New Side Effect From mRNA COVID Vaccines?

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Herpes zoster reactivation — a.k.a. shingles — following COVID-19 vaccination in six patients with comorbid autoimmune/inflammatory diseases may be a new adverse event associated with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, suggested a new report.

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Matt Hancock owns shares in NHS-approved firm

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Image: Reuters

Health Secretary Matt Hancock owns shares in a company which was approved as a potential supplier for NHS trusts in England, it has emerged. In March, he declared he had acquired more than 15% of Topwood Ltd, which was granted the approved status in 2019. The firm, which specialises in the secure storage, shredding and scanning of documents, also won £300,000 of business from NHS Wales this year.

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Key Questions For Globalist Swamp Creatures

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Image: World Logo

Jean Luc Montagnier won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008. He said that covid-19 was made in a lab. It contains strands from the HIV virus. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. This allows it to enter human cells. 4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP 41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies.

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How best to power Africa in the future?

Written by Jack Dini

Africa is a massive place, much bigger than most folks realize from just looking at a map. The African continent has a land area of 30.37 million square kilometers (11.7 million square miles)–enough to fit in the US, China, India, Japan, Mexico and many European nations, combined. (1)

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IBM Colluded With Hitler, Now Makes Vaccine Passports

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

Image: Sambad English

It would be naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data could not end up being used as a tool for social control and the destruction of certain groups of people.

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COVID19 Expert: Vaccines Are DESIGNED to Cause Blood Clots

Written by Chembuster

Expert on COVID19, Dr. Richard Fleming: We are not dealing with a natural occurring virus, which is designed to increase infection and produce inflammation and blood clots. The vaccines that are being used contain a human-inserted spike protein gene sequence. And they are producing inflammation and blood clots now.

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Jay Bhattacharya and the heroic Great Barrington Declaration

Written by Tom Woods

Image: John Anderson

Well, I just recorded rather a memorable episode of the Tom Woods Show. Before we started recording, I joked with my guest — Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya, one of the three authors of the heroic Great Barrington Declaration — about what it’s like suddenly having fans.

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Discussion: Manmade Climate Change; The Story & The Reality

Written by John O'Sullivan

Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin discusses the science, history, and politics of the AGW and manmade climate change alarmism debate. He explains the ultimate climate change alarmists goal: drastic population reduction and socialistic one world government.

The method is to indoctrinate people into believing that fossil fuels create climate change and only renewable energy is safe.

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Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?

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Will a vaccine to SARS-CoV-2 actually make the problem worse? Although not a certainty, all of the current data says that this prospect is a real possibility that needs to be paid careful attention to. If you stay with me, I’ll explain why.

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