Open Letter to UK Politicians on COVID Skullduggery

In these dark days of official censorship of any views running counter to government Covid orthodoxy, it is important that politicians should be exposed to contrarian Covid facts as synthesised by an independent-minded layman.

Hence my updated email essay on this vital issue exposing the shocking skulduggeries of the establishment’s blatantly dishonest Covid narrative. All politician recipients need to face up to reality and look to their consciences.

The seriously flawed Covid vaccines

You should be aware that Nicola Sturgeon’s Covid-19 advisor Professor Devi Sridhar appeared recently on the BBC children programme Newsround to spout callously irresponsible propaganda on the subject of vaccinating children, including the blatantly untrue statement that the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is “100 per cent safe”.

The details of her false assertions are spelled out in this article. She has been taken to task on this by the independent HART Group via this this open letter and indirectly by this video deploring the government’s apparent intention to coerce (non-physically) the Covid vaccination of all children. My concern on this issue is as the grandfather of seven.

I hope you agree that it would be appalling selfish, as powerfully expressed in this short Neil Oliver video, to subject healthy children (and young adults) to the potentially life-impairing risks of Covid vaccinations which are vastly greater than the risks they face from the virus itself, as reported in numerous non-mainstream articles and video interviews which sadly never get taken up by the Ofcom-muzzled mainstream media, such as:

UK Yellow Card Covid vaccine adverse reports (who knew that the UK has already racked up almost a million vaccine adverse reaction reports, including over 1,300 fatalities? Sadly, it is estimated that these statistics only report about 10% of actual cases), Dr Tess Lawrie open letter to MHRA on Yellow Card data (fobbed off), HART Group open letter to MHRA on child vaccination (fobbed off), Dr Dolores Cahill interview (frightening revelations about the long-understood yet brushed aside problems of mRNA vaccines, short-term such as the sudden deaths of four healthy BA airline pilots and the longer-term timebomb of antibody-dependent disease enhancement, a recent peer-reviewed study which concludes that the vaccines kill two people for every three lives they save, InformScotland open letter (informed consent, negligence liabilities), Dr Peter McCulloch interview and transcript (devastating criticism of the vaccination programme from a top USA doctor), a similarly devastating article from Dr Joseph Mercola on why children should not be given the vaccine, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi interview (covering vaccination adverse events including clotting, disease enhancement and the risks to children), an open letter from a GP on the government’s woeful vaccination ethics, a similar story about a GP barred from the NHS for taking a conscientious stand on Covid vaccinations and treatments, and finally three further doleful articles on the subject here, here and here. Yet sceptical individuals who are reluctant to take this dangerous experimental vaccine get smeared as “anti-vaxxers”.

As further explained below, there is a highly significant additional dimension of Covid vaccination fatal side-effect risk to the cohort of the very frail and vulnerable, typically care home residents, which is not explicitly mentioned in the above litany.

Meanwhile, the establishment powers ahead with their Covid mass vaccination campaign under new clone Health Secretary Sajid Javid who is also pushing for unnecessary “booster jabs” in the autumn despite the sky-high levels of vaccine adverse reaction reports which, based on all established medical precedent, should have halted low priority vaccine rollout long ago.

The official USA VAERS statistics show that more people have already died from the Covid vaccines than are reported to have died from all other vaccines in the USA in the past, yet the US authorities are also still pressing ahead.

Almost everything the public has been told about Covid is untrue

The rollout is confirming the views of the above independent experts that the Covid vaccines are of very dubious merit and have in fact proved fatal to many vulnerable older people with impaired immune systems. You should be aware of the public data which shows that a steep rise in deaths has coincided with the start of vaccine rollout in many countries around the world including the UK, dramatically illustrated by this chilling animation produced by a HART Group statistics expert covering some 90 countries, backed up by this independent study of 14 countries showing the same pattern.

