Where Planck Got It Wrong

Max Planck’s work gave rise to quantum physics and is a foundation of modern physics, but what if he got it wrong?

He tried to reconcile two theories to resolve inconsistencies in the experimental data.

The theories were the second law of thermodynamics and the “black body” theory, but if both these theories are wrong than the solution he came up with is also wrong.


This law states that heat will flow from a warmer object to a cooler object but heat does not flow, only energy and energy will only flow from a higher level of energy to a lower level of energy.

Mass does not radiate or flow between objects so the mass of objects, even though it is a function of kinetic energy is immaterial. Energy (v^2) is attracted to positive matter and will flow to it until the energy is equally distributed to all the positive matter (a neutron is a subatomic molecule formed from a proton and an electron).

In convection, or collisions between molecules, the energy will flow from the object with greater velocity (energy) to the object with less velocity even if that object has more total energy. After a collision the positive matter of both objects will have the same amount of energy, but the larger object will a greater amount of energy (kinetic energy). The energy

is flowing to the atoms that make up the object, not to the object.

If a small car runs into the rear of a larger slow moving truck, the car’s speed will not increase even though the truck has more kinetic energy, but it will slow as the truck gains velocity. With radiated energy, the flow of energy will happen until the energy being absorbed by an object is equal to the energy being radiated by the object and equilibrium is established.

The amount of energy and the level of energy of the two objects will never become equal.

Energy is radiated in all directions so only a small amount of the energy radiated by one object will reach the other object. Since the level of energy decreases with distance, even if the two objects have the same size and composition, the object with more energy will always have more energy and the level of that energy will always be greater than the level of the absorbing object.

Despite the flow of energy preventing two dissimilar objects from equalizing, in reality they do end up with the same level of energy (temperature). This occurs even if one of the objects cannot absorb the wavelength being emitted by the other object.

This is clear evidence that the objects are not establishing equilibrium with each other, but are transmitting energy to, and absorbing energy from, the energy field surrounding them.

This surrounding energy field absorbs all frequencies and wavelengths of radiated energy creating an energy field. Energy flows on a subatomic level to reach equilibrium between positive masses, not whole objects.

All matter, except electrons, will absorb energy from the surrounding field, depending on their bonds and the structure of the object. A neutron, when notprotected in the nucleus of an atom, will absorb energy until it splits into a proton and anelectron giving off energy as a gamma ray creating a new object, a hydrogen atom.

The energy from the field creates motion within the object which transmits energy back to the surrounding field. It is this interaction of absorbed (internal) energy with the surrounding field that causes the motion of the object to equalize with that surrounding field.

Objects orbit other objects because they have reached equilibrium (stasis) between their internal energy and the energy field they are in.

The “empty” space between the Earth and sun contains the energy that is heating the Earth. We do not see evidence of that energy until matter is present and it absorbs and radiates that energy. Energy allows us to detect matter and matter allows us to detect energy. They are the two components that make the universe.


A “black body” is something that absorbs all radiated energy, but it is purely theoretical and does not exist in reality. What energy an object absorbs depends on the bonds it contains and what bonds an object contains, depends on its internal energy.

In reality you cannot have something that has all types of matter at all energy levels. The energy will always equalize within an object.

Where Planck made his error was in trying to resolve these incorrect theories, that do not describe reality.

Plank wrongly assumed that the evidence he observed was a function of the transmitted energy rather than that it is a function of the object absorbing the energy. Increasing the amount, or intensity, of energy won’t increase the amount of energy an object radiates, when the level of energy in the bonds matches the level of energy in the field.

Since an object has a fixed number of bonds, once the vibration across those bonds matches the level of energy in the surrounding field, they cannot gain more. When the energy level in the field exceeds the strength of the bonds, they will break and new objects will be created.

In the upper atmosphere, where radiated energy from the sun is greatest, there is a layer that contains oxygen atoms. The energy level from the sun at that altitude is too great to allow bonds between the oxygen atoms to form.

Lower in the atmosphere, where the energy level has decreased, you have oxygen atoms combined with partially split nitrogen molecules to form nitrogen-oxygen compounds. At a lower level (stratosphere), where the energy level from the sun has lessened to where it cannot partially split a

nitrogen molecule, ozone molecules occur when an oxygen atom combines with an oxygen molecule.

As the energy field continues to decrease there are molecules containing a lower level of energy: O2 molecules, H20 molecules, CO2 molecules. and other oxygen compounds that form more stable structures.

At equilibrium you cannot have all bond lengths that absorb all wavelength of energy thereby creating a “black body” that absorbs all wavelengths of energy.

The error of recognizing what the evidence was telling him led Planck to concluded that energy was a bundle (photon) in nature and the energy of electromagnetic radiation was a function of its frequency (Planck’s law). Frequency determines how often energy is transferred and the wavelength determines what can absorb that energy.

