Vaccines = Money, Power and Control

April 4th 2018 was the day I began to seriously question the safety of vaccines. Before then my children – as I had been – were routinely vaccinated. It doesn’t appear to have done any of us any harm at all though. We all enjoy rude health.

So, why did I become wary of vaccines?

Perhaps I have a pre-disposition to believe in conspiracy theories? Or, perhaps, I simply have far more time to engage in diligent research compared to the average wage slave who is so time-starved he/she is reduced to gleaning most of their information from the discredited mainstream media?

If I am a tin-foil hat wearer it appears I am with esteemed company. Most of my friends are scientists in STEM fields – many possess PhD’s.

We are a peculiar lot: all hard-bitten skeptics of government claims on man-made global warming. Indeed, for the last decade my course as a professional science writer has taken a decidedly dark turn down Conspiracy Alley. On my journey, I studied the scientific evidence presented on all sides of the debate.

As such, being Chief Editor of Principia Scientific International I like to see controversial topics get a full and fair airing. For that we will lose some valued support. But going along with the crowd is not how we do things here.

If we exclaimed, “not all medicines are good for you!” that would hardly be a controversial statement. But for some reason, by daring to assert that some vaccines may be problematic, it is some kind of sacrilege. Heaven forbid!

Our cautious position has triggered blowback from some readers who take umbrage at our daring to question the integrity of the American pharmaceutical industry. Apparently, when it comes to developing and marketing vaccines, profit-driven drug companies somehow morph into the purest of the pure.

Let me give you just one example exposing the wretched group think with this story, ‘Japan Sues Merck Over Vaccine Injuries—But We Can’t.’ Here’s an excerpt:

“This summer in Japan, a group of people injured by vaccines for human papilloma virus (HPV)—the shot the U.S. wants all little girls age 9 and up to get—will file a class action suit against two of the biggest Big Pharma giants. Named in the suit are Merck, who makes Gardasil, and GlaxoSmithKline, maker of rival Cervarix. How they got to this point is an interesting story. It highlights just how few rights we in the United States have when it comes to our health, and how thoroughly Big Pharma has inserted itself into the machinery of government. “

Sadly, most Americans have swallowed the blue pill and are duped in comparison to enlightened (red-pilled) nations like Japan. But you would never know it if you are getting your ‘fact checking’ on the issue from MSM sources like the discredited

Hero Dog Saves Baby From Dumpster Story Might Be Fake News

To our disgruntled readers: If you’re relying on Snopes (or a compliant MSM) as your arbiter of truth you’re in for a surprise: Snopes engages in massive censorship of natural health and general promotion of industry talking points.

For example, in their purported fact-checking of a Full Measure report by Emmy award-winning investigative reporter and former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, Snopes simply spewed propaganda, not real facts about her story of a potential vaccines-autism link. [1]

Snopes wrote their hit piece article without contacting Attkisson, who went on to state that they also listed claims she never made, then declared them to be false, and even were incorrect in one of their own claims.

There is a whole online industry devoted to this obfuscation. I suffered a similar fate at the hands of Huffington Post with their fake news smear against me and Dr Tim Ball (irt: climate fraudster Michael E Mann who went on to lose his case versus Ball). [2]

The Huffington Post Universal App For iPhone And iPad

Attkisson did a fine job showing there is evidence of a link between SOME vaccines and autism.

During my own childhood I had witnessed the appalling suffering of other children maimed for life due to widely-approved drug, Thalidomide. Though, as I admit, vaccines never harmed me or mine.

It has been an enduring example proving the danger inherent in blindly trusting Big Pharma. Globally Thalidomide was one of the most successful prescription drugs – a widely prescribed sedative given to pregnant mothers and claimed to be safe by the medical establishment. By the time the drug was banned, at least 10,000 children are known to have been born with major thalidomide-related problems – many with severe limb deformities.