So many “coincidences” all around the world point to an indisputable truth which will surely soon become widely known (the truth will out). Sadly, our muzzled mainstream media remains silent on this shocking issue. Other countries are at least partially wise to the Covid vaccine dangers, for example with the AstraZeneca vaccine blocked for under-60s in Australia and Greece.

The above studies show how last winter’s England and Scotland Covid death curves followed a gentle build-up through October, November and December driven by the then endemic virus, a curve similar to the typical profile of respiratory illness deaths in previous winters (scroll down to the first graph). Up to this point everything tallied with the expectations of independent scientists that, contrary to the provenly-wrong, untrustworthy SAGE scaremongering, a significant Covid second wave was very unlikely.

The UK Covid daily death curve then changed dramatically in January with a sudden upwards spike coinciding with, allowing for a short delay, the start of the UK Covid vaccine rollout. Thus the UK’s so-called Covid “second wave”, which turned out to be worse than the first wave, appears to have been due mainly to the vaccines rather than the virus.

There were a few scattered reports at the time of mass care home deaths soon after the residents had been given their top priority vaccinations, for example this Guardian report (sadly off the mark in hindsight) of outbreaks at 635 care home facilities in England in mid-January, four times the levels recorded at the start of December, and this BBC report of continuing deaths of vaccinated care home residents in early February. These reports were quickly hushed up and have never been mentioned again. The ONS remains schtum on the subject. An uncensored report from a Norwegian health authority explains this vaccine fatal side-effect risks to the very frail.

In view of this sadly perverse outcome it seems no coincidence that the UK is a world leader in both Covid vaccine rollout and number of Covid deaths per million of population.

Moreover there is no empirical evidence that the thankfully extremely low current level of UK deaths attributed to Covid (about 1% of all deaths) has come about due to the vaccines and lockdown restrictions as the government asserts without a shred of credible* scientific proof, although sadly a large proportion of the brainwashed, scared witless general public has swallowed the deceitful establishment narrative hook, line and sinker.

Boris Johnson has unsurprisingly muddled his scientifically-unsupported narrative by claiming at one point that it was mainly the lockdown that “did the trick” (the same unjustified claim as made a year ago), whereas he now claims it was mainly due to the vaccines.

Professor Neil Ferguson and his IC team produced a computer model study attempting to “prove” that lockdowns in Europe saved 3 million lives. This was more of the same of their previous seriously-wrong predictions based on pessimistic and incorrect assumptions such as taking inadequate account of the seasonality of the virus and the age-stratification of Covid impact (click on “Show this thread” to view).

Their self-serving study has been totally debunked by many independent experts, including by world-leading epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis (15 minutes in).

More obvious reasons for the very low current Covid death rate are:

(i) Virus seasonality: Covid deaths both here and in minimal lockdown Sweden dropped to similarly low levels a year ago when the epidemic effectively ended (became endemic), obviously well before any vaccines – scroll down to view the historic Daily New Deaths graph for the UK here and Sweden here. The previous link is to a devastating data analysis video which deduces that, statistically, the UK epidemic ended around the end of May 2020. This analysis was posted on odysee after being blocked by globalist elite-supporting YouTube (Google) who also, along with fellow-Big Tech censors Facebook and Twitter, routinely blocked posts contrary to globalist orthodoxy such as on cheap and provenly effective Covid treatments like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and even vitamin D, clearly done in order to delay the return to normality.

(ii) The sad reality that so many of the susceptible have already been killed off, unavoidably in the 2020 first wave (sadly made worse by care home mismanagement) and unexpectedly following the 2021 vaccine rollout.

It is beyond belief that the entire country has been locked down in one form or another since March 2020 (“three weeks to flatten the sombrero” said Boris Johnson), all for the sake of an average age of Covid death higher than average UK life expectancy (as of end 2020).

