Global Weather Modification Causing Climate Chaos, Enviro Catastrophe


Dead cattle litter the ground in drought ridden Ethiopia. Photo: Orthodox Christian Network


Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day.

Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.

What Major Factor Causing “Climate Change” Are They Not Telling Us About?

More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth’s life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by the entire scientific community and all of the main stream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room has been, and still is, “stratospheric aerosol geoengineering” (SAG), AKA  “solar radiation management” (SRM).

What Is Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering And Why Is It So Dangerous?

Stratospheric aerosol injection (AKA, geoengineering) is a primary term for the ongoing global climate modification programs being conducted by major powers around the world. “Aerosols” is simply a term for a microscopic particle that is suspended in the air. A primary stated goal of the geoengineering programs is to provide a “solar shield” to slow “runaway climate change”  by spraying tens of millions of tons of highly toxic metal nano particulates (a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) into the atmosphere (tens of millions of tons a year) from jet aircraft. Is the spraying only for solar radiation management? Based on available data, there are a number of known objectives including but not limited to solar radiation management (SRM), weather warfare, over the horizon radar enhancement, controlling food production, and probable biological testing. There are likely many more aspects and agendas related to the atmospheric spraying which we can not yet know.

Many Geoengineering Patents Have A Stated Goal Of Slowing Global Warming

Aluminum/alumina, among other toxic metals, is showing up in countless rain tests around the world. The amount of aluminum, barium, and other metals in these rain/snow tests is always high and often completely off the charts (even showing up in bees and whales). Snow tests from Mt Shasta in Northern California were toxic beyond belief. This area of the Pacific Northwest was thought to be a pristine water source.

Dozens of rain samples taken in this region from numerous individuals were tested at the State certified lab in Northern California and showed shocking results without exception. Former US Forest Service Biologist Francis Mangles has confirmed the alarming heavy metal contamination with his own testing. Snow tests taken from the side of Mt. Shasta showed aluminum content as high as 61,000 PPB. (parts per billion).

This level of aluminum in the snow is tens of thousands of times anything that might be considered “normal background” contamination. Levels this high can only be considered extremely toxic. Since these toxic metals are in the snow, they can only come from the air. Aluminum/alumina in “free form” does not naturally exist in the environment but is always bonded to other elements. So where is it coming from?

Aluminum is the primary element named in numerous geoengineering patents. The same patents that describe dispersing this aluminum from jets for the expressed purpose of blocking the sun which is exactly what we see aircraft “trails” doing in our skies day in and day out, creating artificial cloud cover and haze which blocks direct sunlight. It is important to remember this contamination is not local, but global in scope. Movements have formed in countries all over the world which are desperately trying to address this dire issue.

Shrinking Atmosphere, Disturbed Hydrological Cycle, Fungal Proliferation and Species Extinction

Ozone layer damage is yet another known consequence of geoengineering the atmosphere (causing extremely dangerous UV radiation exposure). Other recent studies now note a “shrinking atmosphere” which is very possibly also linked to the ongoing geoengineering programs. The “hydrological cycle” of the planet is being completely disrupted by the geoengineering aerosol saturation of the atmosphere.

How might such precipitation control benefit the power structure? Fungal proliferation is yet another inevitable crisis when the atmosphere is filled with particulates, soils are contaminated with the geoengineering fallout, and waters are polluted with the same. Already, countless species are feeling the effects. The current “species extinction rate” should be absolutely shocking to all. At the present time the “extinction rate is 10,000 times “natural variability”. This is 1,000,000% of “normal background rates”.

Though main stream media would never discuss this, we are currently in the sixth mass extinction on planet Earth. Is geoengineering responsible for all of this? Of course not all, but if the available science and data is considered, geoengineering is mathematically by far the single  most significant cause of environmental and climate devastation on the planet today. If all available information is considered, geoengineering is the greatest and most immediate threat to all life on Earth short of nuclear catastrophe. Drought, deluge, and hazy toxic skies, welcome to geoengineering.

Aerosol Saturated Skies – The New Norm 33345341

Geoengineered skies, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Photo credit: Martin van Agteren

Though rain and snow is falling in areas of North America, at times in a deluge or “blizzard” depending on the season, the droughts in the continental US ( and many other regions around the globe), are getting worse overall. There are now often massive areas of drifting cloud cover spanning thousands of miles over land masses and oceans with little or no precipitation. Why is this? Why are the skies so often completely featureless as these expansive cloud banks and upper level “haze” drift across the globe? If individual clouds can be recognized in these “drifting masses”, they often appear “melted into” the upper story of geoengineering “haze”.  Horizon to horizon geoengineering trails are not the only sign of spraying. Clouds should be “white” and the sky “blue”. Wispy, dingy, cob web like upper level “clouds” are are not natural and are another hallmark of spraying, as are “silvery white” skies.

