World Bank Speaker Touts End of Internal-combustion Engine


On Thursday, at the globalist World Bank’s “Financing Climate Action Event” in Washington, Baron Nicholas Stern, an economist working with the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and Economics at the London School of Economics, called for stopping the sale of internal-combustion engines, which still power nearly all of the automotive vehicles in the world.

Stern addressed the conference remotely from West Sussex in the U.K. He formerly served as the chief economist for the World Bank from 2000-2003. You can see his presentation here. (Stern’s portion begins at 52 minutes in.)

“The right kind of policies have to be put in place, including the abolition of fossil fuel subsidies, the advancement of carbon pricing, but clarity on timescales for decentralization of the grid, clarity on timescales for stopping the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles, and so on — making sure the sense of direction is clear in those ways,” Stern told the gathering.

In the past, Stern has argued that climate change will potentially lead to “the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.”

The economist touted the UN-IPCC’s recent climate reports as reason to hit the panic button regarding the IPCC’s stated goal of keeping global warming under two degrees Celsius.

“The IPCC report is clear and strong. Each one that comes through is more worrying than the one that came before,” Stern said. “We’re headed for something closer to three degrees than two degrees.”

“We haven’t been at three degrees for three million years,” the economist claimed. “The sea levels would be ten to twenty meters higher, threatening our coastal cities and habitations in a very deep and difficult way.”

To be clear, even the IPCC has stated that those worst-case scenarios that Stern describes are unlikely.

Stern painted a disturbing picture of up to a billion climate refugees in the coming decades due both to long-onset warming as well as “extreme events,” which the economist failed to describe.

“Let’s be very clear about the scale of the risks, and that we have to act very quickly and strongly, starting now in this decade if we are to be able to handle those risks,” Stern claimed.

As always, fossil fuels, those life-giving materials that heat our homes and fuel our vehicles, were enemy number one on Stern’s list.

“We have to invest strongly in doing things differently. What things? Particularly the energy sector. We have to put in place a big transition and we have to do it now,” Stern said. “And, of course … moving away from coal, absolutely a core part of that — it’s the lowest hanging fruit.”

Fellow presenter and current World Bank President David Malpass also strongly went after coal-fired power for what he considers its significant contribution to global warming.

“We’re at the point now where we have to be very concrete in how to close a coal-fired power plant in South Africa or Indonesia. And those proved to be really difficult challenges because of the large cost and the long lifespan of the project,” Malpass said.

South Africa and Indonesia are one thing.

Why don’t they go after China — the world’s largest user of coal and world’s largest CO2 emitter overall?

China is still set to build hundreds of coal-fired plants and blast furnaces as a part of its most recent five-year-plan.

The globalists at the UN, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and the rest have to speak frightening rhetoric about a future that they really can’t predict.

A fearful populace is vital to their plan to create a new world system.

Their agenda is not about the good of the planet — it’s about enslaving the people who live on it.

Climate change — so called — is not really about science. At its essence, the movement is about politics and global economics.

It is paramount that freedom-loving individuals stand up to and counter these claims of a coming climate apocalypse whenever and however they can.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (9)

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    Kevin Doyle


    Obviously, this guy and his fellow ‘Economists’ are technically and thermodynamically illiterate.
    I’ve often thought most ‘economists’, like Alan Greenspan, were babbling con-artists. Baron Nicholas Stern has confirmed my belief.


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    We are agreed on that. These people should not be led out the front door. A ‘Baron’ no less with no understand of what he blathers on about.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Stephan:
      You can rest assured, the Baron (one of the families) knows exactly what he is talking about. Its just that he is on one side of the fence and you are on the other. Just like the 99% of the inhabitants of the “Hunger Games” were on the wrong side of the fence. The elite cannot enslave the world’s population without lying about everything in the process. What do you think the phony climate change, fake virus and contrived wars are for. Like Carlin said’ “its a big club and you ain’t in it.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Kevin,

    Alan Greenspan and Baron Nicholas Stern were not and are not con-artists; they actually believe what they WRONGLY reason. I ask you (because I don’t know) do you believe that surfaces (in contact with the gaseous atmosphere) of liquids and solids have a “skin (surface) temperature”?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Kevin Doyle


      Hi Jerry,
      Is this a ‘trick’ question?
      Surfaces have temperatures which can be measured. If I take a heat gun and point it at my diesel engine, the heat gun tells me the surface temperature is 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
      Why do you ask?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Kevin:
        Or take the temperature of the inside of an insulated air conditioned building in the hot summer, then climb up on the metal roof (your feet will be burning real quick) and check the temp. of the roof. You can even feel the heat radiating off of the surface of the roof.


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    Charles Higley


    Stern is and IDIOT, defined as someone who does not know what is going on around them. Have not been this warm in three million years? Try only 8000 years ago. Sea levels rising 10s of meters? Yeah, right. He is clearly misinformed and needs to learn to be more critical of the stupid people feeding him tripe.


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    Mark Tapley


    Contrary to what the previous commenter have stated, (((Stern))) is not an idiot or poorly informed. He is a member of the Beatrice and Sydney Fabian Socialist Society’s London School of Economics and therefore a highly placed operative in the Zionist syndicate of global criminals. They are well aware that the western economies must be destroyed so that in the process all land, capital and resources can be brought under their control using the :”Green Energy” scam, fake viruses and phony wars.

    I have repeated many rimes on this PSI site that it is not an issue of bad science or mis information that is the problem. All of the global criminals like Stern know the facts. That is why they have their puppet actor politician in all the countries as well as the controlled media pushing the climate change narrative, just as they had all the controlled countries pedal the fake virus. The Club of Rome was not founded in 1969 for no reason but rather to push the Zionist agenda of the CFR and pave the way for the WEF and the finkncialised and militarized control of the world within the U.N. banker’s Agenda2030-21.


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    How many people remember the ‘Stern Report’ in relation to “climate change”? It was based on false assumptions and errors. It was a ‘garbage in, garbage out report’.

    What is truly amazing is that politicians treated the “Stern Report’ like a Bible, even politicians in Australia like Julia Gillard who, days before an election said, “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead” and the first thing she then did when elected was to introduce a carbon tax.

    My point is that Nicholas Stern may have letters after his name but he is no better than those conniving bureaucrats depicted in the famous TV series “Yes Minister”.


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