This is not to diminish the fact that Covid-19 is a nasty and dangerous disease and that the many deaths that have occurred are very sad, but why on earth were the “focused protection” proposals of last autumn’s Great Barrington Declaration to exploit the thousand-fold difference in Covid-19 severity impact between the young and healthy and the old and vulnerable rejected out of hand by the global establishment? Obvious answer: to delay the return to normality.

The entire Coronavirus scandal has been driven by hopelessly-flawed mass testing of the overwhelmingly healthy general population using unfit-for-purpose test equipment to create a falsely-exaggerated neverending “casedemic” which, together with the obviously unfit-for-purpose vaccines and provenly ineffectual lockdowns imposed without any cost/benefit analysis will hopefully soon come under high-profile legal proceedings for “crimes against humanity”. For more on the German/American lead lawyer see here, here and here.

See also this account of the heroic efforts of a retired Police Constable to report senior members of the government and SAGE for the criminal offence of “misconduct in public office”.

From the outset of the pandemic Professor Devi Sridhar has been giving dangerously flawed advice to Nicola Sturgeon on her wrong-headed obsessions of trying to achieve “Zero Covid” and trying to get 100 percent of the population vaccinated. Professor Sridhar is an anthropologist with no conventional medical qualifications and it is high time she was removed from her Covid advisory role, for the sake the people of Scotland and the rest of the UK. I hope you agree and will convey this sentiment to Nicola Sturgeon.

The June deferral by Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon of the lifting of lockdown restrictions and hence the prolongation of ongoing lockdown collateral damage is totally unjustified given that UK Covid deaths have fallen to negligible levels, with overall deaths running at normal levels.

This has happened despite the arrival of the previous Kent (Alpha) “scariant” (a variant exploited politically to prolong the lockdown despite every variant so far being at most an insignificant 0.3 percent different from the Wuhan original) and the now widespread Indian (Delta) “scariant” (links to a short video which uses government data to prove that it has had imperceptible impact on hospitalisations), backed up by this Tweet showing the age-stratifications.

The deceptions spun by our politicians and their advisors in order to prolong their restrictions are an insult to the intelligence of the general public.

Their consistently-wrong Garbage In, Garbage Out models and their use of out-of-date and hopelessly pessimistic data are easily seen through, as shown for example by this HART Group analysis. Further such analyses are given here, here and here.

A charitable explanation for the seeming inability of the entire political class to get us out of their self-imposed Coronavirus dystopia is that they have been so severely infected by the all-pervading scaremongering propaganda which they themselves have created and supported that they have lost all sense of proportionality. If this benign explanation is the case, they urgently need to pull themselves together, to stop being so unduly timorous and risk averse, to reverse all their scaremongering propaganda and to get us back to normality, like America and Europe.

There is a darker explanation, sadly more probable, which tallies with the establishment-supporting WHO’s Orwellian re-definition of herd immunity early in the pandemic to delete reference to natural immunity and refer only to vaccine-acquired immunity; and with the politicians’ repeated goalpost-shifting deceptions; their denial of pre-existing virus immunity and traducing of the very concept of “herd immunity”; their rejection of the Great Barrington Declaration; their refusal to do any lockdown cost/benefit analysis; their shunning of cheap and effective Covid treatments; their scientifically unjustified fearmongering on, for example, unproven “1 in 3” asymptomatic transmission, on highly-inflated “case” numbers, on variants negligibly different from the original virus, on “follow the money” Matt Hancock’s faux-hysterical claim last autumn that “hundreds of thousands of deaths” could follow if the virus were allowed to “rip through” the country again, and on supposedly rampant “long Covid” in children; and their determination to impose harmful and unnecessary mass vaccinations, callously ignoring the sky-high levels of vaccine adverse reaction reports.

This darker explanation is that from the very outset of the pandemic (following their 2019 planning exercise), our politicians and the global establishment have been pursuing a hidden agenda of using the Covid vaccinations as a Trojan horse for the imposition of biosecurity and ultimately Chinese-style social credit digital identity passports to control the lives of the entire population.

