Boris Johnson saying it only needed three weeks to flatten the sombrero. That was a sham as he had already decided that the only exit from the pandemic would be to get the entire population vaccinated. We know this from the recent open letter which explains the seemingly-illogical move made by the government just before the first lockdown, namely to downgrade Covid-19 from its then-prevailing status of High Consequence Infectious Disease.
High Consequence status carries a legal requirement that “It is a public health responsibility to consider antiviral prophylaxis, and arrange as necessary”. At the same time the government declared that cheap and effective hydroxychloroquine was not suitable for treating Covid-19. Safe and effective ivermectin had already been banned so these moves paved the way for the government strategy of insisting (without saying so) that the only way out of the pandemic was to vaccinate the entire population.
It is patently obvious that their criminal WEF ulterior motive has from day one been to get the entire population hooked on vaccine passports which will be morphed into social credit digital IDs (already started) to make slaves of us all. Fauci’s 1980s AIDS Big Pharma rip-off is being replicated globally. As with AIDS, these moves have condemned many thousands to die needlessly.
The following lays bare the blatant lies of the establishment’s Covid narrative by a simple analysis of the graph of daily UK Covid deaths (takes a few seconds to appear). Global establishment lackeys Jeremy Hunt and Greg Clark recently led a study which concluded that lives could have been saved by locking down sooner but that was an unscientific fiction. Switching to a log scale shows that the rate of mortality was already declining in March 2020 rather than increasing exponentially (straight line).
The initial Covid deaths spike peaked on 14 April 2020. This was due to the remorseless Susceptible/Infected/Recovered law of epidemiology which ex-health secretary Hunt and Clark wilfully ignored, not the lockdown. There is a large body of evidence proving that lockdowns are ineffective at stopping such a virus. To the contrary, there is no evidence that lockdowns work. As co-conspirator Neil Ferguson let slip “we didn’t think we could get away with it”. Lockdown was the number one Covid abuse.
The proof that forced lockdowns were pointless is non-conformist, highly-urbanised Sweden which fared better than the UK with no stay-at-home orders, no forced business or restaurant closures, no facemask mandates and schools for up to age 16 kept open throughout. Jeremy Hunt’s own 2019 UK virus pandemic plan which was immediately jettisoned by the Covid establishment for the purpose of their nefarious ulterior motive didn’t even mention the concept of lockdown.
By July 2020 UK daily Covid deaths had fallen 95% from the peak and until mid-September they were statistically negligible, all without any vaccines. The UK Covid epidemic was statistically deemed to have ended around the end of May 2020.
Instead of rejoicing as honest politicians would have done, the government reacted by imposing further restrictions including their self-confessed useless facemask mandate and “the rule of six”. These restrictions were accompanied by dire warnings of an imagined deadly second wave which never ever arrived. These perverse moves were “unfathomable“ at the time but their motivation is now obvious. Any fiction to drag out their fake Covid “crisis” no matter the massive collateral damage caused. Massive criminality.
Covid-attributed deaths then rose gently through October and November to reach a steady level in December. This minor increase was dishonestly exploited by the government and their advisors to ramp up their Covid fear-mongering even although they would have known that this level of deaths was entirely normal for midwinter respiratory illnesses (scroll down to the first graph). In fact 2020 saw about the same number of deaths per 100,000 people as 2008.
In December the UK Covid vaccine rollout started which caused the huge January spike in deaths (same graph as before). We know this spike in deaths was due to the vaccines because this video animation shows that the same thing happened in many countries around the world as they started their own vaccine rollouts. It is backed up by this independent study of 14 countries showing the same pattern and by this analysis by Professor Norman Fenton (who has also debunked the government’s fraudulent “1 in 3 people who have Covid-19 have no symptoms” adverts). This Norwegian report explains why it happened.
Care homes throughout the UK reported outbreaks within days of vaccination taking place including here, here, here, here, here and here. These reports were quickly hushed up and have never been mentioned again. Criminality by cover-up, criminality by continuing to promote these dangerous vaccines.
The Covid establishment even had the brass neck to exploit this vaccine-induced disaster by making out that the January spike in deaths was their long lost “second wave” and that it was all the more necessary to take the vaccine jabs. Blatant criminality.
It is notable that the UK fall in Covid-attributed deaths from the January 2021 spike was negligibly different with vaccines from the fall in Covid deaths from the April 2020 spike without vaccines. (The Delta variant which swept the UK between early-April and late-June 2021 had no discernible influence on this fall). However unlike summer 2020 when there were there were almost no Covid deaths, in June 2021 UK Covid-attributed deaths stared to rise. These were most probably caused by the vaccines. Analysis of all-cause mortality data shows no evidence that the vaccines are effective. See also this twitter thread.
