Vaccinated Blood – The Dilemma of COVID’s Experimental Transfusions

Should we have the right to refuse a blood transfusion from the vaccinated for COVID-19? What about organs donated by the vaccinated?

In most nations anyone vaccinated for COVID-19 can donate blood immediately or shortly after being vaccinated despite the fact that the experimental product may induce life-threatening disorders in the recipients.

Donated blood will mix with yours and the worrisome injected spike proteins  from the donor blood will circulate and merge into your body.

The vast majority of people, especially the media, are not addressing this issue. Concerned citizens should be writing to all health authorities, politicians and public health bodies and demand screening and separate blood banks and clear identification of vaccinated and unvaccinated blood. No one knows the long term safety data. This is a global experiment on humanity and it must be stopped!

Watch the video below to discern the level of threat:

Does anyone remember the fallout from the AIDS pandemic when infected donated blood destroyed the lives of thousands?

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, sufferers of the blood-clotting disorder haemophilia in the UK were given blood donated – or sold – by people who were infected with the HIV virus and hepatitis C.

According to The Guardian newspaper (July 11, 2017) haemophiliacs pressed for compensation after:

“4,800 of them were infected with hepatitis C, a virus that causes liver damage and can be fatal. Of those, 1,200 were also infected with HIV, which can cause Aids. Half – 2,400 – have now died.”

In 1991, when campaigners were threatening to take the government to court, it made ex-gratia payments to those infected with HIV, averaging £60,000 each, on condition that they dropped further legal claims. The extent of infection with hepatitis C was not discovered until years later.

Today, with the COVID19 experimental vaccines being blamed for over one million adverse reactions, we can be sure this story is another ticking time bomb in government failure.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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    El problema es mucho más grave y con mayor envergadura de la que aparenta, porque el problema no es sólo de los enfermos de hemofilia ni de los receptores de órganos.
    Es un problema del ejercicio de la medicina crítica, pues pacientes que por su estado de gravedad deben ser transfundidos, ¿qué sangre van a recibir? En cirugías donde por obligación se requieren donantes para transfundir al paciente, ¿quiénes y qué van a donar? ¿qué se le va a transfundir a los leucémicos? ¿qué va a pasar con los enfermos renales??
    Ahora los papeles se invierten: representa mayor seguridad una persona que NO ESTÉ VACUNADA, que una que ya lo está. La primera, así haya sufrido virosis, tiene inmunidad natural activa, adquirida por la enfermedad. Quien reciba su sangre o sus órganos, también va a recibir esta inmunidad. Muy diferente a quien se haya aplicado estos productos transgénicos, que no se sabe qué transmite y cuál es su efecto a mediano y largo plazo. El daño causado con este experimento genocida, eutanásico y eugenésico global es de dimensiones incalculables. Si se reabrieran los Tribunales de Nuremberg, serían muchos los que deberán ser juzgados en ellos: Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates, los CEOS de las multinacionales, Fauci, la FDA y quienes han dado las “autorizaciones de uso de emergencia” de unos productos EXPERIMENTALES cuyos daños reales aún no podrán ser conocidos, por lo menos en unos 15 a 20 años.


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    K Kaiser


    Not being able to read Spanish, I’ve applied to Google-translation system and copy it in below here: It says:
    “The problem is much more serious and larger than it appears, because the problem is not only with hemophilia patients or organ recipients.
    It is a problem in the practice of critical medicine, since patients who due to their seriousness must be transfused, what blood will they receive? In surgeries where donors are required by obligation to transfuse the patient, who and what will donate? What is going to be transfused to the leukemics? What will happen to kidney disease?

    Now the roles are reversed: a person who IS NOT VACCINATED represents greater security than one who already is. The first, even if it has suffered virus infections, has an active natural immunity, acquired by the disease. Whoever receives its blood or its organs, will also receive this immunity. Very different to whoever has applied these transgenic products, who does not know what transmits and what is its effect in the medium and long term. The damage caused by this global genocidal, euthanasian and eugenic experiment is incalculable. If the Nuremberg Tribunals were to reopen, many would have to be tried in them: Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates, the CEOs of multinationals, Fauci, the FDA and those who have given “emergency use authorizations” for some EXPERIMENTAL products whose real damages may not yet be known, at least in about 15 to 20 years. ”

    This sounds like a very balanced view to me.
    K. Kaiser


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    I admit I never thought about this. Even Moderna admits their injections shed spike proteins that are emitted from your body but they say it is not a worry. And we are supposed to blindly trust pharma when virtually no long term tests have been done for any of this?

    The possibility of spike proteins, of which we have zero long term data as to what they will do or how they will act, being passed from one person to another from blood transfusions is rather disconcerting, to say the least. This is another reason why rigorous 5-10 years of trials and studies need to be done under independent supervision and not to be done by big pharma.

    The results from virtually all pharma controlled studies are always positive because they have conflicted interests. They want the profits up front and the safety and efficacy on the back end. People’s live matter not, even for new cancer drugs and other new drugs. This is why the modern medical mafia is such a destructive and corrupt entity…it always has the cart of big pharma’s demands and corruption before the horse of sanity and trusted trials.


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