The Geoengineering Connection

Atmospheric aerosol saturation greatly effects wind patterns and diminishes precipitation overall which in turn further fuels droughts of unprecedented scope and scale. The disruption in the hydrological cycle can also cause record rainfall as rain which was kept from falling in one location migrates elsewhere to come down in a deluge. The conditions described above are known consequences of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM) .

All available science data confirms the effect of geoengineering particulates on rainfall. Though main stream science sources are still not willing to openly admit to the fact that geoengineering programs have been fully deployed for decades, a growing mountain of evidence makes this fact indisputable. Again, the ongoing stratospheric geoengineering programs are greatly reducing overall rainfall ( as mentioned) and all but eliminating deep blue skies. This effect is known as “global dimming“.

Blocking the sun with reflective geoengineering aerosols reduces evaporation. Wind is reduced significantly in many cases from atmospheric aerosol saturation as the particles scatter solar energy and thus reduce convection from the ground that would otherwise occur from daytime heating. The slowing of the wind reduces evaporation even more. Further, precipitation cells that do form are often dispersed and diminished from the excessive amount of geoengineering particulates. This causes too many “condensation nuclei” and the droplets do not combine and fall as rain but migrate on. When the planets natural weather is suppressed or altered by climate engineering, energy builds up in the biosphere. This contributes to fuel catastrophic storms which will continue to increase along with catastrophic drought.

Global Dimming, The Loss Of Blue Skies

There is a mountain of scientific data to confirm the reality of “global dimming‘. Most have never even heard the term much less noticed the effect over recent decades. Though articles from mainstream publications admit to the “global dimming” issue, most understate the percentage of dimming and all point the finger at “pollution particulates” as the sole cause. Countless jet aircraft which crisscross our skies daily, dispersing millions of tons of toxic metal and chemical particulates, are completely ignored by all main stream media journalists and sources. To date main stream media has done its best to avoid even mentioning the subject of geoengineering much less admitting to these ongoing programs of total planetary devastation.

The overall ramifications from global dimming and geoengineering cannot be accurately quantified. Loss of photo synthesis, destruction of the ozone layer, reduction in global rainfall, loss of blue sky, toxification of soils and waters, these are only a few of the known consequences of the global atmospheric spraying.

Greatly Diminished Atmospheric Protection From The Sun

What does this imply? As already documented above, saturating the atmosphere with particulates shreds the protective layers of the atmosphere, namely the ozone layer. Particulate saturation in the upper atmosphere causes a chemical reaction which does the damage. There is now a massive Northern hemisphere ozone hole in addition to the Southern Hemisphere hole we have all heard about for decades. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is in all likelihood the primary cause of the global ozone depletion, not just “CFC’s” as we have been told.  Again, this has already been cited above and can be easily researched.

Search “geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer”. All available science makes this point clear. Without the ozone layer, life in any form would likely not exist on our planet. There is yet one more issue related to the destruction of our natural protection from the sun’s usual radiation output: protection from solar flares. Coronal mass ejections or “CME’s” can and will do horrific damage to our planet and most especially human infrastructure. If electricity grids are shut down due to a strong CME, the potential dangers are sobering indeed.

With no grid power to cool nuclear power facilities for an extended time, we could face Fukushima x 100, or 200, or? Without cooling, meltdowns would eventually occur. Just one major nuclear catastrophe could exterminate life on the planet, let alone dozens or hundreds of them. Geoengineering is destroying our natural protection from such an event caused by a strong coronal mass ejection.

Wind Pattern Changes And Catastrophic Methane Release


Rapidly thawing methane deposits are exploding out of the tundra permafrost zones with unimaginable force. Photo: The Siberian Times


In the photo above, a researcher descends into the depths of a methane blowout crater. “It is believed that permafrost sites could have as much as one million times more methane hydrates locked inside them than ordinary gas”. Photo: Vladimir Puschkarev / Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration


Thermokarst lakes (from rapidly thawing methane deposits) near Hudson Bay, Canada. Photo: Commons

Climate engineering is radically altering upper and lower level wind currents which in turn trigger ocean current changes. Most are completely unaware of the wind and ocean current disruptions occurring around the globe. Even fewer are aware of the ramifications which are already unfolding from these changes. Ocean current changes are already delivering warmer waters to regions with vast undersea methane deposits. These deposits are known as “methane hydrate” deposits and literally hold life on earth in the balance. Many regions around the globe are beginning to expel methane from hydrate and clathrate deposits.

