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No One Is Talking About Electric Car Deaths, So I Have To

Written by Scotty Kilmer and PSI Editor

electric vehicle crash

Given a choice, would you prefer to hit a car that’s more like a large moving cardboard box or a swinging wrecking ball. It’s a no-brainer. Most people would pick the lighter vehicle. That’s because it has less mass so you’ll suffer less impact and injury.

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Tucker Carlson: Studies Suggest COVID-19 Vaccine Suppresses Immune System

Written by Tucker Carlson

biden coughing
Good evening and welcome to “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” We’re still shocked. Everyone else seems to have moved on to the next thing, but we still can’t get over what we saw yesterday when Joe Biden stunned the world and announced during a press conference with no warning at all that he has a potentially fatal disease. “I have cancer, “Joe Biden said. “I got it from living in Delaware.”

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5G Was The Real Killer In Wuhan

Written by PSI Editor

When millions died in and around Wuhan China, the 5G network in that city had just been turned on. There was no kill zone outside of Wuhan.

The surrounding regions/cities were not affected so how could it possibly have been a virus outbreak killing everyone in Wuhan? It would have spread all over.

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PsyOp Climate Change: The Absurd CO2 Scam

Written by 2nd Smartest Guy In The World

co2 600m years

In a sane world, the chart above puts an end to all the “climate change” arguments. The current atmospheric CO2 level is around 420 PPM, which is critically too low. We actually need more CO2, not less.

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