When You Wish Upon A “Bio-Weapon”

The longer that the COVID-19 Fraud has been pushed onto the world the more people are waking up to the reality that there was no pandemic.

Virology has been dismantled from every possible angle and for many of us the entire virus model has been bid a final “Farewell”.

However, the notion of “pathogens” and “bio-weapons” that are being created through “gain of fiction” experiments continues to strike fear in those yet to realise that the entire concept is based on anti-scientific premises. Unfortunately, stories about “bio-labs” continue to drive unwarranted fears and act to keep people on the germ theory plantation. As a result they remain trapped inside a false paradigm and unable to fully appreciate what really makes people ill.

In this video we will once again outline the complete lack of evidence that bio-weapons exist and how the corporate media has overtly pushed these fear-based narratives since early 2020 to help sustain the “pandemic” industry and all the evil that comes with the biosecurity surveillance state.

Show notes and related videos HERE.

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Comments (6)

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    The thing is, I did get sick. In this long video claiming no viruses and no infectious bacteria, there was no alternative cause even mentioned (except perhaps the footage of an old nerve gas experiment), nor proof given, nor disproof of germ theory laid out. It reminded me of a weight loss infomercial – buy the book.

    Contrast that to the disproof of a radiative greenhouse effect. Greenhouses do get hot – why? In many articles, a simple, repeatable experiment was explained that showed it’s caused by blocking of convection and not by “back-radiative forcing.” If you want to read on, buy the book. That’s being respectful of your readers.


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      There could be a whole host of reasons you may get sick, and an invisible boogeyman isn’t one of them. I guess being able to shirk why to something you can’t see and have somewhat no control over is easier than to admit, you probably eat and drink rubbish, sit in a sea of WiFi shit, breath shitty air filled with crap from various sources, and by the sounds of the comment generally think negative. Sam’s job isn’t to lay information out for you to go oh yeah that’s right, she is there to inform and to at least try and get some independent thought, if that’s even possible in todays age where people can’t engage there brain with out being spoon fed what to think.


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        I generally agree with you and I am totally against all the countless and ignored disease-causing things you mention, and those you don’t. But:

        Let’s say there are no viruses and all illnesses, old and current, are caused by other reasons. And I would have no problem with that. In fact, if viruses did exist (which I would also have no problem with), I would have considered them a vital part of the ecosystem that prevents disease, not cause it. But:

        How hard do you think it would be for a trillion-dollar industry to create a substance that passes through the cell membrane?
        How hard do you think it would be for a trillion-dollar industry to create (or copy) a sequence of DNA/RNA pairs that encodes for a really dangerous protein?
        How hard do you think it would be for a trillion dollar industry to encapsulate this sequence into a capsule of the aforementioned substance and have it injected/inserted into humans or animals? And having the capsule deliver its payload into cells?
        How hard do you think it would be for a trillion dollar industry to make the dangerous protein so light, nicely shaped, and long-lasting, that it can be shed by the host, become airborne, and remain active in our environment for years?

        Of course, making it self-replicate is another level of difficulty, but that is not really needed so much in order to cause disease.
        And, supposedly, this is what they really did with the recent jabs. You can refuse to believe it, but these trillions of dollars have to go into some research, even if most of it gets pocketed.

        Long story short, even if viruses don’t exist, virus-like substances (containing genetic material enclosed in a capsule) created by crazy scientists can exist. And most likely do exist.

        But even if one accepts viruses being real, reading about them would make someone like me realize that they are not a cause of disease, but rather a mechanism that keeps the ecosystem healthy and in check, by keeping animal populations in reasonable numbers, training our immune system that needs regular training, and only killing off the individuals that were doomed to die anyway due to their low immune capacity or their genetic defects. Also, they could boost biodiversity by means of horizontal gene transfer.

        At the end of the day, nature is safe for life.
        Humans and their creations aren’t.
        The risks that exist in nature are things we are equipped for dealing with already.
        And we have been doing that for thousands of years with great success, even before we get to know anything about sanitation.
        If we weren’t, our population would not increase and we would be extinct already.
        Those that are threatened by nature, probably have problems of their own and should start focusing on them instead…


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    J Cuttance


    @crackpot I agree and am glad you pointed this out


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    Complete BULLSHIT!!!


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    Sadly Sam your fighting a losing battle trying to get people to see past the virus crap, it’s way to ingrained for some as I stated in another comment, people won’t take responsibility and it’s easier to blame something else out of your control as to why you got sick. The adult population on this plane is that of a child.


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