Why ‘Dog Ladies’ Are No Laughing Matter

Lady Gaga′s dogs kidnapped, dog walker in critical condition | News | DW | 25.02.2021

Photo: Lady Gaga and her Pooch. Not just via the fake pandemic, but the global elite are deploying other means to cull the world’s human population. The rise of ‘dog ladies’ is causing chatter in the zeitgeist. Are there no limits to what a psychopathic elite will do to denigrate and denude our souls in an endless physical and psychological assault?

Age-related infertility is a growing problem. Infertility in men under 30 is up by 15 percent. Social discord is encouraged by identity politics and our young are coerced and brainwashed, destined never to partner up and form families and spawn further generations.

Lonely young men self isolate with their XBoxes and Play Stations in their parents’ basements. But what of our daughters?

Some questions are verboten, some not. Seek answers and expect a ban if you question scientific evidence that mass ‘vaccination’ will protect us against an unproven (not isolated) virus (COVID19). But you will have free and unfettered access on Google if you want to view the darkest sides of sexual depravity. Zoophilia (bestiality) is on the rise and becoming a norm.

On Youtube last month (video below) ‘CoachRedPill‘ – a popular online mentor to disaffected young men –  signalled this is a real and growing phenomenon.

At this point, perhaps we can only surmise this unwelcome trend is likely exacerbated by endless societal ‘lockdowns’ – that mental torture we compliantly endure as part of the medical martial law imposed on us all over the past 16 months.

Mental health has undoubtedly taken a hit during this pandemic but did anyone see the rise of ‘dog ladies’ as a consequence?


The comments section to the above video reveals the travesty in this growing truth: “Small dogs are child substitutes. Big dogs are man substitutes.”

CoachRedPill has certainly struck a chord with his YouTube followers over ‘dog moms.’  As another comment on the video lamented,

“The most depressing product I ever saw in a pet store was “cat wine” (colored water with catnip in it), whose slogan was “so you don’t have to drink alone.”

Like many, I believed only by entering the ‘Dark Web‘ would the most vile images be revealed. But extremely graphic bestial material is available for free by conducting a simple Google search (same with Firefox, DuckDuckGo, IE, etc). All with no age verification filters, no censorship, no warning as to the explicit nature of the material contained. We can only conclude the billionaire class who own (and police) social media want this normalized for all.

Shocking as it will be to most readers, the prevalence and acceptance of a lonely underclass of morally abandoned young women – the so-called dog ladies or dog moms – is gaining traction on social media. But worse, the practice of sex with animals is so readily accessed on internet search engines that our children can now more readily watch such depravity than be able to access, read, learn and decide about using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine as prophylactics against a ‘deadly virus’.

This is real and insane, as our recent story ‘Biased Politicians Get Vax Skeptic Doctor Banned From Instagram’ proved.

As more ‘anti-vaxxers’ are de-platformed for merely pointing out hard, scientific facts, internet users in western nations can access child and animal porn more easily than bona fide scientific evidence about the stupidity and real dangers of wearing COVID masks!

This is the parlous state our civilisation has reached when ‘US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War On Independent Media’ – all because we dare share scientific truths. In this topsy-turvy reality would we profit more from sharing zoophilic evils?

Nonetheless, as independent scientists, doctors and researchers we are rightly focused on exposing Google, Youtube and all the other dysfunctional social media giants for turning humanity into uncritical, compliant zombies; their vaccine guinea pigs while young women ‘stay safe’ and opt for companionship with animals over that of ‘toxic’ masculinity.

We should have seen this coming. In 2014 a peer-reviewed study gave an open-ended survey question to European 9- to 16-year-olds, some 10,000 children reported a range of risks that concern them on the internet. Twenty-two percent of children expressed ‘risk’ suffered from easily-accessed internet porn. [1]

The study revealed:

“Video-sharing websites such as YouTube were primary sources of violent and pornographic content. The findings discussed in relation to children’s fear responses to screen media and the implications for the public policy agenda on internet safety are identified.”

Another study from 2013 repeats the stark warning:

“Overall, nearly 10 percent of males and 4 percent of females reported some likelihood of having sex with children or viewing child pornography. Males and females with any sexual interest in children reported higher likelihoods of engaging in other antisocial or criminal behaviors and also reported more dysfunctional childhoods (i.e., histories of sexual abuse, insecure parent–child attachments).” [2]

Society is being polarised on multiple fronts, deviancy is being normalized by stealth, and for our young and impressionable sons and daughters the stereotypes (below) are a grotesque outcome:

Incel: What Are Chads, Stacys, and Beckys? - Vox

INCELS – involuntary celibacy – among young men is a real and growing phenomenon. In the Internet Age (since 1995) Millennials and Generation Z are being encouraged to adopt solitary lives in a dystopian virtual reality; to forsake the sexual marketplace and inexorably become further brainwashed to reject traditional masculine and feminine roles (male providers, female homemakers).