The East Siberian Shelf of the Arctic is already releasing en masse. All available data indicates that this event alone is changing our biosphere by the day. Though groups of scientists like the “Arctic Methane Emergency Group”  (AMEG) are calling for “emergency wartime scale geoengineering to avert planetary catastrophe”, available data indicates that the very geoengineering programs (that AMEG is selling as a cure for the unfolding climate collapse), are more likely a major causal factor in triggering the methane catastrophe in the first place. The fully deployed planetary geoengineering programs have been altering wind and rain patterns at an ever increasing level for decades. Again, it is these alterations that have likely been a major factor in the triggering of mass methane release.

Saturation of the atmosphere with methane is equivalent to covering the planet with a sheet of glass. The sun’s thermal energy gets in, but does not get out. Though most articles on methane release state methane to be 20 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2, this is over a 100 year time horizon. Over a ten year time horizon, methane is at least 100 times more potent. In addition to the atmospheric damage caused by the methane release, there is also ocean acidification. As the methane migrates from the sea floor to the surface, much is dissolved into the water (methane is also thawing in Arctic tundra and exploding into the atmosphere). Oceans are currently acidifying (and dying) at an extremely alarming rate. Again, the consequences of methane release alone threatens all life on Earth in the very near term.

No “Natural” Weather

The global geoengineering/weather modification/chemtrail programs have likely been going on for over seven decades. Recently found documents from the NASA archives indicate that these programs already had budgets into the hundreds of millions of dollars even by the mid 1960’s (extensive senate documents have also been found and posted). These already massive climate altering programs were radically ramped up in the last 15 years. Though most of us alive today have perhaps known little truly “natural” weather, what we are experiencing today is anything but natural. The climate now “swings” radically from one extreme to another. It is now common to have spring like temperatures one day and snow (likely artificially nucleated) the next. These “swings” or “fluctuations” are getting ever more severe. Geoengineered “weather whiplash” scenarios are now the norm.

Manipulation Of The Jet Stream And The Shredding Of The Atmosphere

Is this really possible? Available science as well as observed weather events and jet stream “anomalies” say absolutely yes. HAARP is the acronym for a massively powerful “ionosphere heater” facility located in Alaska. This is a huge and extremely powerful antenna array which is capable of transmitting as much as three million watts of power into the ionosphere. This triggers an electrical chain reaction which then causes a ‘bulge” in the atmosphere, which in turn can alter the course of the jet stream.

Such alterations can in turn “steer” weather systems. By such manipulation, storm fronts can be combined and worsened into “frankenstorms“, or broken apart and dispersed. There are thought to be nearly 100 large ground based “ionosphere heaters” around the globe, some held by China and Russia. It has also become evident in recent years that “weather warfare” is already a lethal global reality. The potential of these frequency transmitter facilities is enhanced by the spraying of our skies. The saturation of the atmosphere with metal particulates makes the atmosphere more “conductive”. This in turn increases the capabilities of the ionosphere heaters.

Dry Lightning And Out Of Control Forest Fires 99

 Completely decimated and burned forests under geoengineered toxic skies, such otherworldly images are increasingly becoming the norm. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

An atmosphere that is more conductive from metal particulate saturation can produce more frequent lightning. These same particulates also have the net effect of “diminishing and dispersing” rain. Forests around the globe are now filled with dead and dying trees (referenced later in this article). In addition, the foliage of trees are now covered with what amounts to an “incendiary” dust from the geoengineering particulates. Add the shredded ozone layer which creates more heat, and the “weather modified” conditions are even worse. The obvious result is more frequent and catastrophic forest fires. This phenomenon is being played out around the globe. Summer of 2012 saw the Northern Hemisphere burning down and now it is Australia and Tasmania in meltdown (global forest fire incineration is accelerating).

Artificially Nucleated Snow Storms

Yet another seemingly impossible aspect of global weather modification is geoengineered snow storms. Many will write this one off as impossible without any investigation. That is a mistake as the science of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification is very established and has long since been commonly practiced in many countries, though it is hard to comprehend this process being done on such a massive scale. There are several patents on “artificial ice nucleation for weather modification”, including one from NASA. Artificially nucleated storms appear to be carried out under a myriad of conditions. In many cases, storms that should have yielded only rain, can be artificially nucleated to “change over” to snow.

