There are threshold levels of magnetic weakness that could result in a major, as opposed to a slight, climatic shift. Many do not seem to understand that the models do not incorporate the strengths of the solar/geomagnetic fields when making predictions, so here are my own predictions.
Written by Prof Claes Johnson (Professor of Applied Mathematics KTH)
CO2 alarmism feeds on an idea of massive backradiation or Downwelling Longwave Radiation DLR from the atmosphere to the Earth surface, about 330 W/m2 to be compared with 170 W/m2 absorbed shortwave radiation from the Sun.
Detailed new statistical analysis of original datasets freely, accessed at the global depository of daily temperature data, shows the ACTUAL temperature record proves a cooling trend for the northern hemisphere over the last 140 years.
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition have discovered that the Royal Society of New Zealand cannot support its contention that man-made global warming is real and dangerous.
Scientists believe that Earth could experience a “big freeze” as the sun goes through what’s known as “solar minimum.”During this time, sunspots are minimal and the globe could be in for a wicked cold snap.
Willis Eschenbach made a guest post entitled The Steel Greenhouse at Watts Up With That in November 2009 that reduces a critical aspect of the catastrophic man-made global warming hypothesis to a very simple model.
Some critics of catastrophic man-made global warming claim his model is incorrect and others embrace it.
The idea that humans were causing runaway global warming originated with the Club of Rome. Formed in 1968 by David Rockefeller, it expanded on the Malthusian idea that the population would outgrow the food supply. The expansion was that world population would outgrow all resources. They made three major assumptions.
BREAKING: Vital US spy satellites rendered blind – no access by other nations. Pentagon declining to comment. Respected former CIA analyst predicted the action – connected to Donald Trump. Conspiracy theorists say ‘QAnon‘ behind it.
Co-author of ground-breaking book debunking greenhouse gas theory shows why the consensus science solution to the parallel plane black body radiator problem is wrong.
Starvation due to natural causes is the leading cause of death for polar bears and loss of body condition (aka getting thinner) is, therefore, the first symptom of impending death for virtually all polar bears that die naturally.
When we hear about “clean” energy these days, it generally refers only to solar and wind, which do not emit CO2. CO2 is never mentioned as a “criteria pollutant” in the Clean Air Act or any amendment.
The Venta Maersk (VM) is a brand new container ship with a carrying capacity of 3,600 standard 20 ft. size (TEU) containers. With a length of 200 m and a beam of 36 m, it is quite a large vessel but nowhere near the really large container ships that can carry three to five times as many TEU.
Newly leaked internal documents show that Elon Musk’s Tesla continues to face production woes, with only 14 percent of cars passing first inspection, as opposed to industry targets of 80 percent.
Climate alarmists frequently claim that rising atmospheric CO2 and rising global temperatures are “twin evils” to the environment. If left unchecked, they say their unfettered increases will alter and destroy habitats and potentially lead to the extinction of untold species of plants and animals. But how realistic are such concerns?
It appears that the melt season has just about finished on the Greenland ice cap, and for the second year running ice accumulation has been way above normal.
Once upon a time, two early humans of different ancestry met at a cave in Russia. Some 50,000 years later, scientists have confirmed that they had a daughter together.
DNA extracted from bone fragments found in the cave show the girl was the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father.