Unprecedented Cold Invades Europe

Image: Cap Allon

Across the European continent, the majority of nations are suffering their coldest April’s in decades–in around 100 years in Germany and the UK. This climatic reality (aka cooling) is in response to the historically low solar activity we’re been experiencing, as a decrease in output from the Sun weakens Earth’s jet streams and increases their tenancy to flow in more of a weak and wavy manner.

This “meridional” flow, as it’s known, increases the prevalence of Arctic outbreaks and “blocking” phenomenons.

The year 2021 is also further ‘uncorrelating’ the link between global temperatures and rising CO2 emissions. For decades, the agenda-driving doomsayers have decreed that our planet’s average temp will rise on an endless march upward unless crippling economic and social reforms were immediately implemented (recently renamed “the Great Reset”) — well, does this (chart linked below) look like catastrophic global warming to you?

Image: John Christy – UAH

According to the 15 NASA/NOAA AMSU satellites –that measure every square inch of the lower troposphere (where us humans reside)– Earth has COOLED by a model-debunking 0.6 deg. C during the past 12 months.

And while we’re on the topic of failed climate modelling, linked below is the top-cited ERSST-v5 observational data, which reveals that Earth’s oceans haven’t warmed anywhere near as much as the prophecies (emphasis on the feces) threatened they would:

Image: Cap Allon

Record freezes have been suffered across Europe this week.

In Germany, Czech Republic and Poland, temperatures have plunged to -6C (21.2F), and beyond, even at low elevations — readings that are “really rare for the end of April,” according to @extremetemps on Twitter.

While in Denmark, you have to go all the way back to 1981 to find a spring day as cold as last nights this late in the season, reports cphpost.dk, who have called the intensity of the cold “eyelid freezing.”

On the morning of April 27, the vast majority of Danes awoke to freezing temperatures.

Thermometers plunged to as low as -6.2C (20.8F) near Hoenrss, located in central Jutland, nearing the all-time late-April record low of -6.9C set in Nørre Sørig (North Jutland) back on April 29, 1981.

In addition, April as a whole is also on course to be Denmark’s coldest for at least 35 years (with more freezing nights on the way). And furthermore, the country hasn’t suffered three consecutive spring mornings this cold (below -5 deg. C) since 7-9 May, 1957.

In nearby Finland, temperatures are expected to remain colder than average in into the weekend, meaning May Day celebrations threaten to be an historically chilly affair, reports yle.fi.

Cool air has been flowing into most of Finland in recent days, and the air continues to flow in from the north. No significant rise in temperature is expected by May Day, which means that the chilly spring weather continues,” said Yle meteorologist Matti Huutonen.

We are experiencing colder-than-average weather,” confirmed Huutonen: at night, temperatures are forecast to dip below freezing throughout the entire country, and even as we head into May, “There is no indication that we are headed for more summery weather. The winds continue to flow from the same (northerly) direction,” said Huutonen who recommends finding warmth in the sauna.

And finally, the nation of Belgium is also suffering its coldest April in at least 35 years.

According to observations compiled by the country’s Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) on Wednesday, and as originally reported by brusselstimes.com, “the average temperature in April has not been as low as this year since 1986” (solar minimum of cycle 21).

With an average temperature of 7.3C (45.1F), an average minimum of 2.5C (35.5F), and an average maximum of 11.9C (53.4F), April 2021 is coming out well-below the climatological norm, according to the RMI, with yet more cold on the way. Tellingly, the RMI has said the cold weather is due to the north-east wind that dominated, whereas in April the wind usually comes from the north-east (east) or south-west (west) — one further example of the prevalence of a “meridional” jet stream flow versus a usual “zonal” one.

As reported by Reuters, electricity prices this week traded higher on wholesale markets as unseasonably cold weather drove up demand across the European continent. The cold is having a bigger bearing in nations like France as much of its domestic heating comes from electricity.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

See more here: electroverse.net

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Comments (7)

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    I can confirm that April 2021 was much colder than last year. The only reason I know is that I read my gas and electricity meters every month. There are slight differences between years, but this April I used 60% more gas for heating than last year. It doesn’t tell us anything about the future though.


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    I know they said this would happen with climate change or global warming/cooling whatever. They also said that the sun did not create the climate that our runaway co2 was the control knob. You would wonder how much longer they can keep this charade going with a straight face. Probably best for most climate scientists to go back to school and maybe major in philosophy this time,seems more appropriate for their skill set


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    Humaity has no clue what is about to hit them…


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    Mark Tapley


    The earth has been in a cooling phase for ap. 20 years now. When the Zionists in the Club of Rome fabricated the global warming hoax in 1968 they thought that they would have put this scam with the carbon taxes over long before now. Communist CEO Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum’s political shill Al Gore (daughter was married to top Zionist Jew Jacob Schiff’s great grand son) was used for decades to push the global warming narrative in the Jew MSM. We were always in our last ten years untill total climate catastrophe.

    Now that the earth has not become a desert and all the coastal cities that were supposed to be under the melted ice has not happened and the planet has begun a normal cooling cycle, the Zionists and their scientific whores have revamped the global warming fraud over to the new climate change and employed Greta the retarded looking teenager to shill for them. They have still managed to cause lots of economic damage due to the so called “Green Energy” scam that has misallocated billions into their solar, wind and ethanol boondoggles and on into the insiders corporate pockets.

    The inherent problem with the global warming hoax is that the average simp on the street perceives it as the “elephant in the distance” and so are not immediately concerned. The livestock must have some type of crisis, war, or other type of emergency before them at all times. If you have a relatively content society of barnyard animals peacefully grazing on the global plantation this doesn’t do anything for the elite, That is why the Zionist syndicate instigated the long planned fake virus, fake test and fake numbers. And since the fake vaccine medical fraud has been thoroughly ingrained in the sheep since begun by the Rockefeller’s over a hundred years ago to weaken the herd while raking in allopathic profits for not only big Pharma, the Rockefeller CDC, Gates WHO, Pentagon brass and many other insiders but also is tricked down to the lower echelons of medical shills at the controlled hospitals and doctor’s office, this medical propaganda was handed over to be disseminated by the usual political puppet actors and the Jew MSM.


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