Tyrannical EU Commissioner Urges Scrapping Nuremberg Code

What does a President do if a law no longer fits her agenda? Why, she seeks to invalidate it. In the wake of Austria’s tyrannical lockdown of free thought citizens who choose not to receive the ‘vaccine’ still in its experimental stages, the EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code.

Ursula Van Der Leyen, the appointed not elected head of the EU commission, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get Genocide-Jabbed despite mountain evidence that those receiving the highly profitable injections are suffering and dying in far greater numbers than those refusing to be injected.

Ursula Van Der Leyen, the unelected head of the EU commission, told the Press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID.

‘Hey, it’s just the Nuremberg code. Only what we learned from the Nazi atrocities, not least those that were medical,’ sarcastically notes esteemed professor, lecturer and podcaster Dr Jordan Peterson:

In Austria, people over 12 who are not vaccinated are currently almost completely locked down, only allowed outside for absolutely essential tasks like food or medical appointments.

In an interview she gave to the BBC, the EU Sabbath witch said that it was ‘understandable and appropriate’ to consider vaccine mandates, especially due to the new Omicron variant of COVID 19.

‘How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union? This needs discussion. This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be led,’ commented Van Der Leyen to the BBC.

The World Health Organisation, however, has strongly encouraged countries not to enact travel bans because of Omicron, and further iterated that early data points to the fact that most Omicron cases are not severe. Most of the world’s governments are not paying attention to the WHO’s guidelines on this occasion, however.

The Nuremberg Code was enacted in 1947, immediately after the Second World War to prevent many of the egregious human rights abuses said by the victors to have been enacted by the ‘Nazis’ and the Imperial Japanese during the war.

Reproduced here below is the section of the Nuremberg Code which is in question. Source


PSI Editor’s note:  The EU has reached a tipping point now.  Abandoning the Nuremberg Code, the most important medical protection given to the world in the wake of the horrors of Nazi genocidal atrocities, is a betrayal of the tens of millions of soldiers and civilians who gave their lives for freedom during World War 2.

More at europerenaissance.com

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Comments (6)

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    Ken Hughes


    So, let’s get this right,……They want to continue murdering people, but would really wish to do so without legal risk to themselves? There’s only one thing worse than a psychopathic crook, and that’s a psychopathic crook who manipulates the law.


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    very old white guy


    I think scrapping her would be a very good idea. The world does not a return to Nazi insanity.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi VOWG,
      I think hanging her from a tree as a Christmas decoration would bring joy to the world.


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    I would suggest that she be the first or next one to be heading for the Nuremburg Tribunal, actually just skip the tribunal and send her straight to the gallows, right along side Canada’s Trudeau.


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    let the slut and her fuckofeller warburg frankist masters say what they want, what the light will enact uppn this shit will provide eternitys of schadenfreude


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    Maria Pace


    Maybe she needs to visit a Covid 19 ridden hospital and see for herself what the vaccinated are suffering through, because of her jabs mandates. She needs to be removed from her position, ASAP. What gives her the right to change a safety code, that was set up to prevent people like her from doing what she is proposing to do at such a time as this? She needs to either be indicted or fitted for a straight jacket. BETTER YET TAKE HER BEFORE A FIRING SQUAD, BY PASS THE TRIAL.


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