In this video, Tim Truth dives deep into the phantom planes of 9/11. The North Tower was hit first and there is only one video of that crash, and the footage is poor quality but we are focusing on the second crash.
Stephen J. Crothers, who for the best part of two decades have advanced several proofs that the theory of black holes is invalid because it violates the rules of pure mathematics is looking at the General Theory of Relativity and its faulty mathematical foundations.
In just 3 years we’ve seen Covid-19(84) morph into dozens of so called variants with apparently no end in sight but has anything really changed, or is this just normal activity that can be chalked up to the common cold or flu?
Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Maria Zeee to discuss Governor Kathy Hochul’s appeal to BRING BACK government quarantine camps, a new Bill that has legalised turning humans into compost and much more.
In this episode of TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying we have two great expert guests discussing topical news concerning: (1) food scarcity, growing your own food, and (2) the latest developments about COVID vaccine injuries.
Written by Robert J Brennan. BSc. BHSc(Hons1). MB. BS.
Take any garden variety film of the mafia or western genre. The villains either run the town or make their occasional runs into town for tribute. Though outnumbering the villains sometimes a hundred to one or more, the townspeople capitulate, some even collaborate.
Written by Alliance for Natural Health International
The elimination of dissent and the marginalisation of scientists sceptical of the establishment’s scientific and medical agenda will destroy the scientific process – unless reversed.
Find out how the concept of ‘scientific misinformation’ has been deliberately spun to make it the primary weapon aimed at protecting the interests of the status quo. As well as what we can do about it.
Pre-order this 400-page volume – a fitting addition to other books in the ‘Slayer’ series and a ‘must read’ for truth seekers.
Principia Scientific International researchers bring to market ‘Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon‘ a truly independent, carefully-researched analysis of the biggest medical fraud in history. Don’t be misinformed anymore!
In this video, Infowars explain how the CDC have confirmed they targeted red state with a deadly batch of vaccines which was speculated last year. In leaked private documents show the expiry dates on the vaccines but only certain lots were included, and these lots were the very same ones that were found to be highly toxic in Paardekooper’s database.
On November 12, 1970, a cyclone hit the country of Bangladesh (which was known as East Pakistan at the time) that through a combination of bad timing, location, miscommunication, and political malice became the deadliest storm in human history, killing more than half a million people in one day.
In this video Anton Petrov discusses additional discoveries and confirmations about the inner structure of our planet. Scientists have thought for 20 years that there is definitely another structure inside our planet commonly referred to as the innermost core.
Protests are popping up around the world against something called 15 minute cities. We’ve covered 15 minute cities here on the show and we warned you about them and now that warning is starting to catch on. So what are 15 minute cities?
The RESTORE COLORADO 2022 ‘ZERO FOOD PRINT’ slogan appears to be inspired by the Bill Gates, WEF, & UN Agenda 2030 move toward ZERO carbon emissions by 2050.
Maria Zeee exposes a recent report which lists “ambitious” targets by 2030 for every smart city including ZERO meat, cars, reduced electricity, water and resources to turn all human beings into malnourished slaves to the system, as well as the current cities already locked into this agenda with more to come.
This law suit, unthinkable and futile in some countries, could be a breakthrough case in exposing the deception and fraud behind the worldwide Covid-19 vaccine campaign and has the potential to cause the Corona House of Cards to crumble.