The term “change over” has recently been coined by The Weather Channel and other corporate/military/industrial complex weather agencies. A geoengineered snow event is generally called “heavy wet snow” (another recent term). This “snow” can begin to fall at temperatures far above freezing though the ongoing chemical process eventually cools the surrounding air mass. The resulting “snow” and “ice” can sometimes remain a surprisingly long time in spite of warmer temperatures, a result of artificial chemical nucleation. This aspect of weather modification is covered in the following article, “Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around the Globe”.

Temporary Cooling At The Cost Of A Worsened Overall Warming

This is the net result of geoengineering. Nature does not give something for nothing. This should seem all too obvious, but unfortunately the “scientists” in so many cases are completely blind to the consequences of their experiments. In the case of cloud seeding to produce rain, if they succeed, then that moisture will not end up where it would have otherwise gone. In the case of saturation spraying that is known to diminish rain by scattering it into massive artificial cloud cover and haze, where will all that moisture end up? Coming down somewhere else in a deluge? Is this perhaps why the US west is locked in record drought and US east is having record rains? The cooling effects of geoengineering come at the cost of a much worsened overall warming of the planet. Even NASA admits the “condensation trails” (geoengineering particulate trails) are warming the planet.


Massive fish die-offs are taking place all over the world. Photo: Imagine China


“Dead fish float in the King Harbour area of Redondo Beach, south of Los Angeles. An estimated million fish turned up dead in the marina, “puzzling” authorities and triggering a massive cleanup effort”.

The Systemic Poisoning Of All Life On Earth

Does this sound like an “alarmist” statement or conspiracy theory? All available data points to this conclusion as a hard and undeniable fact for any that do objective research. Countless lab tests of precipitation from around the globe (cited above) have been done by concerned individuals and groups in recent years, and the results are shocking to say the least. Our rain and snow is quite literally packed with the very same highly toxic heavy metals named in numerous geoengineering patents as primary elements.

The air we breath is also laden with the same toxins aluminum/alumina, barium, strontium, manganese, thorium,  and now even fluoride is being reported in recent tests from Norway. So much metal has fallen on the boreal forests of the Pacific Northwest that soil PH changes of up to 15 times more alkaline have been noted. A recent documentary film by filmmaker George Barnes titled “Look Up” covers some of these changes and the forest die off that is occurring in boreal forests. Though there are countless articles documenting the die off of forests around the globe, putting the blame only on increasing temperatures, drought, and beetles, none mention geoengineering.

To omit geoengineering in this equation is to omit what appears to be the greatest single factor of all. The lethal effects of “bioavailable” aluminum/alumina in rainwater and thus in the soils is well documented. Its effect on trees is also noted in science studies. Of course there are corporations who exist to profit from calamity. Monsanto always seems to be at the top of this list. As geoengineered drought and aluminum sterilized soils force independent farmers to sell, international ag corporations are there to buy up the land and put to use their “aluminum resistant seeds.”

What Is Geoengineering Doing To Us?

Inhalation of microscopic particulates is highly damaging no matter what the particulate material, the metallic particles in question are especially lethal. Respiratory ailments and mortalities are now literally epidemic. Degenerative human diseases that are linked to heavy metal exposure are now going virtually off the charts.

ADD, Alzheimer’s, Autism, ALL, immune disfunction, and many other diseases associated with heavy metals, have all skyrocketed in recent years. According to scientists like internationally know neuroscientist Russell Blaylock, the heavy metal nano particles are so small that they pass right through the lung lining into the blood stream. There they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely shutting down bodily functions and the immune system.

These metals are all but impossible to remove once they have become lodged in the body. In addition, virtually every bite we eat is now contaminated with these toxic nano particles as they are absorbed by plant life, which is highly damaging to crops. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (AKA  solar radiation management) has now tainted all. Every breath we take, every bite we eat, all is contaminated. A mountain of data, studies, and testing confirms this conclusion beyond reasonable doubt. We are all quite literally under assault.

The threat to all life on earth from the global weather modification programs cannot be overstated. It is up to all of us to help in the task of bringing these programs to light, and to a halt so the planet can begin to recover. Arm yourself with copies of credible articles, data, and DVD copies to help spread the word on this most dire issue. It is likely the vast majority of military and private sector people involved with geoengineering do not understand the consequences of what they are involved in. Time is not on our side.