Then as now, there remains poor legal redress. The law is gamed in favor of Big Pharma. Shockingly, because the required animal safety-tests did not show evidence of any danger, the manufacturers of Thalidomide were found not guilty at trial of consciously marketing a harmful drug.

The evidence pointed to animal experiment results being manipulated, whether consciously or unconsciously, to produce results favorable to a financial backer. Secondly, problematic animal testing (rather than extensive tests on humans) serves as a legal alibi for corporations when their products kill and injure people. Only one thing has changed since then.

In 2011 a U.S. Supreme Court ruling rendered vaccine manufacturers immune to any further such lawsuits.  [See: vaccines can protect you!]

This was in response to a massive increase in litigation against vaccine manufacturers that led to a shortage of vaccines. Too many claimants had been successful in proving their vaccine court claims against the manufacturers that many were going out of business.

Today, even if you could prove your case versus a drug company you’re out of luck. The law won’t allow you to seek redress.

So, what triggered me on that April day in 2018?

I'm An American First - Qanon

That was the day I finally woke up to the truth that the U.S. government knows full well there are some popular vaccines that are either unsafe or downright dangerous. How did I learn this? Simply by researching for myself and joining the dots I had been given by whistleblowers.

And on April 4th 2018 the whistleblower I relied on was acting on the express orders of the highest authority in the United States government:


Q!xowAT4Z3VQ4 Apr 2018 – 9:24:51 PM

People are simply in the way.
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.

Themes in Drop

The above, I believe, is a very important message to us all that we must do our own fact checking and trust no one. Fake news is a real problem. But it’s important to do your own research before believing even “fact-checked” sources like Snopes.


[2] Affidavits in Michael Mann Libel Suit Reveal Astonishing Facts About Tim Ball Associate John O’Sullivan

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.


Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.

Comments (25)

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    You have lost the plot. You are consumed by your self fulfilling half educated consumption of peripheral downsides and oblivious now to the overwhelmingly vast benefits. You seem driven to ignore reality. You are the climate catastrophist in extremis that you so despise. Empirical evidence exists for immunisation, not for the anthropogenic climate change, so in every sense you are worse than the people this site is set up to denounce. Goodbye.

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      He said that some vaccines are dangerous. I wish he had explicitly added “for some or in some conditions, although the article implies that. You might find the related article “Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900” illuminating, as it includes data from the CDC and journal articles.

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      Andrew Tilley


      O No John! No John! No John! No! Like Dr Ted, I fear that you have lost the plot.

      I’m all for controversial topics getting a full and fair airing and I, too, am (irrationally?) wary of vaccines, but I accept that the benefits far outweigh the risks (also see my comments at and reflect upon Dr Ted’s comment at And I certainly don’t blindly trust the integrity of Big Pharma, or any other corporation for that matter, to be entirely altruistic and unbiased about any of their products or services. But to believe that Big Pharma are deliberately contaminating their vaccines in order to do people harm (your comments below) is as nutty as the chemtrail conspiracy theories from the 90s.

      I fear that this article may have played right into the hands of the rabid (perhaps they should have had the rabies vaccinations) anti-vaxxers, who I suspect may be behind the propaganda(?) of at least two of the articles you have listed above.

      So, et tu, John, or have you just been duped, perhaps as a consequence of your predisposition to believe in conspiracy theories? Or do I need to borrow your tin-foil hat?

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        John O'Sullivan


        Andrew, There really isn’t much difference in our opinions. I’m simply more open to the possibility that a small clique hell bent on population control and/or keeping us permanently sick to boost their profits, are at work. We know these people are getting a ‘free pass’ from the US government because Big Pharma is exempt from any legal redress for the damage their vaccines do. Isn’t that suspicious to you? The only other group in science who are exempt from litigation for acts of malfeasance are UN IPCC-recognized climate scientists!

