Covid Jab Excess Deaths

Written by Phillip Altman


Senator Ralph Babet again raises the urgent issue of tens of thousands of unexplained non-COVID Excess Deaths following on from the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.

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Another Statistician Becomes A Climate Skeptic

Written by Climate Discussion Nexus

In 2015 the BBC ran a program called “Climate Change by the Numbers”, in which they picked three numbers they thought were representative of the ‘climate change’ issue and handed them to three professors previously uninvolved with that topic and asked them to spend half an hour explaining what they meant

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Media Continues To Confuse weather With climate

Written by Climate Discussion Nexus

Something called “The i”, which is “a British national newspaper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust” whose marketing department is apparently desperate to seem hip, bellows that “People would not die in storms like Babet if country was better prepared, climate scientist warns”

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