NYTimes: ‘Dimming The Sun’ To Fight Climate Change

The New York Times has taken eco-nuttiness to a new level by publishing a podcast speculating whether the solution to fighting climate change will include — wait for it —  dimming the sun.

Times opinion columnist Ezra Klein took his new interview podcast of global warming fearmongerElizabeth Kolbert and turned it into an op-ed.

Klein began his piece with a creepy quote from environmentalist Stewart Brand, “‘We are as gods and might as well get good at it.’”

He later spewed that one solution he was obsessed with for fighting climate change was “solar geoengineering … Are we really going to dim the sun?” [Emphasis added.]

Klein’s predominant disagreement with Brand was that he was “overly optimistic. We did not get good at [being gods]. We are terrible at it, and the consequences surround us.”

In effect, according to Klein, we should consider that we may end up having no other choice than to be “gods” and “dim the sun.”

“Dim[ming] the sun” sounds about as realistic as when climate change extremists were advocating for “melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot” to stave off global cooling in the 1970s.

The idea is also just as crazy as when George Soros-funded economist Mariana Mazzucato raised the possibility of a global “climate lockdown” if the world didn’t undergo a “green economic transformation.”

Klein had to quickly defend his position on the possibility of dimming out the thing that makes life possible on Earth by scolding people who only want comfortable solutions:

[A]ny reasonable analysis of the mismatch between our glacial politics and our rapidly warming planet demands that we deny ourselves the luxury of only contemplating the solutions we would prefer. With every subsequent day that our politics fails, the choices that we will need to make in the future become worse.

The transcript of Klein’s interview with Kolbert was just downright scary:

Ezra Klein: You have a wonderful quote in the geoengineering chapter of your book from Andy Parker, who is a project director for the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative. He says, ‘We live in a world where deliberately dimming the [expletive] sun might be less risky than not doing it.’ That feels like quite an indictment of the human race and where we’ve gotten ourselves to with all our knowledge and all our power.

Elizabeth Kolbert: I think that does sort of sum things up. We are in this very deep — there are only wrong answers, only hard choices at this point. Nothing easy from here on in.

Ezra Klein: What do you think of geoengineering?

Elizabeth Kolbert: I very consciously avoided coming down very clearly on that. But some very, very smart people are thinking about it and are very worried that it may be our best option at a certain point. And I think they may, unfortunately, be right — but wow, it’s dimming the [expletive] sun, you know?

Make it stop.

Read more at NewsBusters

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Comments (17)

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    ‘We are as gods and might as well get good at it.’

    Human Hubris stands at the Gates of Nemesis.
    What could possibly go wrong?


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      I think the NYT writer misused Brand’s statement. From the copies of the Whole Earth catalog that I own I get appreciation of the amazing range of tools we have for living productively. The writer’s view is at odds with Brand.


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    T.C. Clark


    I was pulling for the NY Slimes…Toobin Times to go out of business but I think it was one Carlos Slim – a billionaire – who bailed ’em out…like the Washington (com)Post was bailed out…newspapers have always been sketchy operations that have to come up with some crap to try to stay in operation.


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    Andy Rowlands


    Idiocy of the highest order, just at the very time we are nearing the end of out current interglacial. If this were followed through, it might just tip us into a full-blown ice age.


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    People think that the sun NASA brainwash people with is the solid fire-ball object 93,000,000 miles out in space. That is not our sun NASA LIES! no physical object large or small (especially NASA’s contraptions) can go outside of earth’s physical environment and into space, to map out anything in space.
    Our true sun is portal (inside earth’s atmosphere – https://vk.com/pmaka?w=wall332944640_560%2Fall) that flows in the higher (lighter) energies, these are the energies that We the People are the substance of.
    Bill Gates dim the sun hype is typical of a madman at large.


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      That’s just nuts.


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    E. Nichols


    So much for rational and true science, I suppose NASA will launch satellite with a huge awning or something similar to shield the earth from the sun. However the fact remains that cold is more detrimental to life the heat, the records show and yet we are treated to nonsense of the highest order. It is difficult to imagine anything more asinine, however stayed tuned there will be even more bizarre ideas than this one. Albeit if that is possible, the idea that we could actually dim the sun is abject nonsense.


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      No, the usual proposals are even crazier and involve injecting gigantic amounts of aerosols (like sulfur dioxide) into the upper atmosphere. Acid rain, anyone?


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    The funny thing is is that they claim that the sun doesn’t heat the Earth. But they want to dim it so that it won’t do what it does that they don’t believe in. It’s a bit confusing.


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    Last one here turns off the light. But this idea shows how little they do know. Any reduction in the solar energy the earth receives = frozen planet. Especially during a Solar minimum.


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    Please go to geoengineeringwatch.org this has been going on for many years, weather is a weapon. Dane Wiggington has a ton of data on this subject and we have to get as many people up to speed as to what is happening. This whole line of junk about global warming is a ruse. They (the TPTB) control every aspect of our lives, we are lied to on a scale that is on an unbelievable scale and it is hard to comprehend. Weather terms made up daily for the events that are created are just crazy, ie polar vortex, dericho, snow thunder, how they can predict that a hurricane will park on Houston and dump 20 plus inches of rain. These are not natural and if you believe what the television says you are a fool. Constant flooding and being called 500 year floods occurring every few years in the mid-west , 6″ inches of rain in an hour, this is not natural. You have to break free and do your own investigations and critical thinking. This is not faith or wishful thinking, if you take the time and read credible information and watch the sky, you can see what is taking place. I remember the beautiful deep blue skies as a child and that is not happening anymore. Most of the times in the mid-west we have a milky white haze over us most of the year, blocking a percentage of the sun, Please just don’t disregard what i have stated, please investigate for yourself, that’s is what i did when the unscientific term “Chem Trails” was being thrown about and found very creditable information out there. Bill Gates (of Hell) is now describing what has been going for decades and is something we should do now is a clue as to what has been going on. Geoengineering has been going for along time on and this is the results. They are trying to bring it into public view as if this is something new, they are criminals. David Keith works with Bill Gates (of Hell), that should tell you something. They are going to dim the sun, this has been going on for years. Please wake up!


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      Good job Dave!
      This report talks about dimming the sun…..in the near future is implied…..doesnt anyone have eyes? They are and have been dimming the sun et al for over 10 years visibly heavy and for decades too boot if you do your homework. This geoengineeringwatch site is A+ excellent research and credibility. Highly recommend visiting it and become aware!! I get a kick out of these articles saying this is being proposed because it is so visibly seen in our skies every single day every where on earth that it is absolute insanity to think it is just a proposed solution of global warming. They are dimming the sun, look up. Planes are visibly spraying our skies daily. Geepers creepers when do we get real with news folks!


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      Ken Caldeira not David Keith, sorry.


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    Sorry for some grammatical errors, to much Buffalo Trace, Lol


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    Ken Hughes


    The twenty first century, cosmic King Kanute.


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    very old white guy


    how many insane people does it take to destroy a planet or more to the point, the population of a planet?


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    Shawn Marshall


    Most readers of Principia don’t believe in Satan but…maybe think about it? Worldwide insanity by people who reject the possibility of God? A party of Death in the White House ? A heretic in the Vatican? Are you sure you don’t think there is a malevolent evil spirit?


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