Every day global geoengineering continues, our odds are diminished. We must all pull together in the effort to shine the light on this greatest of all human crimes. Once the geoengineering issue is truly out in the open, and those who physically carry out the spraying realize what they are a part of, we have a chance to stop these lethal programs. Reaching a critical mass of public awareness is the only way forward.

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Comments (14)

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    Charles Higley


    “The current “species extinction rate” should be absolutely shocking to all. At the present time the “extinction rate is 10,000 times “natural variability”. This is 1,000,000% of “normal background rates”. ”

    This is simply not true. It is based on some terribly bad and/or tortured computer programs. There is not exaggerated species extinctions going on. They have one program that is based on the fantasy idea of guessing how many species might go extinct before we ever notice them. Put in any numbers you please and turn the crank—guaranteed results that will scared everyone.

    Another piece of software was designed to determine, by reducing a survey area, what size plot should be surveyed to acquire 90% of the species of a forest. Do too large an area and it takes too long and too small an area and you detect too few species. The brainy researchers ran the program backward and then determined how many species would not be there, starting from a small area to a large area, and then pretended this means extinctions. Ever heard a computer program scream in pain? This would be a time for that.

    The truth be told, no species has gone extinct from habitat loss, except for a few on islands where they were/are at high risk from the very beginning. The Amazon rainforest grows back very rapidly, about 50 times faster than farming clearance, and the animals move with the re-expanding forest. There is more rainforest now than there was 70 years ago. In addition, with so many rural people moving to the cities, the clearing of forest has declined a lot.

    What most people do not realize is that the rain forests and coral reefs of the tropics are always there and have been throughout the glacial/interglacial cycles. Indeed, these ecosystems are the most long-lived and stable in the world. It is ecosystems closer to the poles that are subject to glaciation changes and forced to move major distances to survive. The Giant redwoods of the US northwest are going to die when the next glacial period begins. Nothing can be done about this, that’s life and nature.


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    Doug Harrison


    I stopped reading about half way through. Some of the claims may be correct but so many are just nonsense that I gave up. The one that hit me the hardest was the idea that storms are getting more frequent and devastating. Totally and verifiabley nonsense with about 10 minutes of investigation.


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    Michael Clarke


    Hi There, a very interesting article, there are many aspects to this study, however there is a few things that need to be done.
    What is the preponderance of Aluminium/alumina in older ice samples from just about any glacier, does it decrease with the age of the ice?
    There is another factor as well.
    describes the possible effects of Aluminium upon the human brain and cognitive disorders, perhaps it is to early to obtain statistics about this as some disorders have only recently been identified, but the trend seems to be an increased number of sufferers.
    Michael Logician


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Michael and PSI Readers,

      Bauxite: an amorphous clayey rock that is the chief commercial ore of aluminum. It consists largely of hydrated alumina with variable proportions of iron oxides. (common knowledge)

      And I defend John O’Sullivan, a founder and editor of PSI, for not censuring anyones ideas so that you, a reader, can make up your own minds about that which you read. For the foundation of SCIENCE, as an observational philosophy, is that we can only prove by observation those ideas which are absolutely not the TRUTH. But observations can never prove that any ideas is the TRUTH.

      Have a good day, Jerry (A stupid ALCHEMIST)


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    Darrell Turner


    I would like to know why Dane an obviuos extremist with no credentials or credability in what he is writing about is given a voice here.
    I come of balanced well researched articles.
    This is nothing but a rambling of misinformarion. In these days of social media stamping solid research as fake to fit the mainstream corperate narratives I’m disappointed.
    Please editors of such a wonderful unbias journal don’t allow it to be dragged into the depths of fearmongering unscientific trash.
    A solar energy engineer on a personal quest cherry picking data is not scientific.


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    D. Boss


    This drivel is utter nonsense. How can you [Principia] expect to maintain a competent level of reputation when you allow such nutbar articles to appear?

    Jet fuel is monitored for all manner of characteristics, including contaminants both dissolved and particulate. A turbine engine cannot tolerate the kinds of compounds this article suggests are being added to the fuel, and to consider every aircraft and flight crew might have a hidden system to inject junk into the exhaust stream is ludicrous. (i.e. the engine could not function with the amount of so called “geo engineering” material added to the fuel and going through the hot section at 1400 deg C, nor is it plausible all aircrews everywhere have extra geo engineering fluid tanks which they spray into the engine exhaust)

    Using the following specification for Jet fuel, you can clearly see there is both traceability and strict limits on additives and contaminants:

    Now specifically, the electrical conductivity of Jet fuels, must be between 50 and 600 pS/m. (table 1, item 10 and 10.1) This is accomplished by adding tiny amounts of non metallic conductivity enhancers, to prevent static charge accumulation. If you added any dissolved metallic compounds to the fuel, this would throw off the conductivity measuring and that batch of fuel would be rejected. Not to mention would cause fatal accidents on the ground and in the air!