Their scientifically flawed rush to get everyone vaccinated before the people realise what is really going on explains all of their otherwise unfathomable Covid fearmongering and delaying tactics on the lifting of lockdown restrictions. Their desperate vaccine rush even includes children who are at minimal risk from the virus as well as those who already have natural immunity from having had Covid and the large cohort who have pre-existing immunity from other coronaviruses.

If this malign explanation is the case, their choice of this dangerous experimental vaccine betrays their utterly sickening desperation to acquire any tool they can wield no matter how harmful, both directly via its short-term and unknown longer-term adverse side-effects and indirectly via its prolonged lockdown collateral damage, to coerce the general public to conform to the unwanted agendas of the undemocratic globalist elite.


The “Great Reset” plans of the undemocratic Davos/WEF/UN/global elite are laid bare in a pair of short video essays here and here. Writer Laura Dodsworth has researched how the establishment has exploited the basic humanity of the general public by using what she calls “psychological terrorism“ to blow out of all proportion what was clearly proved a year ago to be a relatively minor,soon endemic public health shock, confirmed by the fact that despite Covid, UK age-standardised mortality in 2020 turned out better than in 2008 and before.

That they resorted to such cruel and damaging methods over a span of 16 long months in order to advance their tyrannical vision of the future in which they will be the main beneficiaries betrays their utter contempt for the ordinary general public, or their catastrophically bad political judgment.

In fact their plans are a re-grouping of the undemocratic, unaccountable UN’s long-established Sustainable Development Agenda, previously known as Agenda 21 (aka the New World Order), now re-branded as the Great Reset (aka the Green New Deal). This is never mentioned by our politicians other than to parrot the fatuous “Build Back Better” mantra, has never featured in any UK general election manifesto and has no mandate from the UK electorate.

It is high time for UK politicians to stop treating the electorate like children and to come clean as to what they are really up to or, to be charitable, what they have inadvertently stumbled into. They can be forgiven if they start telling the truth and admit to their mistakes, but not if they continue with their increasingly obvious deceptions.

Hopefully the unanticipated severe flaws in the Covid vaccines will scupper their globalist scheming when the truth comes out, together with the reality that US states like Florida and Texas, and hopefully other democracies – maybe even the UK if the people wake up – will never put up with their confected nonsense.

That includes their unnecessary and totally infeasible make-believe plans to “tackle climate change”, typified by their technically nonsensical thinking that low energy-density, short lifespan, resource-consuming, unreliable windmills are the way to a “sustainable” future.

As my MP, I hope you can assure me that the post-pandemic plans of our elected rulers are benign and democratic, not oppressively malign and autocratic as appears to be the case, and that the July deadline for the lifting of restrictions will be observed with no strings attached, especially with regard to unnecessary vaccinations and vaccine passports.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas Brodie, Nairn

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (8)

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    What really pisses me off is mask mandates. I have read a number of studies which all conclude masks are ineffective against the C-19 virus. Yet ‘useful idiots’ have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into wearing the damn things wherever they go. You see them wearing a mask while driving their car. You see them in a park by themselves wearing a mask. It’s pathetic!!!


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Mervyn:
      Government has no right to mandate anything that interferes with your natural rights as to your property, business, assembly, personal effects, free speech or your body. Under the U.S. constitution the 4th Amed. is supposed to assure that you are secure in your personal effects. This has been abrogated by the illegal income tax and other intrusions. Your finances are none of the governments business. Under our original government all taxes, levies, duties, imposts and excises must be uniform through out the United States. Only gold and silver was currency, therefore prohibiting the elites no. 1 tool for generating war and expanding the size of government, the fiat banking cartel.

