The Geoengineered U.S. Winter Weather Bomb?

As the U.S. freezes, some analysts suggest this is a weather war waged against America which has been intensified in order to accomplish multiple Globalist goals and achieve various NWO objectives before the Great Reset.

According to the Grudge Report:

A seasonal series of geoterrorist attacks on American soil simply means that during hurricane season, from June 1st through December 1st each and every year, the geoengineers first intensify and then aim their superstorms at specific targets on the southeast U.S. coastline.

Similarly, during the cold season, the same geoterrorists and weather warriors manufacture “winter bomb cyclones” to throw whole regions of the country into chaos and cleanup.

Yes, hurricanes have always happened during Hurricane Season just as snow storms have predictably occurred throughout the North American winters … but not like these Frankenstorms (see screenshot above).

In other words the NWO geoengineers can either hijack a nascent storm and rev it up way above where Mother Nature would have taken it; or, they can engineer a superstorm from scratch as they did with Hurricane Ian which they used to utterly devastate parts of Southwest Florida this past September of 2022.

The Big Chill of 2022

It should come as no surprise to any resident of the 50 states that the New World Order globalist cabal would take great pains to wreck and ruin the 2022 Holiday Season.

Not only do these Khazarian-directed geoterrorists detest what Christmas stands for, they only want to see every Christian nation on Earth start the New Year in the state of complete chaos, confusion and conflict.  Look at all of Europe today.  Look at the United States and Canada.  Look at Ukraine and Russia.  Look at Brazil and Argentina.  Look at Australia and New Zealand.  Etc., etc., etc.

There are numerous reasons why the Khazarian Cabal was intent on wreaking havoc via its powerful weather weaponry this Christmas season throughout North America.  The most self-evident NWO ambitions are as follows:

I.  To greatly weaken and/or collapse state, regional and national energy grids from the North Midwest to Deep South and from the East Coast to the West Coast

II.  To further sabotage and/or collapse the food supply by wiping out vast swaths of agricultural acreage especially where winter crops are vulnerable.

III.  To mass murder some of the millions of homeless and inadequately housed individuals across those regions of the country undergoing an unparalleled deep freeze (See “wind chill” map above)

IV. To distract the American people from the ongoing grand thefts from the U.S Treasury being conducted before the 118th United States Congress meets on January 3, 2023

V.  To  divert the attention of the U.S. citizenry from the countless war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Biden administration, particularly those perpetrated in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.

VI.  To end the year with a smashing advertisement for the globalist-fabricated climate change scam (which is why it’s friggin freezin’ coast to coast right now despite the constant drumbeat of “Global Warming”  ~  “Global Warming”  ~  “Global Warming”)

VII.  To manufacture a sufficient level of chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide so that the Democrat/RINO Uniparty can carry out their traitorous plan to conspicuously overthrow the U.S. Federal Government via a bolshevik revolution.

VII.  To forever cancel the American Republic and bankrupt the US Corporation before installing a totalitarian government in Washington, D.C. which will employ the very worst aspects of both fascism and communism

To be continued between holiday events —

State of the Nation


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Comments (32)

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    The cold is truth, while the heat is a lie, but the cold will finish a fair few who don’t know better, thus adding to the toll. The more the merrier isn’t it.


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    Herb Rose


    The cold is because we have entered a Grand Solar Minimum. Man can do nothing about the weather. If the government tried to make it cold, it would get hot.


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      Well the plan didn’t work this hurricane season, did it? Ian was the exception.
      Maybe the organized global weather terrorists aren’t capable of manipulating weather, much less climate, after all.
      The notion that weather patterns, or more specifically global climate, can be changed by human interference is non-sense.


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        Ellie Mae


        I agree. Lorraine, utter non-sense. And the notion the manmade portion of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere, approximately 166 ppm, controls all of climate is ludicrous.


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          Yet the goal of Net Zero by these fracking Looney Toons will kill all life on this planet if they’re even close to succcess.

          Amazing yet, the ignorance of the Hoi Paloi and “their rducated idiot betters”.


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      I agree with your proposing the scientific explanation, the Grand Solar Minimum is causing colder temperatures. It will continue to intensify before ending around 2065, if anyone is still around to witness it.
      My previous remark was a general comment. It should not have been directed to anyone in particular.


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    For God’s sake will someone get a brain.


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    Greg Spinolae


    Brains are now rationed. Maybe by WEF.
    If weather could be controlled, ALL MANNER of questions are raised…
    eg. Who is responsible for “CLIMATE”? Or the climate SCAM for that matter?


