There Is A ‘Deafening Media Silence’ On Global Protests

farmer protests

There is a “deafening” media silence on protests around the world protesting against the elites, according to Webster University Assistant Professor Ralph Schoellhammer.

“They are significant protests – we’re talking about 30,000 people in The Netherlands,” Prof Schoellhammer said.

Prof Schoellhammer said the media and political campaign across the West against “disinformation” is part of a broader attempt to “undermine” organized protests against the agenda of the elites.

“That the best way to prevent pushback from large numbers of people is if they don’t know that anything is going on,” he said.

“Think about the situation of the truckers in Canada when they pulled their bank accounts … so this is undermining the possibility of those people to organize.

“It’s what interest groups, what these players do – they see there is something coming that could be a threat to their power so they try to do something to undermine it.”

h/t JO

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    Stop making sense


    Can there be any doubt at all that most the entire world has been subverted by one evil cabal that has devious plans for the eradication and enslavement of humanity? The news is not news it’s agenda driven propaganda to soften the blow of never ending tyranny that is coming from all angles.
    The so called governments of this world have all sold out as has all media. That is why there is a deafening media silence. Never going to change until humanity masses against this plague and heads roll. Until then enjoy the silence, misery, death and slavery for those allowed to live.


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      Problem is how to awake the sleeping, very few of us seem to understand what is going on. I was actually hoping for mass die off from the vax but that seems to be a long slow death even though it’s obvious to most of us but not to the general public. So now we have to wait for them to catch on if ever. Wake up people.


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    Eric the Red


    Postmodernism; no objective truth; shape the narrative… this is the mindset infecting western civilization. This is your enemy. Not fascists, not neoliberals, not neoconservatives, not jews, not globalists.. instead it’s this ideology, which doesn’t even have a name. All the groups you THINK are the enemy are just hitching a ride on this juggernaut ideology. Without this ideology, those groups would make zero progress with their respective agendas.

    Let’s call it woke leftism, ok? It’s a secular religious cult, The Cult of the Narrative. All those other “isms” are already defined, and their definitions do not match woke leftism. Want to argue about it? Then just go away and kiss the ass of the left, because you’re certainly not fighting them, you’re fighting me, which makes you just another gamma nerd smartass.

    And what about protests by farmers in the Netherlands? Guess what, the leftist tyrants and their media goons couldn’t care less. In fact, they are shaping the narrative by ignoring it and/or mischaracterizing it. The narrative makers believe they can bring reality to heel, if they can shape public opinion to support their narrative. Public opinion will then influence political action and create “reality”.

    Actually, the woke leftists and their NWO bedmates in charge of the Netherlands, couldn’t care less about protests. What they do care about is organized sabotage, 4th generation warfare, and physical force directed against them. But people in western societies will never do that, they’re either too stupid or too cowardly, and the tyrants know it. This will just be a rerun of ‘Canadian Truckers’, and the tyrants will then move along to their next regularly scheduled outrage.


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      Kevin Doyle


      Eric the Red, I agree. The folks in charge in USA all go to same Ivy League schools. All indoctrinated with same false stories and fairytales. Unfortunately, they believe this crap because for most of them, their first emotional connection with a human being was their university professor…


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        Eric the Red


        Excellent point. It gives some insight into their basic psychological motivations, and from there their emotional and political development.


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