WuFlu Bat Stew News for You

Welcome Bat Fans, as promised, same bat-time, same bat-channel, the latest news on the Bat Stew hysteria, but WARNING, this information could be disturbing to child-like perceptions of our fake reality, adult guidance is recommended.

You’ve been a faithful subject, believed every deceptive official narrative.  You have quietly OBEYED and you have loyally CONSUMED.  But at some point, the preponderance of evidence becomes overwhelming. Now this week’s, shocking news.


Rumors of this powerful medical fact began to be posted on line, and if there is one Truth on this current quarantined planet, it is that the plutocrat directed Mid Stream Media and the Silicon Valley, soy boy digital warlords will rabbit-hole all Truth, as fast as they can. You never wanted to fall down the Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, but as they keep telling us, “We Are All in This Together”

First some biology, the Pineal Gland is that almond sized lump at the base of your brain that monitors and regulates your endocrine system, your body’s hormone levels and your circadian rhythms, which control your sleep cycle. Disrupt this elegant biological system and you make life a little less joyous. See here: EndocrineWeb.com [1]

So how do humans get a calcified gland, you ask. Well, certain Halogens, when ingested, displace Iodine, and these toxic elements have an affinity for the element Calcium. If Periodic Tables are not your thing, then this article will explain the role of these three elements in cancer. See here:  BeyondThyroidCancer.com [2]

For those who have followed my research over the last six months, the next information is self evident (for new readers see the predicate listed in the bootnotes).  There has been a very nefarious group of plutocrats in charge of a false reality for centuries (see the documentaries below, beginning with “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”).

Unchallenged plutocrat control of our planet can only have a limited number of players. For each of the 300 or so “top” plutocrats, there can only be so many generals, so many lieutenants, and so many serfs. For over a century, these plutocrats have stated that the Earth’s population must be reduced to 500,000 humans; genocide is a necessity.

Since we are so many, and they are so few, their success depended on unnoticed, asymmetrical warfare on all fronts, chemical, biological and actual false flag staged warfare. This sedition of civilization is the British extension of the Roman model, a master/slave organization imposed on the British for 400 years, fractionalized and imposed on Europe for a thousand years and culminated in dominance of the British empire after Waterloo.

Chlorine was discovered by a Swedish scientist in 1774, and by mid19th century was  recognized as a disinfectant. First use in water treatment was as a point of use sterilant in the UK in the 1890s.  It was applied in large scale to the water supply of the Lincoln township, in 1905 with satisfactory results.  By 1908 the first chlorinated water systems were operational in America.

Meanwhile, Paris had discovered that Ozone, O3 was another method of water purification with fewer harmful side effects.  Today there are over two thousand major cities that use Ozone purification. Nazi death camps used Fluoride to sedate their prisoners. Following World War Two, our death camp overlords demanded adding this Halogen to our drinking supply, albeit in lower dosage of 1 PPM.

The American Dental Association and the American Medical Associations are both captive propaganda outlets for the plutocrats.  After overwhelming evidence of the harmful effects of fluoridated water, the HHS ordered reduction from 1.0 to 0.7 PPMin 2015 (see “ADA Applauds HHS Reduction in Fluoride” at ADA.com). Clandestine poisoning always involves long term, low dosage, ask Napoleon.

Fluoride calcification of the Thyroid and Pineal glands induce a number of medical symptoms that the AMA quacks can prescribe a lifetime of tinctures to disguise, but never cure. But if the medical mafia approved level of Fluoride poisoning was reduced, then how would the injurious dosage be maintained, enter the FDA.

The FDA had approved a number of sterilization methods for the food chain, safest among these was Nitrogen baths.  By flooding food processing chambers with inert Nitrogen, all biological agents were exterminated.  Other safe methods used the above mentioned Ozone: ionization with UV lights and the questionable irradiation, mainly used for long term survival food supplies.

After the HHS ruling, the FDA banned all alternatives and demanded that all beans and nuts must be sterilized using Fluoride, meaning your coffee is now a poison delivery system.  Since the “Tinfoil Avoidance” readers have already stopped reading these Truths, we can now explain more of the sedition organization system.

The great Patriot, Captain Field McConnell was among the first to mention SERCO, the largest company that you never heard of, and their crime partner, the SES, Senior Executive Service.  The Aim4Truth website has an Excel searchable directory of the Plum Book of SES members.  With over 10,000 under qualified, over paid saboteurs. This group includes every bureaucratic puppet in the news today, along with many congress critters and judges.

We will someday marvel at the vast organizational level of this genocide program, but to do so, we must recognize additional preplanning. Medical doctors who have prescribed safe, effective HCQ as preventative and cure have been censored on social media and threatened by their state licensing boards.  Thanks to Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD at PlagueTheBook.com for disclosing this additional connection.