    Next see the Flight Aware website:

    Expand the map to the entire globe, and note the current total number of airborne flights. Right now it is 8,210. Suppose 80% of these are airliners, so we have 6,568 airliners airborne. With each burning approximately 6,000 lbs per hour (2,724 kg) of Jet A or Jet A-1.

    So you have 6,568 planes, each burning 2.724 tonnes of jet fuel per hour, so you have 17,891 tonnes of jet fuel consumed every hour globally right now. So in 24 hours that is 429,389 tonnes of jet fuel per day.

    Now for sake of argument, lets pull a number out of a hat, and say 20 ppm of some metallic additive could be in the fuel for this nonsense purpose of geo engineering without destroying the engine.

    20 ppm of 429,389 tonnes is 8.59 tonnes of this imagined metallic additive dumped into the skies every day, over the entire globe!

    The author of this idiotic article states “tens of millions of tons” of these metallic particulates are dispersed by aircraft. Hmmm, right now all the aircraft airborne on the earth right now, are only delivering a probable ~9 tonnes per day. So you see the nonsense article is complete lunacy!

    Furthermore, to be a component of the jet fuel, it has to be dissolved, because particulates get filtered out of the fuel and strict quality control exists at multiple stages on the ground and in the aircraft to insure there are extremely low levels of particulates. And there would have to be some reducing reaction to cause dissolved metallic compounds to form metallic particulates after passing through the turbine’s combustion chamber or hot section. – and then you risk disrupting the operation or longevity of the extremely expensive components of the turbine – by having these particulates form and abrade the blades, or deposit on them at the ~1,400 deg C temperature in the hot section. Again completely implausible in the extreme this is occurring.

    3 strikes and you are out here with this nutbar conspiracy theory. (there’s more ways to reject it, but these should suffice)


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    Please go to this has been going on for many years, weather is a weapon. Dane Wiggington has a ton of data on this subject and we have to get as many people up to speed as to what is happening. This whole line of junk about global warming is a ruse. They (the TPTB) control every aspect of our lives, we are lied to on a scale that is unbelievable and it is hard to comprehend. Weather terms made up daily for the events that are created are just crazy, ie polar vortex, dericho, snow thunder, warm side and cold side of storms, how they can predict that a hurricane will park on Houston and dump 20 plus inches of rain. These are not natural and if you believe what the television says you are a fool. Constant flooding and being called 500 year floods occurring every few years in the mid-west , 6″ inches of rain in an hour, this is not natural. You have to break free and do your own investigations and critical thinking. This is not faith or wishful thinking, if you take the time and read credible information and watch the sky, you can see what is taking place. I remember the beautiful deep blue skies as a child and that is not happening anymore. Most of the times in the mid-west we have a milky white haze over us most of the year, blocking a percentage of the sun. Please just don’t disregard what i have stated, please investigate for yourself, that’s is what i did when the unscientific term “Chem Trails” was being thrown about and found very creditable information out there. Bill Gates (of Hell) is now describing what has been going for decades and is something we should do now is a clue as to what has been going on. Geoengineering has been going for along time on and this is the results. They are trying to bring it into public view as if this is something new, they are criminals. Ken Caldeira works for Bill Gates (of Hell), that should tell you something. If you don’t know who he is, do some investigating and find out. Please wake up!


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      D. Boss



      Ok, I have an open mind, and my nature is that solid data or observations rule with respect to changing or adhering to my acceptance of a notion/hypothesis/theory. So I checked out the “” site.

      My goodness this site is so full of nonsense and non-science, rife with ignorance and indeed could be categorized as a Chemtrail Cult where faith is more important than fact.

      Aviation is one of my passions, being a pilot myself and part of that process is you must learn the systems aircraft utilize and the physics of all aspects of the aerodynamics and mechanical systems.

      The drivel proffered on this website is utterly without merit and there exists considerable empirical evidence against this conspiracy nonsense.

      First off here are two excellent papers outlining the nitty gritty macro and micro physics of how CONTRAILS form and under what conditions: (one of which suggests contrails have climate change implications)

      Both have considerable references to empirical measurements of actual contrails. And the second paper shows that they form or not form, persist or dissipate depending on conditions (see figure 5).