It is the amplitude of the energy field that determines the amount of energy it contains and as it decreases with distance or absorption by objects, the shorter wavelengths disappear
leaving the longer wavelengths. This is why infrared and radio telescopes can see light traveling a greater distance than visible light telescopes.

Electromagnetic radiation is a change in amplitude of the energy field and when the amplitude of the vibration of atoms across a bond match that change in amplitude it the field, it will not add energy to the bond or object.

When the amplitude across the bond exceeds the amplitude of the change in the field, the object the object will transmit energy to the field and if the amplitude of motion across the bond is less, it will absorb energy from the field.

Since energy decrease by the square of the distance from the source of the disturbance, according to Planck’s law, there should be an increase in wavelength, (red shift) that also follows the square of the distance.

The red shift is a function of the decrease in the level of the energy field with increasing distance from its source, not the area or amount of energy in the field. How could there ever be a blue shift where the energy of the light increases with an increase in distance? A blue shift is the result of the level of the energy increasing as the level of an energy field increases when it moves closer to a source.

The amount of energy does not increase. The blue shifted light coming from an atom in a distant star will have less energy than the light emitted from the same type of atom coming from a closer source.

Electromagnetic radiation is not made of particles but is a disturbance, or wave, traveling in the energy and electric fields surrounding objects. It is not energy but a change in the

level of energy in the field around objects.

The level of energy decreases as a function of distance from the source while the amount (amplitude) decreases as a function of the area or distance squared.

Physics has used the wrong formula for force between objects (F=(Atimes B)/d^2) because it doesn’t recognize that the size of the (Ra=radius of A’s energy field=Ea) an object is determined by its surrounding field, not its mass. (Correct formula is F=Ea/Ra + Eb/Rb)

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Comments (7)

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    and it will change your daily life how?


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      Herb Rose


      Hi VOWG,
      If someone was able to show that the “Climate Crap” was all false and a fraud would the end of the deluge of nonsense you continually hear and the total waste of resources on something that provides no benefit improve your daily life?


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        Tom Anderson



        That is a good point. The Achilles heel of climate fraud is the notion that total solar irradiance (TSI) of 1,361 W/m2 “forces” the climate to higher temperatures. Nothing absorbs an entire radiant spectrum except Planck’s hypothetical, nonexistent blackbody surface. Every radiantly interactive substance, as I understand it, absorbs and emits only spectral bands of energy from the spectrum according to each absorber/emitter’s quantum number. The bands themselves compose a range of energy/light/heat all the way from hot to cold. Take your pick. Energy is transferred by matching individual spectral energy, not just by any band or a combination of them (like TSI).

        Several studies peg carbon dioxide’s major radiant interaction band at an approximate 15-micron wavelength, at a temperature by Wien’s Displacement Law of about 193K or -80°C. (minus 80) Never mind the temperature. The point is that the debate has been hijacked from discussion about active elements to an irrelevant, misleading strawman, TSI, which does not, cannot, force anything. .

        Kill the “TSI forcing” and you are on your way at least to dumping the fraud.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Tom,
          the fraud goes much deeper than that. The assertion that because O2 and N2 do not absorb visible light they are not getting radiated energy and are being heated be the Earth’s surface is is a violation of the law that says all matter absorbs radiated energy and all matter with energy (above 0 K) radiate energy. The oxygen and nitrogen are absorbing 95% of the UV coming from the sun and converting it into kinetic energy which adds heat to the surface.
          If you take the temperature at an altitude and divide it by the density at that altitude you will get the KE for a constant number of molecules, instead of a constant volume. When you plot these figures, instead of the completely ridiculous zig zag temperature graph. (Energy flows from higher to lower. It doesn’t pause or reverse direction.) you will gat a graph showing the temperature increasing with altitude, in a straight line in the troposphere (Where water controls the temperature) and in a oponentcal line at higher altitudes. The source of heat for the Earth is the sun.


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            Tom Anderson


            That is all very well as far as the correctness of what you say goes, it does not directly address the inadequacy of TSI as a false source of climate forcing. I think that what we are here for is to refute the consensus view and not to “educate” the other side beyond the question to be answered. There is a failing recognized among lawyers known as “talking yourself out of court.” Are we expressing skeptical views to build a case against the fraud or taking the opportunity to change the subject? If the latter, I wish there were another forum in which to have bull sessions.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Tom,
            Does TSI include all the wavelengths coming from the sun or just those wavelengths that reach the surface? Is that m^2 a measurement of the area the surface of the Earth or the area at the top of the thermosphere? What is chosen as a starting point greatly effects the end result. Visible light is a very small portion the energy coming from the sun and only affecting the surface.

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