Hollywood and Netflix are telling our feminist daughters to abandon motherhood, take on huge student debt, graduate in pointless humanities subjects, work dead end jobs and be happy alone while our sons resort to fap, video gaming and drug use.

The billionaire class would rather offer you free and unfettered access to the most depraved child and animal pornography rather than be properly informed on vaccine dangers or the fake pandemic depopulation agenda.

Social influencers like CoachRedPill may quip and opine light heartedly on this matter, but society generally needs to wake up and understand the dangers emerging with this state-condoned deviancy.

[1]‘In their own words: What bothers children online?’ (Livingstone, Kirwil, Ponte, (First Published March 3, 2014) https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323114521045

[2] ‘Sexual Interest in Children Among an Online Sample of Men and Women: Prevalence and Correlates’, Wurtele, Simons, Moreno, (First Published November 11, 2013) https://doi.org/10.1177/1079063213503688

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (7)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi John O’,

    One’s mind can cause one to see two completely ‘images’ from a single drawing and now your photo (image). My mind initially ‘saw’ an old hag and now it ‘sees’ an attractive young lady. And I can not get the image of the old hag back. I do not know what this phenomenon is termed but I know it is real. Could much of the nonsense going on be because people’s minds are playing tricks on them???

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    John O'Sullivan


    Jerry. Certainly a lot of mind warping nonsense has been in play for decades. Am thinking of the CIA’s ‘Operation Mockingbird’ for starters.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello John:
      Practically everything you see is designed to support the Zionist narrative for more control. That is all climate change and the fake virus is all about. Everything they do is a lie and a fraud. From the contrived wars to 911, WMD’s, fake moon landings, fake atomic weapons, false flag shootings, like Los Vegas and the recent one in Boulder, fake Floyds, staged riots in the cities and the ridiculous capitol riot where they used some of the same actors as in Seattle and Portland. The leader of the Proud Boys ( used to stage fights with the BLM) was exposed as an FBI operative. All the puppet actor presidents are Zionist controlled operatives as are the fake Dem. and Rep. parties. Two of the biggest psyops were the fake “Cuban missile crisis” with the fake nuclear warheads and the “Sharon Tate murders.”


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    Mark Tapley


    If you are going to change society it’s a lot easier if you change the people. A self sufficient society of rugged individuals does nothing for the parasitic elite. Degenerate people, being slaves to their own vices are easy to control. The elite must grasp the power of government to “democratize” and strive for socialist “equality.” This began in the U.S. with compulsory “public” (indoctrination centers) schooling propelled by Rockefeller shill John Dewey as a means to create “cogs for the socialist system.” Control of the MSM was accomplished before WW1and of medicine shortly after.

    The goal is to destroy the nuclear family unit, the basis of all well functioning societies. That is why “entertainment” is a parade of homosexuals and other perverts. Instead of all being citizens under the law there are all kinds of welfare and minority set asides for favored groups from Wall St. and the insiders at the top to illegals at the bottom.. All at the expense of the productive economy and all giving more power to the top. Eventually there will only be one program. Do as you are told or you won’t eat.


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    Greg Spinolae


    Seems you either advocate for SCIENCE (and, by definition FreeSpeech) or you advocate for censorship. There is no place for a “fulcrum” that doesn’t arrive at totalitarianism.


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    T. C. Clark


    An end to civilization/society may be seen in mice society. Your tax dollars paid for “research” into this matter. A researcher used a pair of lab mice to start a population in a room with all the needs of mice available…lots of food ….water….whatever….and there was no interference in the lives except to maintain a level of cleanliness….the mice were simply observed as they grew in numbers and did as they pleased….the population peaked in the hundreds and leveled off and started to decline…this was done more than once…the result was always the same. This actually might have been more worthwhile research than much of it such as $70k spent to determine if the first man on the moon said “one small step for man…” or “one small step for A man….” And the conclusion was…… more research needed.


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    Hannah Horton


    This is a brilliant article so true people are not realising how dangerous this world is social media is just getting worse day by day people need to start waking up more


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