      The elite such as Zionist Nancy and her nephew Gavin and many the other parasites have been caught ignoring the mandates while some cucked idiots are true believers as shown on the video below. Ignore Alex Jew Jones at the end of it. Also the Zionists control most key positions such as governors. Now they are passing laws to limit criticism of the terrorist state of Israel. Where is that free speech the Jews at the ACLU were always hollering about.


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    This article is excellent.


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    The article is indeed excellent Mervyn but as an open letter it will unfortunately be useless. To those successfully propagandized including most MPs its information overload contrary to their own thinking so will be ignored.
    A better approach is to highlight one indisputable lie such as the suppression of known existing treatments and ask them to justify the unjustifiable. People don’t change their views 180 degrees overnight, its a steep learning curve and takes time which is unfortunately something we don’t have.


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      Andrew Pilkington


      Hi Ogmios.

      I think you are sadly right about that one as I overloaded our local MP and he only answered 1 question. Seems better to just give them one thing to answer at once without giving away what we know/expect to be true, but they only reply with what their Party tell them to say, anyway.
      My Missus keeps reminding me “KISS” (“Keep It Short & Sweet, but I fail everytime 🙂 “Do what they do, 3x Key Words that are easy to remember”, she says and maybe she’s right. So she tries to rescue the Zombies, with a bit of Education, her way and I generally concentrate on the information Sharing side and uploading side of things, with people who know what’s happening 🙂

      I agree with Mervyn though. It really is such a horrible feeling, being out at the shops with Muzzled people around. Some turn Hostile when confronted with our version of the Truth and tbh, I have to avoid looking at them and stick to driving or recording either my views, or the Snot Rockets, when we are being fumigated from above, or usually playing Candy Crush Soda, on my little tablet?
      The Free NHS Face Nappies, btw, have the Nanoworms in them. I released a video dated 28.06.2021 which Clearly Proves that they are in the fibres and boy do they move when breathed upon, with Warm Breath:
      This masks was from “West Park Hospital”, in Darlington, N.E. England.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Hi Doug.

    For some really heartfelt views on all subjects, but especially them injecting our Grandkids. You will find “Dr. Vernon Coleman”, a Real Hero, and “UK Column” is maybe the most reliable and honest News Organisation left, although there are likely others?

    I think BoJo the Clown has set us up for a massive Fall, Doug? Ally Doctors and Scientists, are predicting that bodies will start piling up by the Millions, pretty soon. COVID-19 injection (“Vaccine”) Deaths. And I expect they will turn it all around to be “Our” fault, for refusing to comply, and then come hostilities from the Zombies, of who I sadly know so many / thought I knew them?

    You’re right, Doug. I’m maybe a bit deeper in the Rabbit Hole, but nicely said. I hope you get a satisfactory reply? 🙂


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      Douglas Brodie



      I doubt if it will get as bad as you suggest. Most of the very vulnerable have sadly already been taken from us, either by the virus or the vaccine. The vaccine rollout will continue to maim and kill far more than would have been allowed for any vaccine in the past but these numbers are relatively easy to cover up, which is what the authorities are doing.

      What could be much more serious is antibody-dependent enhancement if the vaccinated are exposed to a wild Coronavirus perhaps years later, see Dr Dolores Cahill here:

      The chance of me getting a reply from any of the 70 or so political addressee is zero. Fortunately one of my bcc addressees, John O’Sullivan of PSI, has come up trumps.


  • Avatar

    Douglas Brodie



    I doubt if it will get as bad as you suggest. Most of the very vulnerable have sadly already been taken from us, either by the virus or the vaccine. The vaccine rollout will continue to maim and kill far more than would have been allowed for any vaccine in the past but these numbers are relatively easy to cover up, which is what the authorities are doing.

    What could be much more serious is antibody-dependent enhancement if the vaccinated are exposed to a wild Coronavirus perhaps years later, see Dr Dolores Cahill here:

    The chance of me getting a reply from any of the 70 or so political addressee is zero. Fortunately one of my bcc addressees, John O’Sullivan of PSI, has come up trumps.


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