A case against anthropogenic climate change Part 2

Written by Mentemalleo

Part 1 in this series demonstrated that the recent Arctic temperature anomalies are not caused by IPCC-modeled climate forcings, such as Anthropogenic Forcing or Polar Amplification. Part 2 demonstrates that these anomalies are caused by an IPCC-ignored climate forcing: Geothermal Forcing

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Dr Indicted For Producing Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards

Written by John Leake

Many of us who care about the U.S. Constitution and the Nuremberg Code believe that the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates—as well as the vaccine mandates imposed by certain states, corporations, and organizations—were unconstitutional and unethical

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Hope of Intravenous Spike Protein Detoxification

Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

As COVID-19 vaccine victims are waking up to the reality that their bodies have been genetically loaded with either Pfizer or Moderna modifications (~70 percent homologous) of the Wuhan Spike protein, a collective panic is driving a search for detoxification of this deadly protein proven to cause heart damage, neurological injury, blood clotting, and potentially more problems over the longer term.

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