Young Girl Tested With Swab at School Bleeds From Eye, Nose

A young girl eager to return to school needs a nasal swab test. Her Mom says 30 minutes after returning home, she was bleeding from her nose…and an eye. Hospital staff allegedly stated this is “normal.”



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Comments (7)

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    Bless the kiddie, and her mum.x Bless all who suffer under the thumb of these useless ponces who parade themselves like they own all and sundry,

    Judgement is coming, and Justice WILL be done. No, I don’t refer to revelation.


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    Joseph Olson


    DEATH is one of the adverse effects that prove the inoculations are working….


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    Andrew Pilkington


    “Bastards”. Yet another Proof, that they have taken this SCAMdemic way too far.
    They are NOT going to back down unless WE make it happen and they are going to take this right to the end, irrespective of what anyone says.
    And, if they don’t finish us with their Fuel Scam, or their Food Heist, their Climate Change Fraud, should do the trick.

    They don’t give a shit about us or our kids. They don’t even know us and certainly don’t want to. They see us as Livestock, to do what they will. Their “Property”. Their Financial Burden.

    Hugs to the little Lass they assaulted and Love to the whole Family. x


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    My daughter has has to stay in hospital seven times with my 3-year-old grandson (breathing difficulties/asthma) since this swab testing started. She has refused to be tested and has refused to have my grandson tested. She is also mask exempt. They were put in a room on their own each time and she wasn’t exactly flavour of the month with the staff, but she stood her ground and reading this, I’m so very glad she did. My heart goes out to this little girl and her mum.


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    very old white guy


    There would be blood coming from the one who did that to my child.


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    Aaron Kulkis


    There’s absolutely ZERO reason to swab all the way up into the sinus cavity. Anything that can be obtained by a swab in the sinus cavity can just as easily be obtained in the nose proper without risking harm to the person being tested.

    This is sadism from the ghouls ok n charge giving out such bogus instructions to nurses, and nothing more.


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      Aarom Kulkis


      “ghouls in charge”for


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