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    Geraldine Leale


    I have seen the results of vaccine damage and it’s not pretty. It is usually accredited to a “virus” which kicks in about 3 days after an injection when perfectly normal children run a high fever and start having fits. I have seen normal children who became so damaged and unmanageable that had t be instutionalised and the caseworkers in the institution had seen the pattern over and over again. This was in the UK, where during the 1980s, the government conducted three studies into vaccine damage. One study reported 1 in 10,000 at the opposite end another reported 1 in 100,000. Guess which one the government went with – because it would have to pay out less in compensation. YOU can have all the “empirical” evidence you want to show vaccines are “safe” but each child has its own unique pathology and it is not possible to predict who will be damaged. I was advised by our paediatrician not to have my younger daughter immunised as her sister was epileptic. When she was 15, I opted against an immunisation programme at her boarding school. This meant some fierce wrangling with Hampshire health trust. The school was closed down for a week when every child except my daughter went down with a vicious virus after being innoculated for meningitis. A year later one inoculated pupil died from meningitis. It seems if you got a lucky escape, which is most, then the same luck must prevail for every other child but if your are the parent of the dead child or the one who fits and dreams and foams six times a day you have to suck it up because the “research” says you’re wrong, get over it.

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      Andrew Tilley


      How do you know it’s vaccine damage, what vaccines are you talking about and what percentage of perfectly normal children start having fits and end-up severely damaged? Even if we assume that it is vaccine damage, then, if we split the difference between the 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 100,000 range of the studies you refer to, I’d say that 1 in 50,000 or so was, in general, a very low risk, lower, I believe, than giving birth or the lifetime risk of dying in a car accident. Sorry, but the population benefits for most vaccination programmes far outweigh the risks to the individual. Also, see my comments at and reflect upon Dr Ted’s comment at

      As a matter of interest, if your daughter were 15 today, would you encourage her to have the highly effective HPV vaccine, which gives almost 100{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} protection against a common viral infection that is the precursor to, or direct cause of, many potentially deadly cancers?

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    Herb Rose


    Isn’t this controversy about vaccines a result of them being so successful? In any medical treatment there are cases of unforeseen reactions by individuals. There is never a solution that works for all but these exceptions don’t mean doctors should abandon the most successful treatment. The fact that there is a high success rate produces more focus on the exceptions that occur. Look at how leprosy was treated in the Bible and how it is never mentioned today. The fact that we haven’t seen the Earth swept by a plague or a pandemic flu like the one in 1915 that killed millions is a testament to the progress of medicine and prevention. If the pharmaceutical wanted more money wouldn’t they do away with vaccines so there would be more sick people buying their products?
    Anecdotal evidence is never conclusive because the results of a different action is unknown. People who believe that their lives would be so much better or different if only they had done something different in the past are delusional and making unwarranted assumptions.
    Some vaccines will cause problems for some people but the abandoning of all vaccinations because of these exceptions will resulting more problems for a greater number of people.

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    Herb Rose


    Is the anti-vaccine movement a plot by big Pharma to in crease the number of sick people who will buy more of their products?

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    John O'Sullivan


    Or, perhaps a better long term plan could be intentionally making you sick from a young age (using some vaccines?) to create more recurrently sick people, so they keep coming back to you for a lifetime’s (lucrative) treatment program?

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      Herb Rose


      Hi John,
      For big corporations long term planning is looking at the next quarter. It’s all about immediate profits. Vaccines are relatively cheap one time sale. People who contract some of these diseases require a life time of expensive treatments. The smaller number who suffer from reactions to vaccines in the future is dwarfed by the number requiring treatment from the diseases. I will consider this argument for no vaccine or cure for HIV and cancer but not for smallpox, measles, and diseases where there exist an effective preventative measure.
      Have a good day,

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        John O'Sullivan


        Hi Herb, In principle I’m pro vaccine. What concerns me is the emergence of more evidence to suggest some vaccines may be contaminated deliberately or by negligence and the very fact American lawmakers prohibit legal claims for wrongful deaths/side effects only adds to my concern.