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    Engineered winter? That’s a hoot.


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    Tom O


    I thought it had been proven a long time ago that HAARP was capable of affecting weather. Notice how it has vanished from the public eye for a while. I watched Katrina’s track, the year after FEMA had its “what if” session regarding new Orleans.

    I actually don’t doubt that weather control is possible in single events. I think they have not got it refined enough to use it too frequently as it causes atmospheric chaos that they don’t understand and might too easily spiral out of control.

    Yes, we are entering into the grand solar minimum, but we aren’t exactly there yet.

    if you recall just before they shifted their chant from global warming to climate change, they blaringly made the point that “global warming caused cold, too.” Enhancing an Arctic event would affect far more people than enhancing a hurricane, and it would be especially beneficial, from a chaos generating point, to do such an event AFTER you created a world wide energy crisis, and especially in “the west,” with the stupid sanctions packages and the blowing up of a major gas supply to Europe. Too many parts fit too well together to ignore.


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    C. Paul Barreira


    This website has the term “scientific” in its name. Why?


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      Herb Rose


      Hi C.Paul,
      Science is the search for truth. The scientific publications today are filled with peer reviewed article where people whose beliefs are the same as the authors deem articles worthy for publications. “Science” today is a search for support of orthodoxy. It does not make any difference if experiments are badly designed, evidence is cherry picked to fit theory, or even straight out false, as long as it conforms and supports the current narrative it is accepted. This is not science but propaganda. Copernicus and Galileo were both considered heretics.
      With the advancement of technologies new discoveries are continually being made but todays “science” is committed to finding ways to make new data conform to centuries old theories.
      Science advances because the “experts” are thought to be wrong. PSI publishes a large varieties of articles with different beliefs and deserves the term”scientific” in its name while the established “science” journals should change their titles to reflect they are propaganda support the existing “science religion”.


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        Very well stated Herb.
        Merry Xmas Barry


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi C. Paul,

      Your comment: “This website has the term “scientific” in its name. Why?” Contrary to Barry’s and Herb’s popular opinion that “Science it the search for truth”, science searches for that which is not the truth. All everything not proven to be false by the observations (measures) must be considered possible. Which is maybe you asked: “why”. For maybe you have read many ideas here that you rationally reason are false instead of actually proving they are false by observation as Galileo did with the telescope as he observed that Mercury and Venus has phases like the moon and that that Jupiter had natural satellites which clearly did not obit the earth. Therefore, the Earth could stand still as EVERYTHING ELSE in the universe orbited about the Earth.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Tom O


        The problem is, Jerry, that we don’t agree on what “truth” is. Truth isn’t an absolute because it is never known, only pursued.. So you are right and so is Herb and Barry. However, they appear to be more open to reality than you appear to be at times.

        Have a Nice day, too, Tom O


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Tom O.

        I had just written: “science searches for that which is not the truth. All everything not proven to be false by the observations (measures) must be considered possible.” Maybe my English is not perfect. Is this clearer: All (everything) not proven to be false by observation (measurement) must be considered possible. When I wrote “must be considered possible” it was my attempt to explain (answer) C. Paul’s “Why?”.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Howdy Howdy. Thank you for having my back. The article I referenced is in relation to television news in New Zealand and appeared to have some credence on the release of substance in the stratosphere for geo engineering. though I know msn are usually purveyors of garbage.

          I have been fascinated by the release of twitter files exposure, the tenth tranche confirming doctors and scientists being deplatformed for stating corroborated science on covid and vaccine issues. Things that Johno O’Sullivan has been revealing to us for years.

          As for your reference. They appear to be promoting further gene therapy. We all know that secretory IGA (secretions) is the first line of defense and is activated by swallowing rather than injection.

          Have a great year Howdy.


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            Take care, Moff.

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    Honestly??? Why is this website following and promoting low-life freaks that have fetishes with the Khazarian Cabal?


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    The amount of complete guff from the GeoEng Cult is astounding. They need go back to see what happened to Texas in 2021. The very same thing has happened again. The fear porn continues with “extratropical bomb cyclone” and “bomb cyclone” and Arctic blast” and of course it must be anal Schwab’s Davos team at work.. You give them too much credit WigingtonCult.
    It called a Polar Vortex. It is not rare and is common. it gets disrupted. Here


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi PSI Readers,

      You need to go Sunfacejack’s link. Any of you should, without much background knowledge, be able to understand what you read there. That is, if you have ever experienced the centrifugal effect as a child. For there still are playground equipment on which our children can still play.

