Listen LIVE: TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying w/ Armin Brott, Elana Freeland

Written by John O'Sullivan

Listen live to TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying where PSI denizens bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know. I’m John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International.  Joining me as usual is Canadian space scientist, Joe Postma and Texan engineer extraordinaire, Joe Olson.

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PSI Podcast Premier: Electrosmog & Brain Reprogramming

Written by PSI Editor

Suffering from endless brain fog? Electrosmog may be the problem. Over a 40-year career Dr Clifford Saunders has perfected how to treat thousands WHILE THEY SLEEP. THE RESULTS ARE PERMANENT. The brain reprogramming doctor gets results in under 10 weeks in the comfort and privacy of your own home, sitting in front of your computer, in one-on-one sessions.

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The Dead Parrot of Mainstream Economics

Written by Greg Maybury

The No Fly Zone is a weekly one hour program by Greg Maybury, which seeks via brief op-ed and extended interviews with prominent analysts and commentators to explore deeper aspects of the latest news, covering geopolitics, world history, Western foreign policy, media ethics, geo-economics, the national security state, globalism, and the broad political economy.

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Mind Viruses and their Vectors

Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS



As a community of independent thinkers, those who choose to follow the Substack titled “Who is Robert Malone” (a nod to “John Galt”) have generally been more aware (awake?) than the average citizen concerning the deployment of propaganda and military grade Psy-Ops during the COVIDcrisis.

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