Latest Satellite Data Shows No Global Warming Since 2014

The U.K. may have had its warmest year on record in 2022 (at least, according to the Met Office’s frequently adjusted data), but globally the temperature has remained flat now for 100 months, since 2014.

The cold weather on both sides of the Atlantic last month seems to have had its effect on temperature, which fell sharply compared with November, lengthening the New Pause to eight years and four months, as measured by the satellites designed, built, and operated by Dr. Roy Spencer and Dr. John Christy at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

The graph shows the least-squares linear-regression trend on the monthly global mean lower-troposphere anomalies.

The least-squares method was recommended by Professor Jones of the University of East Anglia as a reasonable method of showing the trend on stochastic temperature data.

Recall that the Pause graph does not constitute a prediction: it simply reports the longest period, working back from the present, during which the temperature trend is not positive.

As always, here is the full 45-year UAH dataset from December 1978 to December 2022, showing a far from dramatic global warming trend equivalent to just 0.134°C per decade:

With carbon dioxide emissions continuing their current steady rise, the lack of warming for approaching a decade does not exactly instill confidence in the models that claim CO2 is the climate control knob that keeps the temperature going up and up.

See more here climatechangedispatch

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Comments (1)

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    Ian Lowe


    This is why one of the world leaders in “climatology” at The University of East Anglia in the UK, sent out a round Robin email, to most of the worlds climatology research centres and universities. He knew there had been no significant changes in temperature for a long time 40 years I believe and this was in the late 90’s/early 00’s). In the email, he commented on this and suggested they should change the name of the “phenomenon “ to avoid the whole scam of “global warming” being uncovered and brought into disrepute. His suggestion for the new name was, of course, “Climate Change”. The email he sent out was leaked and caused a furore, they tried to hush it all up but it appeared in the press and on tv.


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