      However, if you still believe that the Earth stands still, none of what I just wrote and what you may read, will make sense.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Centrifugal force is experienced every day by millions, on trains, and in vehicles etc, cornering forces, as one traverses a curve. The Earth standing still will have no discernible effect on that.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Howdy,

        You wrote: “The Earth standing still will have no discernible effect on that.” I agree for the key word is “discernible”

        However, I ask: Between what latitudes to the vast majority of the Earth’s population live? And ask: How might the latitude influence the magnitude of the centrifugal effect which exists at a given latitude because the Earth does not stand still?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Obviously the greatest effect is at the equator since the diameter is greatest, though still not enough to be felt, or there would be a lifting sensation.

          My point about standing still is that centrifugal force does not have to be related to something that obviously goes round in a circle, like a merry-go-round, or point on the Earths surface. A vehicular over-steer will induce centrifugal force for example, though it may not be immediately obvious.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Howdy,

        Isn’t the centrifugal effect a vector force which can be divided into a vector parallel to the Earth’s surface and one perpendicular to the Earth’s surface? So that at the poles the magnitude of perpendicular vector is zero at the poles and a maximum at the equator.

        The vector parallel to the surface is not so easy to analyze. For it’s magnitude is zero at both the poles and the equator. I am not able to mathematically analyze this, but I believe, from studying atmospheric sounding data, that the maximum value of the parallel vector is at 45 degrees latitude.

        You might look at the atmospheric sounding being launched at the Salem OR airport (very near 45N) during this month of December and see there can sometimes be two atmospheric jet streams (west to east). The lower near the top of the troposphere and the other near the top of the sounding data..

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          I believe your first paragraph was allready alluded to in my previous answer Jerry. As for the rest, I’m not up for science lessons that hold no interest, but thanks for engaging me.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Howdy,

    Yes, my first paragraph alluded to your previous comment because I considered (saw) that your comment was incomplete and therefore might cause confusion. So thank you for agreeing there is something else that needs to, or can, be considered about the centrifugal effect.

    A purpose of my comments is to direct a PSI Reader’s attention to fundamental SCIENTIFIC information of which a reader might not be aware. Hence, I invite everyone to take a look at this link ( “More than 125 years ago, the Norwegian researcher and explorer Fridtjof Nansen set sail on the first ever drift expedition with his wooden sailing ship Fram. But there has never been an expedition like MOSAiC: for the first time, the MOSAiC project has taken a modern research icebreaker laden with scientific instruments close to the North Pole in winter.” (MOSAIC)

    I specifically quote one of Nansen’s comments which he wrote in his journal. Day 217 “An observation of Capella taken in the afternoon would seem to show that we are in any case not farther north than 80deg.11min. and this after almost four days’ south wind. Whatever can be the meaning of this? Is there dead water under the ice, keeping it from going either forward or backward?”

    From this comment I conclude that Nansen ignored the southerly parallel centrifugal effect on the ice at this latitude. Which effect is balancing the influence of the southerly wind upon the ice.

    And if one would read about the interesting MOSAIC expedition, one might see that these modern scientists also ignore this centrifugal effect. For a common feature of the Arctic ice is that “leads” (ice cracks of limited length) are regularly forming in the ice and expose warm (relative to air temperature) liquid water until the water freeze or the crack closes again.
    To understand this formation of the leads I had to note that the parallel centrifugal effect had to increase with decreasing latitude. So I conclude that the influence of this effect had to be pulling the sheet of Arctic ice apart; as difficult as it might be to imagine this. If, one has a different mechanism for the formation of the leads, please share it.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    The “khazarian cabal” as you call it is actually led by genuine jews, sherpadim genuine jews. The antichrist for example, is a genuine jew from the tribe of Dan!!! Although the ashkanazim make the majority of those calling themselves ‘jews’, at least 10/15% of them are sherpadim jews.
    And the term “cabal” comes from the jewish luciferian cabala, which does everything hidden and in secret!!!
    Seems that some who have been promoting the idea of a khazarian conspiracy, do it deliberately in order to drag attention away from the synagogue of satan, the jewish bankers and international jewry, the only people on earth having a ‘great plan’ to establish a global dictatorship, which they call a “Universal Republic”.


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      The Jewish kabbalah is about the tree of life, or route to heaven, and there is nothing remotely dark about it. Kabbalah, and money or power are not spoken of at the same time since they are opposites. If you want to involve the dark side you should refer to the tree of death, or Qlippoth, otherwise known as the world of shells, or husks. The husks without souls.


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