The above reality lays bare the anti-scientific and mendacious claptrap presented at Johnson/Witty/Vallance press conference briefings on their pretence to be “tackling the pandemic”. The same goes for Sturgeon’s performances.
The global Covid establishment’s fake knee-jerk overreaction to the latest very mild “scariant” (Omicron), the resulting ongoing collateral damage and using it to coerce people to take the dangerous vaccine is yet more criminality. It is now obvious that Boris Johnson’s tyrannical “Plan B” (vaccine passports) has been his duplicitous “Plan A” all along.
Despite all the contrary evidence staring them in the face, some commentators and backbench politicians continue to delude themselves that the Covid vaccines have been a “UK success story”. In reality they have been a worse-than-useless disaster, with a slew of long-term timebomb ADE vaccine adverse reactions still waiting to happen. Wake up!
The Covid establishment is now hoist on the petard of their own cheating regulation changes to attribute as many deaths as possible to Covid (death “with” counts the same as death “from”) to keep up the fear factor and scare more people into taking the dangerous vaccines. Now the more they vaccinate, the more Covid-attributed deaths they get.
Vaccine injuries and deaths
The despicable decision to vaccinate children (despite no child trial data) finally tipped me into being certain that this was not about “tackling the virus” but was rather all about a much darker ulterior agenda. All those involved in that decision deserve to go to jail. Healthy children are at negligible risk from Covid but they face very real danger of injury and death from the vaccine.
The government recently made a clear admission that myocarditis is a serious post-vaccine adverse reaction risk and that it “has been described in a high percentage of children admitted to hospital”. Consultant surgeon Dr Anthony Hinton posts that that “myocarditis has a 5 year mortality rate of more than 50 percent”. Yet the government pushes on mercilessly. Sickening criminality.
The UK Yellow Card system has already recorded 1.3 million vaccine adverse reactions and 1,800 vaccine-suspected deaths. It is possible that only 10 percent of actual cases, maybe as few as one percenty, get recorded by the system. All the warnings on the dangers of the vaccines, e.g. here, here, here, here, here and here have gone unexamined and unreported by the MHRA which runs the system. Why have these dangerous vaccines not been withdrawn long ago, especially when their efficacy is strongly disputed? The answer is obvious and has not been denied (see my Introduction). Utter criminality.
A recent study shows that the Covid vaccines “dramatically” increase heart risk which surely explains why so many footballers, athletes and pilots are collapsing and dying. It is criminal to ignore this as WEF co-conspirator Boris Johnson is doing. Even worse than his Plan B medically-pointless vaccine passports, he is now calling for a ‘national debate’ on mandatory vaccinations (89 percent against) if enough people don’t take the useless, dangerous vaccines. He and his ilk urgently need to be removed from office.
The Covid establishment is clearly in breach of international law, particularly the post-WWII 1948 Nuremberg Code (the fake pandemic is apparently “so bad” that the NHS is planning to sack many of its essential doctors and nurses) and the later Siracusa Convention. It is very disturbing that the children of Hitler’s Third Reich are leading the way on this tyranny. The proto-fascist German boss of the EU recently told a press conference she is in favour of scrapping the Nuremberg Code and forcing people to take the Covid vaccine. Has she no self-awareness? It’s probably just a coincidence that she is on the board of WEF Trustees.
Hopefully these people will soon have to answer to charges of crimes against humanity served on them by the likes of international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich. Here is his recent “message to the world” exposing the criminal Covid scam, emphasising the unfit-for-purpose PCR test system used to produce highly-exaggerated, fear-mongering numbers of Covid “cases” (casedemics), and explaining how he and his large team of lawyers plan to respond.
In the UK we have (among others) the formidable Anna De Buisseret working with lawyer colleagues across the country to confront Covid crimes, especially the vaccination of children without medical justification or proper informed consent.
She describes the scale of the Covid establishment’s human rights-trampling Covid skulduggery in this video interview (starts at 30 sec) thus: “These are the biggest crimes against humanity ever committed in the history of humankind”. She and her colleagues are busy serving legally-irrefutable notices of liability for Covid criminal offences on people at all levels who they have identified as having broken the law, including those guilty by omitting to act to prevent harm, as ignorance of the law is no defence.
I fervently hope that a good number of the self-serving, imperious Covid establishment end up in prison for the crimes against humanity they have inflicted on us. When that happens we will hopefully hear no more of the WEF’s wretched “Great Reset” and its stable-mate “climate emergency” fabrication.
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Vaccine autopsy results in first presentation are extremely sobering.
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On the other hand, you could say that people who believe the murdering politicians are committing suicide.
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The world couldn’t care less. Everyone thinks it will be the other guy that gets murdered by big pharma.