FINALLY! The Ultimate Summary of The Great Reset – and a Call to Action!

In this video, Ivor Cummins relays information he found through research, all of these sources were taken from published mainstream articles and documented evidence. Marc Morano’s talk which Cummins shares explains everything about the Great Reset and what is actually happening.

In March 2020 the entire climate energy debate changed forever at least within our lifetimes. It accelerated a lot of trends and what actually happened in March was the bypassing of democracy for COVID regulations. Morano claims at first climate activists were jealous but later copied the same measures.

During Obama’s term they had the executive orders relating to climate but it failed to get through Congress. They were excited by the idea of declaring an emergency and then doing whatever they pleased. Morano goes on to explains how the Great Reset is a multi-pronged attack and it was decades of trends which lead to this point.

Source: YouTube

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