Success: Settlement regarding ivermectin now an order of court

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Image: ET Health World

The civil rights organisation AfriForum and Dr George Coetzee today achieved a further success in the fight for access to ivermectin when the settlement for the compounding of and access to ivermectin with the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) was made an order of court.

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Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Mass Murder by ‘Vaccine’

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The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ‘vaccine’ administered by this same criminal state.

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Euro Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place in 2018. Coincidence?

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With the world being told that so-called ‘vaccine passports’ will be required for all international travel in future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theatres, concerts and sports events, the impression we are being given is that the measure is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic. In Europe, however, which hosts 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical exporting countries, planning for vaccine passports began at least 20 months prior to the start of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Current cold weather likely to continue from solar minimum

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Land masses across the northern hemisphere are experiencing a true taste of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM this spring, as while brief pockets of heat have intermittently prevailed, Arctic cold has never been far away, forever-threatening to wipe out those tender early-season crops that have been “tricked” into sprouting.

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Medical Doctor Explains Why He Declined the COVID Vaccine

Written by MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine

Suneel Dhand MD says in this video: “I am a doctor that recommends routine vaccinations to all my patients. Vaccinations have been amazing for humanity. Here’s my story and unique concern, and I want to throw this question out to an open SCIENTIFIC DEBATE. Would you get the vaccine if you were me?”

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The growing backlash against Coronafascism Across Europe

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Image: JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images

A Brussels court has ordered the Belgian government to lift “all coronavirus measures” within 30 days after finding they were instituted on an insufficient legal basis. The court order is part of a growing legal backlash across Europe to the draconian emergency restrictions introduced by governments to counter the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

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