      Next let’s do a simple analysis of actual data on the PW4000-94 Turbofan engine used on the Boeing 747-400.

      One of four mounted to the B747-400, each has a front bypass fan diameter of 94 inches or 2.387 meters. The bypass ratio is 5.1; and the pressure ratio is 1.7 (of the fan). The overall engine pressure ratio is 30. (I mention the bypass ratio because this nonsense geoengineeringwatch site repeatedly says high bypass turbofan engines preclude contrail formation – which is gibberish – note in the 2nd paper linked above, they state conclusively that high efficiency/bypass engines tend to make more pronounced or more easily formed contrails)

      At a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet (231 hPa with -40C) it achieves a TAS (True Air Speed) of 450 knots or 231 m/sec. Under these conditions for best economy, it burns on average 2,000 kg of Jet-A per hour. (at best speed it might burn closer to 3,000 kg/hr)

      Now let’s do a simple mass balance on the chemistry of combustion of Jet-A: (ignoring nitrogen and sulfur in the mix for simplicity, and because all we want is the mass of water generated)

      Typically Jet-A is comprised of C13H26 (sorry I don’t know how to put subscripts in this text).

      Combustion equation is C13H26 + 19.5O2 => 13CO2 + 13H2O (units in moles)
      Molecular Weights:
      Jet-A = 182g/mol
      O2 = 32 g/mol
      H2O =18 g/mol
      CO2 = 44 g/mol

      Mass Balance:
      182 g of Jet-A plus 624 g of O2 = 806 g input to combustion
      572 g of CO2 plus 234 g of H2O = 806 g output from combustion

      Fuel mass to water vapor mass in the exhaust ratio = 1.286. That is for every kg of fuel burned, 1.268 kg of water vapor is exhausted. So at cruise, each engine is producing 2,571 kg of water vapor PER HOUR in the engine’s exhaust.

      It’s cruising at 450 kt or 231 m/sec, so every second this one engine is putting out 714 grams of water as vapor. (exhaust gas temperature is typically 400 C from the hot section)

      Now the fan diameter at the front of the engine (the bypass fan) describes a circle 2.387 meters in diameter. It therefore describes an area of 4.477 square meters. If we project the area of this circle to the distance in the upper atmosphere it traverses in one second, we get 1,034.25 cubic meters.

      Thus 714 grams of water vapor into a volume of 1,034.25 cubic meters is a water vapor concentration of 0.691 grams per cubic meter.

      The absolute humidity of air at this cruising altitude when saturated or 100% is 0.18 grams per cubic meter. (231 hPa at -40C)

      Therefore the water vapor injected to this stream of cold air is approximately 3.9 times higher than the saturation concentration of water at this pressure and temperature. And this accounts for the extra air entrained by the “bypass” fan by using it’s swept area in the calculation!

      Above saturation, the extra water vapor must condense, assuming there are sufficient condensation nuclei available, which there is in burning jet fuel.

      To the believers of this chemtrail nonsense, do you discount that if you open your freezer and blow into the cold air, your breath’s water vapor condenses into visible clouds? Do you all deny that when it’s cold, as in below 5C car and truck engines produce visible “steam” clouds from their exhausts? It’s the same root principle – oversaturate water vapor for the particular cold air properties and the excess water vapor condenses to form micro droplet “clouds” or visible steam.

      Furthermore in the 2nd paper linked to above, they point out the formation of contrails or lack of their formation is governed by conditions. They can form or not form depending on these conditions – as it is considerably more complex in reality.

      The core exhaust is 30 times more pressure than in front of the engine inlet. The bypass air is only 1.7 times more pressure than in front of the engine inlet. The core exhaust is ~400C and the bypass exhaust is slightly above ambient as it partially cools the hot section it flows over.

      So both these streams, annular in nature expand in the lower pressure wake of the plane. And it takes some time/distance behind the engine exhaust before the condensation and or ice formation occurs.

      The process is further complicated by the wake of the airfoils – i.e. plane’s wings producing serious vorticies at the tips and elsewhere – which serve to mix the exhaust with ambient air, and moderates the formation and distribution patterns – and are unstable and eddys and turbulence arise….

      You can explain the so called evidence on the geoengineering site simply, and OCCAM’s razor applies. Photos or videos of a 4 engine plane with the number 2 engine missing a contrail – well quite simply that engine is either at idle or has been shut down due to some malfunction. A 4 engine plane can fly just fine on 3 engines.

