Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021

Written by Joseph Mercola

Believe it or not, it’s now the No. 1 cause of death for this age group. Is there a silent epidemic that’s impairing and destroying your immune system (and literally obliterating 90 percent of your DNA repair mechanism)? And, what extreme remedies can reverse the attack?

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Genocidal Death Jab Conspiracy, Ukraine, FTX, DNC and Pedophilia Scourge

Written by Joachim Hagopian

Parents are now realizing they need to exercise and restore their parental rights to save their children, increasingly avoiding the ungodly standardized 70-80 vaccination shot regimen for American children as parents’ lack of confidence and trust in both Big Pharma and medical establishment rises to an all-time high throughout modern history.

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Not Masks Again

Written by Hugh McCarthy

There is a lot of talk about masks, so I thought I would post a brief synopsis of the evidence, though not all 170 scientific scientific reviews—in case you are contacting your MP/MLA

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