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          Herb Rose


          Hi again John,
          There is no question there is negligence and deliberate short cut taking in the pharmaceutical industry and every industry. I recall when a large generic pharmaceutical company was caught submitting name brand drugs to the government for testing as their product.
          The problem of integrity and cost cutting occurs in every industry and regulations and standards do not solve the problem. A crook is a crook and will steal when they believe they can get away with it.
          When the ISSO program came out and accountants were put in charge of getting a paper trail for everything the quality of the raw materials I use in my business dropped dramatically. There was a shift from producing quality products to complying with the program and in most cases this meant a broadening of specifications so anything made would comply to the specs. They would inform you if they made a change in the package but not when they switched to Chinese made materials which were doctored to meet specifications.
          The solution to bad quality is the prosecution of those responsible but because politicians are bought and paid for by big business this will not happen.
          Have a good day,

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      This is where it gets too weird, John, because that notion doesn’t accord with increasing lifespan (and healthspan) in developed world.
      And what’s with the (code language?) Q… bit? I don’t know what it’s supposed to mean.

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        John O'Sullivan


        Dwiehland, The ‘code language’ is from the QAnon original source. That source has grown rapidly in influence. An increasing number of people are persuaded it is actually a group (military intelligence?) working on behalf of the US President. I did not want to push my own beliefs and understanding of QAnon, but rather, encourage others to do their own research and establish its veracity for themselves.
        Anyone who reads the Twitter posts of DJT knows there are often spelling errors/typos which garner a lot of interest and amusement. Some experts in gematria alphanumeric coding have shown that these ‘errors’ have meaning (keys) when applying them to the anonymous Q posts. See here:
        The post I cited in my article is a Q Post from April 4 2018. If we are to believe it is genuine and from US military intelligence it is telling us that a global elite want POPULATION CONTROL….MASS EXT EVENTS DESIGNED TO DECREASE THREAT LEVEL OF POPULATION….CHEMICALS PUSHED FOR HOME USE CLEANING [CANCER][BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH – THE START]….VACCINES [NOT ALL]….ULTIMATE WIN [DEATH + MONEY].

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          I’m no fan of Big Pharma. Although I acknowledge that the industry does produce some genuinely beneficial products, I’m disturbed by some of their practices and willingness to put profit motive first when creating replacement drugs for ones whose patents are expiring. Despite the Good Manufacturing Practices standard to which they supposedly adhere, I’m sure there is some sloppiness and contamination sometimes. But to believe contamination is intentional seems a real stretch, and to believe DJT capable of coded tweets is completely beyond the pale. Surely “covfefe” is the result of an old guy who needs more sleep.

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            John O'Sullivan


            I’m sure DJT is delighted so many of his critics think that way. Only a fool underestimates his opponents. Love him or loathe him, he is now a certainty for a second term.

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    Graeme Mcmillan


    Imagine you have a business which has a world wide customer base worth over $50 billion a year and has products which are recommended by governmental authorities (in some cases legally required). Imagine you have 255 potential new customers appearing every minute.
    “Old vaccines have been reformulated with higher costs. New ones have entered the market at once-unthinkable prices. Together, since 1986, they have pushed up the average cost to fully vaccinate a child with private insurance to the age of 18 to $2,192 from $100, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
    Pharma companies will say or do anything to protect this business.
    Pfizer spends $11.4 million purely on lobbying in the USA. Is it any wonder how vaccination is now legally enforced in many countries?
    It is clear that reducing poverty, increasing sanitation, supplying fresh water, better diet and better basic health services are far more important than vaccination in reducing mortality rates of infectious diseases.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi Graeme,
      The majority of the blame for higher cost in all medicine is the insurance companies which do nothing to improve the quality of care only increase costs.
      I have a friend, who is a medical doctor, and he told me that the insurance companies tell him to charge $3000 for an operation and they will pay him $800 for the operation. They drive up the costs for those who can’t afford insurance and make them subsidize those who can afford insurance. To get affordable health care you need to get rid of the lawyers, insurance companies, and government who only drive up costs and produce no benefits to the system. More regulations will only result in higher costs and inferior treatment.
      Have a good day,
      Have a good day,

