Author Archive

Media Persists Promoting Fake COVID-19 Mortality Numbers

Written by Joe Hoft

There is something very wrong with the reporting related to the China  coronavirus.  Current reporting is manipulated in an effort to keep the virus alive and the the media regurgitates these numbers in constant negative over-the-top reporting. These numbers need to be audited now.

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Right To Try Voodoo    

Written by Joseph A Olson PE

Two Australian scientists, Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their pioneering cure of peptic ulcers. What is most revealing about ‘established science’ is that these gifted and dedicated doctors made this discovery in 1982.

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We Will Keep on Exposing this Maskerade

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The trope of “just shut up and wear a mask” is not science, ordered liberty, or constitutional governance. It’s what they do in North Korea. We need real debate on the effectiveness of masks, the type of masks, the situations in which they are worn, the duration of time, the benchmarks that need to be met to measure effectiveness, and the process for promulgating these rules.

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The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

Written by Catherine Austin Fitts

I am not a scientist. I am not a doctor. I am not a biotech engineer. I am not an attorney. However, I read, listen, appreciate, and try to understand those who are.

I was an investment banker until politics made it impossible to continue to practice my art. I was trained as a portfolio strategist—so I map my world by watching the financial flows and allocation of resources.

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Snapshot of the Nations Praising HCQ for COVID-19

Written by CryptoNephilim @cryptonephilim (Twitter)

Health officials from China, Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Bahrain, Turkey, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Morocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Cuba, Italy, and 65 scientific studies have shown hydroxychloroquine is effective when used early against COVID19.

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HCQ: Video Explains When and How to Use It


Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are oral prescription drugs that have been used for treatment of malaria and certain inflammatory conditions. Watch this 8-minute video to learn more about this amazing and cheap medicine.

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Insane! ONLINE Classes Only Open to Students Who Are Vaccinated

Written by Lexi Morgan

Online virtual classrooms in the State of Virginia are now requiring students who attend to be immunized against various illnesses despite the fact that the pupils will be taking classes from the comfort of their own home in what can only be considered a blatant push to inject poisonous toxins and metals into to bodies of schoolkids.

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