The Bayh-Dole Act, 35USC/200~212, passed in 1980, transferred ownership of TAXPAYER FUNDED scientific research patents from the US Treasury to the bureaucrats in charge of the research teams.  HIAID leader Fauci, along with the heads of CDC, FDA, NIH and others, therefore benefit directly from every tincture they approve, or worse, impose by medical mafia fiat.

Recognizing the toxic viral load in every vaccine, the congress critters passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986, making the TAXPAYER responsible for every vaccine injury.  So we have a regulatory agency, profiting from an industry that has ZERO obligation to make a safe, effective product. To the contrary, this medical mafia has every motive to INTENTIONALLY make defective products, if they can also prescribe palpatives to suppress the side effect “symptom”.

If you mix science and politics, what you get is POLITICS.  Sadly, we cannot discuss Carbon climate forcing without being labeled anti-science by those who are in fact illiterate on Thermodynamics and Radiation Heat Transfer Physics. The same applies to a vast array of orthodox science myths.

You might be upset at all this discord, and like Rodney King say, “Can’t we all just get along” but the ruling Divide and Conquer overlords uses this wedge issue as well.  Nothing is a coincidence.  Just when the WuFlu hysteria was waning, another in a series of gentle giant racial incidents erupted, this time in Minneapolis.

We have reached the Apocalypse threshold, either we stand up and fight now, or we are condemned to slavery and early death.  If we, in mass refuse to wear a choking mask, if we refuse to have medieval social distancing from our fellow human beings, if we refuse mandatory voodoo vaccination, then we can defeat this evil phantom.

“The sheep spend their whole life in fear of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd”

We have been repeatedly sheared by the shepherd, but now he wants to skin and eat us, as part of his dystopian half-billion people planet plan.  We need YOU to stop being a sheep, become a SHEEPDOG and help us overcome the wolves and their wolf pack leading sheepherders.


[1] https://EndocrineWeb.com/endocrine/overview-pineal-gland

[2] https://BeyondThyroidCancer.com/Fluorine-Chlorine-Bromine


“All Wars Are Bankers Wars” by Michael Rivero at > WhatReallyHappened.com

“Divide and Conquer, the Left/Right Fraud” at > CorbettReport.com

“The World War One Conspiracy” at > CorbettReport

NCVIA information by Del Bigtree at > theHighWire.com

Posted at principia-scientific.org  by this author:

“Pandemics Are PERSONAL”

“Remember the A La Mode Review”

“Last Waltz Across Texas”


“Right To Try Voodoo”

About the author:  Joseph A Olson PE. Joe co-authored ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory and is co-founder of Principia Scientific International. Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, Joe is a respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name. 

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (8)

  • Avatar

    Brian James


    This is also something never considered.

    Jun 9, 2009 Fluoride and The Pineal Gland

    The single animal study of pineal function indicates that fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity.



  • Avatar

    Joseph Olson


    When you mix science with politics….you get POLITICS.

    (that subject is VERBOTEN for UK charitable organizations, unedited link when US posted)


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    John Doran


    Thank you for this top essay, Mr. Olson.
    I believe you have the big picture.
    As backup, I offer the following:
    1) http://www.c3headlines.com
    Click on Quotes. The plotters reveal themselves.
    3.5 hrs.
    3) Book, Pawns In The Game, by WWII Canadian naval intelligence officer William Guy Carr.
    Well referenced, no index. Rothschild’s 25 point plan of 1773, for global domination, is in chapter 3. Bankster funding for the Bolshevik Revolution, $50,000,000 in 1917, in the middle of WWI, is in chapter 9.
    Can be read free online, using the search box at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net
    4) Merchants Of Despair, by nuclear PhD engineer Robert Zubrin.
    Well illustrated, referenced & indexed.
    Zubrin details some of the grim depopulation tactics used by the Brutish & now the Zio/US Empires.
    He also shows how safe & clean nuclear power has been held back, buried under bureaucracy & demonised by the fake news MSM.
    5) & finally, a fascinating book by genius journalist, Jim Marrs, RIP.
    Our Occulted History Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?
    Were humans created by the Anunnaki as a slave/servant/companion race?
    Is the Moon really a hollow spacecraft?
    Were the giants of The Old Testament the hybrid sons of the sons of the Gods & the daughters of men?
    Well referenced & indexed, from our oldest form of written history, ancient Sumerian clay tablets, via The Bible, to modern NASA scientists, a great read.
    The Rothschilds are said to proclaim their heritage from Nimrod of Sumer.


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    David Stickle


    what is the source documentation for this statement? “After the HHS ruling, the FDA banned all alternatives and demanded that all beans and nuts must be sterilized using Fluoride, meaning your coffee is now a poison delivery system.”


    • Avatar

      Joseph Olson


      “5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells” at > medpub(.)gov

      Silicon Valley gatekeepers have WITHDRAWN, BLOCKED or BANNED all counter narrative discussions on 5G, HCQ, Fluoride and more. I’ve been good friends with my dentist for 40 years and discussed this with him at the time it happened +/- 2015. I’ll try to find a reference, in the scientific minefield.


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