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        Graeme Mcmillan


        I live in Scotland. All health care is free here on the NHS.
        Bear in mind that NHS Scotland is completely separate from England/Wales.
        One of rising costs of the NHS is drugs.
        “For example, prescribing of
        dicycloverine hydrochloride (a drug commonly used for irritable bowel
        syndrome) fell by a third but the overall cost to the NHS rose by nearly
        300 per cent (£2.3 million) because of an increase in price of nearly
        500 per cent.27”
        We don’t have many problems with lawyers and insurance companies thankfully.
        We do have problems with a Westminster government that wants to privatise the NHS via free trade agreements such as TTIP, TISA and CETA whether we are in the EU or not.
        This could seriously affect the health and well being of my fellow Scots.
        I dread the day we Scots are ever forced into a North American system of health care.

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    The problem I have with Vaccines are the growing dependence on them for immunities, since the body gets artificial immunities that wears out over time, they cease to have real immunity that can be transferred to the next generation via the breast milk,

    In a few more generations Vaccines might the only way to have any immunities at all, since the natural immunities are no longer being generated as they are getting artificially generated ones that doesn’t last and not easily transferrable.

    In my childhood days in the 1960-1970’s, I was given about 5 different shots and that was it. Now were have around TWENTY different shots that are required, even though many of the illnesses were never a health problem for most people.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi Sunsettommy,
      All immunities (even naturally acquired ones) decrease with time and most diseases also change with time. A greater concern is the resistance to antibiotics resulting to proliferation of those bacteria that are able to survive and become immune to the antibiotics. Does this mean we should stop using antibiotics? No we should stop misusing antibiotics by feeding them to chicken and cows as preventative measures.
      Vaccines do not give a person immunities. They stimulate the body to produce antigens by exposing them to a less severe form of the disease.
      I too have a scar on my arm from the polio vaccine which is one vaccine no longer given because polio was specific to humans and did not occur in other animals. My immunity to measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc were acquired the old fashion way (Did you go to a chickenpox party where all the children were exposed so they would get the disease and immunity at the same time?). Because of the severe consequences to some children to the full strength disease I believe the vaccination method is superior.
      Have a god day,

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    Chris Marcil


    If big pharma was innocent then there would not be any need for the government to exempt them from liability for causing harm to others. That is the part that makes me nervous.

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    Steve Dembo


    There is no money to be made off of healthy people …. Big Pharma makes people sick or keeps them sick. You would think by now there would be a cure for cancer.

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    John Doran


    Scroll down home page to article:
    First ever peer-reviewed study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children shows vaccinated kids have a higher rate of sickness, 470% increase in autism.

    This anti-globalist, anti-collectivist & anti-Bankster site is run by G. Edward Griffin, widely respected researcher, author & film-maker.
    I found his book on the corrupt U.S. Fed immensely useful:
    The Creature From Jekyll Island.
    The chapter summaries can be read in about an hour.

    The MSM is forever bleating on about the non-existent problem of human overpopulation: there is food aplenty & we occupy about 4% of Earth’s land surface area.

    The global elite & the UN aspire to a World Totalitarian Govt & a vast depopulation. An agrarian post-industrial feudal future of Lords & serfs.
    Ted Turner wants 95% of people removed. The US EPA, Environmental Protection Agency “banned” safe DDT & cost the lives of about 100 million people in the third world. Book: Merchants Of Despair, by Robert Zubrin.

    The plotters revealed from their own mouths:
    Click on Quotes.

    One has to wonder if vaccines are part of this nightmare plot.

    John Doran.

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    John O'Sullivan


    John, Having followed the QAnon phenomenon and studied the ‘Q proofs’ diligently over the last 9 months I am of the belief that the image at the top of my post was probably created by US military intelligence acting on instructions from POTUS. Is there a stronger activist for a review of vaccine safety? Perhaps all will be revealed later this year?

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