From this edition of Clown World Recap, here are some of this week’s trending clown world news: ‘Christmas’ is now a forbidden word in one woke UK university; U.S. Marines may ban the words ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’ to not offend superiors.
Written by Ben Kaufman
From this edition of Clown World Recap, here are some of this week’s trending clown world news: ‘Christmas’ is now a forbidden word in one woke UK university; U.S. Marines may ban the words ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’ to not offend superiors.
Written by State of the Nation
As the U.S. freezes, some analysts suggest this is a weather war waged against America which has been intensified in order to accomplish multiple Globalist goals and achieve various NWO objectives before the Great Reset.
Written by Matt Taibbi
Sitting in a hotel bar in San Francisco, going through what’s become a nightly “remembering to eat” ritual. As readers here know, this has been a crazy month, during which time I lost track of a lot of things.
A Google news search for the phrase climate change today revealed a story on Climate Home News claiming climate change is harming Indian sugarcane production. Nothing could be further from the truth
Written by
Imagine an engine that needs no propellant. It sounds impossible, and it most likely is.
Written by ANDREW L. URBAN
As the inevitably painful consequences of unfounded climate alarmism hit home with our very own energy crisis, Australians are entitled to point to our massive reserves of oil, coal, and gas (and yes, uranium) and ask, ‘Why? Why are we suddenly running short of ridiculously expensive energy?’
Written by Ian Miller
The steadfast refusal of “experts,” media members and politicians to accept the effectiveness of natural immunity has caused immense damage
Written by Dr Gary Sidley
In our supposedly liberal and transparent democratic country, it seems that a group of remote and unnamed scientists, outside of the formal SAGE infrastructure, effectively imposed masks on British citizens
Written by Dr M. Nisa Khan, Senior Member, IEEE
World-leading authority on LED lighting technology, Dr Nisa Khan, explains in this keynote article that consensus science still does not understand why LEDs and lasers follow Lambert’s Cosine Law instead of the inverse square law. Her findings have massive implications for industry.
Written by Jude Sheerin & Max Matza
Some 200 million Americans are feeling the icy grip of a massive winter storm that has been linked to at least 19 deaths ahead of the holiday weekend.
Written by Camel Finance
Cashless society threat is a nightmare we must wake up to WILL a cyber attack lead to us waking up to a cashless society powered by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and a digital ID?
Written by Frank Bergman
The World Health Organization has labeled unvaccinated people a “major killing force globally” in a new campaign being promoted on social media
Written by S D Wells
It’s obviously not enough to run Ponzi schemes, rackets and scams to rob taxpayers of their hard-earned money in order to put a halt to global warming, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
Written by State of the Nation
Dr. Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a “devastating” Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for “censoring” public discussion with “threats” to doctors
Written by BBC
The Perseverance rover has begun gathering the evidence that may answer the question of whether there is, or was, life on Mars
Written by James Freeman
This column has been making the case that replacing efficient forms of reliable energy with politically favored intermittent power sources is not as easy as it looks.