      Photos or videos of planes with contrails that start and stop – are not at cruising altitude, and lower, and close to the boundary where they form or don’t form, and turbulence, either from the wake of other planes (wing tip vorticies can persist for several minutes and are powerful enough to flip other lighter planes) or from various “thermal” updrafts from lower levels are taking the conditions into and out of the contrail formation threshold as in the 2nd paper above.

      And last photos or videos of a 4 engine plane with one, again engine #2 has a contrail which isn’t symmetrical with the opposite (engine 3). Again with reference to paper #2 above, which details the wake turbulence behind the aircraft’s wings – in cruise flight, virtually all the time they are on autopilot. Maintaining wings level and heading, or in a gentle turn dictated by the course set in the FMC. At cruise speeds bank angle is typically done with very small spoiler flaps on top of the wings, which you can see moving from passenger seats at all times to maintain level flight – these WILL disrupt the airflow and change the wake pattern, and can easily account for any asymmetry in the contrail pattern. Or you could have a leak in the wing or engine cowl de-icing system, which uses hot bleed air from the engine compressor section; or you could have some dirt or chipped paint on a small section of wing, or engine cowl, or pylon – at at 231 meters per second of air flow, a tiny surface imperfection or debris can cause a huge change in the wake pattern.

      Or outright nonsense about normal vent tubes photographed at the back of engine pylons – various lubrication oil systems, hydraulic systems, and pneumatic systems have reservoirs and in some cases need to have vents to outside – these are normal engineering components of these planes!

      I could go on, but the core of their nonsense is debunked with empirical data and basic atmospheric, aerodynamic and thermodynamic physics.


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        D. Boss
        In reference to the “steam” clouds from exhaust pipes of vehicles, using the logic that contrails from jet aircraft can linger for hours and hang there all day, then when it’s -20 to -30 below zero as what just occurred here in the mid-west down to Texas, then we should have ground based cirrus clouds persisting all day. The links you provided were research studies from the 50’s to 70’s and other studies from the 2000’s and newer and some were simulations. Data put into computer modelling can be garbage in garbage out. We are not using the same jet engines from the studies conducted that you reference. As for the contrails that start and stop, you reference that it is not at altitude where they can form. Using flight radar programs you can see altitude, speed and outside temperature of jet aircraft. If you take the time and observe jet aircraft, as I have done, you can see easily that the conditions are not changing as to effect the contrails as they stay and persist all day. The links you provided did not address the starting and stopping of contrails, they reference conditions as to whether they form or do not form. If you spend time tracking jet aircraft in real time, rather than reading 50 year old plus studies you can see that it isn’t the conditions that create the starting and stopping of contrails. Dane has a new documentary coming out that research was done using a NOAA NIST tracible Jet aircraft flying at altitude collecting samples of of contrails, this will be absolute proof that these are chemical dispersions and not condensation.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Dave,
          During WWII the B-17 flying bombing missions over Germany had contrails coming from all four piston engines pinpointing the planes location for the German ground and air defense systems. If there were any way to get rid of them I’m sure they would have done it.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Dane,

    I have seen fish kills in the spring when the ice melted. This was in the late 1940s or early 1950’a. What had happened was the snow covered th ice of shallow lakes so the various plants under the ice began to NATUIRALLY decompose AND usE up the dissolved oxygen in the water; so the fish suffocated. A caption of your article’s photo stated that the authorities were ‘puzzled’; do you really claim to specially and absolutely know why (how) they died?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hi Jerry,
      I don’t believe that what happened in Los Angles was due to ice formations over water. If you want to disregard what is happening to our ecosystem, I can only say please observe what is happening with an open mind. I have seen ponds in the mid-west without proper snow removal have fish die offs, but LA not happening. Something is poisoning these fish and it’s not a lack of O2.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Dave,

        My point is there are natural reasons that fish die off. “Without proper snow removal”.suggests humans should try to interfere with natural events. And until one actually knows why the fish died near LA, one does not know if the die off was natural or unnatural and even if it were unnatural; what was the unnatural reason??

        I can say: I don’t know and leave it at that.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Hi Jerry,
          Here in the mid-west there are a lot of small shallow farm ponds that do not have enough natural aeration to keep fish and plants alive. So many plow snow off to allow natural light into the pond and keep plants producing oxygen to sustain the fish. There are many specie die-offs and there are few true reasons given. Often lines like scientists are baffled, puzzled or scientist can’t explain, because if the truth would be known people may react. I would like to know the truth about the fish die-off, but will never know.


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