World history is replete with imaginary gods and demons that man has blamed for conditions and events beyond human control.
CO2’s Role In The Great ‘Climate Change’ Deception
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
World history is replete with imaginary gods and demons that man has blamed for conditions and events beyond human control.
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70 percent of London’s COVID hospitalisations were diagnosed after the patient had already been admitted for other ailments, it has been revealed.
Written by Jack Dini
Written by Steve Kirsch
I had eight independent ways to show this before. And now there are nine. And nobody has a defensible number < 150,000.
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English medical dissenter Sam White and his legal team on Monday presented what they claim is “significant and irrefutable evidence” of COVID-19 vaccine safety issues to London’s Metropolitan Police — and a criminal investigation has now been launched.
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Dear Minister Elliott, many of Ontario’s citizens are increasingly anxious about the – apparently never ending—restrictions of their former activities and undertakings to earn a living.
Written by Kyle Becker
Masking children is pointless and cruel. A study that purportedly claimed otherwise gets exposed by experts contacted by the mainstream press.
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The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments on challenges to the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Written by The Daily Mail
A leading vaccines expert backed Boris Johnson‘s refusal to toughen England’s Covid restrictions, saying that mass deaths and hospitalisations from Covid are ‘history’.
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The Amazon basin is the world’s largest river basin, with intricate and complex hydrology. It stretches across seven nations and feeds four of the ten largest rivers in the world.
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Astronomers rarely use their telescopes to simply take pictures. The pictures in astrophysics are usually generated by a process of scientific inference and imagination, sometimes visualized in artist’s impressions of what the data suggests.
Written by Viv Forbes
Wind turbines need a huge area to generate significant electricity. An area the size of Wales would need to be covered in wind turbines just to meet one sixth of UK’s daily energy needs.
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The nation’s recent lockdown policies and mask mandates will create a generation of children who exhibit lower IQs and signs of social brain damage, according to a clinical psychiatrist for children and adolescents.
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Collette Martin, a practicing nurse of seventeen years, spoke at a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing earlier this month about what she has seen in the hospital system during the COVID pandemic.
Written by Dr Paul Alexander
Not yet peer-reviewed however a key paper: this is a devastating finding…the vaccine that has failed against Delta even far worse for Omicron; the table & figure pre-print is devastating for Omicron.
Written by Colin Todhunter
How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enrol only certain people in clinical trials and exclude others or bring the study to a close as soon as you see a spike in the data that implies evidence of effectiveness.