Alarmist Study On ‘Overheated Oceans’ Fails Scientific Scrutiny
Written by Nicholas Lewis
Written by Nicholas Lewis
Written by Jeff Tzu-chao Lin
Written by Erin Elizabeth
Unexplained Mass Bird Deaths During Dutch 5G Experiment. About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it is being kept quiet. However, when about 150 more suddenly died – bringing the death toll to 297 – people started to notice.
Written by Kenneth Richard
According to climatologist Dr. Michael Mann, we human beings are significantly modulating the globe’s hydrological cycle by warming the planet.
Mann postulates that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) causes the wet regions of the Earth to get wetter, whereas the dry regions of the Earth get drier (“DDWW” in the scientific literature).
In other words, AGW causes extreme weather patterns to worsen, or occur with greater frequency and intensity.
Written by Anthony Bright-Paul
How does the air get hot? How does the air warm at all? Just consider this – 99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the atmosphere is comprised of Nitrogen and Oxygen which are both transparent to infrared radiation, both incoming and outgoing. Is this a scientific fact, agreed by both Warmists and Skeptics? Yes, it is.
Written by Tim Binnall
The discovery of an odd and massive cloud lingering in the atmosphere of Mars has sparked a rather fantastic suggestion for its origin. The weird find was announced by the European Space Agency last week when they released an image of the atmospheric wonder and shared some details about its nature. According to ESA, the cloud measures a whopping 900 miles long and is located relatively close to a volcano known as Arsia Mons.
Written by Dr Tim Ball
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Massive German public media, institutions move to brutally squash scientific dissent. The modest German organization EIKE now under a full-scale defamation assault in a bid to ruin and silence climate dissent.
Written by Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report said there are 12 years left to save the planet. It triggered the usual frantic and ridiculous reactions. NBC News even proclaimed, “A last-ditch global warming fix? A man-made ‘volcanic’ eruption” to cool the planet.
Written by John Hunt, MD
Could the selection process for entry and success (“actively publishing”) in the climate profession create a bias that compromises the information we rely on to make our critical decisions about climate?
Written by Hans Schreuder
Retired Analytical Chemist, Hans Schreuder, sends an open letter to Britain’s Climate Change Committee requesting an explanation as to why the nation should adhere to the discredited science of the UN IPCC, which is proven to be politically biased, subjective and discredited on its claims.
Written by William W. Kay BA LL.B.
In the 1950s the world’s scientific community understood that the greenhouse gas climate theory was long dead. [1] But somehow it was brought back to life in the 1970s. Below William W. Kay explains why.
Written by Michael Bastasch
It might be hard to believe, but the cost of disasters has actually fallen as a percentage of economic output since 1990, according to the findings of an environmental study.
The study, published Saturday in the journal Environmental Hazards, reinforces previous findings that when economic growth is taken into account, disasters like hurricanes and wildfires are less costly to society than in the past.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
While German activists are growing hysterical over fine particle emissions from today’s relatively cleaner diesel automobiles, the German Allgemeine Zeitung here reports that researchers have determined that low-frequency infrasound from wind turbines indeed do have a negative impact on the human heart.
Wind turbines proven to convert 40 percent of the wind’s energy into power and 60 percent into infrasound, making them a threat to human health.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
In 2016, with considerable fanfare, the Cape Sharp Tidal (CST) company launched its “long-awaited” underwater test turbine in the Bay of Fundy. CST, co-owned by Nova Scotia’s Emera Inc. (EI), and the Irish co. OpenHydro Ltd. (OH), a subsidiary of the French co. Naval Energies, (NE), have hit the end of the road. Both CST and OH have now filed for bankruptcy.
Written by Stephen Wells
PSI has been at the forefront of debunking the fundamental foundations of the Catastrophic Man Made Global Warming claims, by falsifying the Greenhouse Effect Hypothesis itself.
When I came across the work of the scientists whose papers they published, I had to spend a lot of time looking up relevant laws of physics, rules of mathematics and hours and hours of time generally to make sure I was understanding what had been written.