UN Journal Touts The ‘Benefits of World Hunger’—Then Deletes It!

un article

There has been some discussion online about whether the UN’s article entitled “The Benefits Of Hunger” was satire. The UN Chronicle is now claiming — after being online for 14 years — that the essay is “satire.”

But the author of the essay disputes the UN’s claims. Climate Depot has determined that the UN Chronicle article on “The Benefits of World Hunger” is not a satire, according to the author of the report.

Climate Depot spoke with the author, Prof. George Kent, emeritus of the University of Hawaii on July 6, 2022.

Kent also emailed the following comments to Climate Depot: “…first published in the UN Chronicle in 2008, and again in 2009 when the UN Chronicle changed its format.”

Prof. George Kent’s July 6, 2022, email to Climate Depot:

“The essay was first published in the UN Chronicle in 2008, and again in 2009 when the UN Chronicle changed its format.” … “Yes, I wrote that paper. No, it is not satire. I don’t see anything funny about it. It is not about advocacy of hunger. I have not encountered anyone else who thought it might be advocacy. I don’t think the UN would have published it if they thought it was satire or advocacy.

The purpose of the paper was to highlight the point that the only way to understand the persistence of hunger is to recognize is that some people with power benefit from it. This point lit up for me when I was at a conference in India about some sort of assistance program for poor people, when one person, apparently a farm owner, stood up and argued against that asistance. His explicit concern is that the assistance would reduce his supply of cheap labor.

Persistent hunger is due mainly to the shortage of caring.”

Kent, in a phone interview with Climate Depot, said that he now “regrets” not being clearer and said that while his article was trying to be “provocative,” he was not “advocating” for preventing an end to global hunger.

After much outcry, the UN pulled the article on July 6, 2022, claiming it was satire. You can read the archived copy of the article here and judge for yourself.

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    That guy George Kent is correct! I’ve been using hunger to push myself to work longer than I otherwise would so to save for later. But the starvation caused by the resource-stripping, usurious-banking, elite-enabling, UN, NATO-OTAN, and other agencies and satrapies of the US government is evil. And it’s instigators must be removed, censured, and considered for appointments at the gallows.


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