Top Canadian Pathologist: COVID19 Pandemic is ‘A Hoax’

A top Canadian doctor specializing in pathology, which includes virology, told the Edmonton, Alberta City Council last week that humanity is being “led down the garden path” by delusional aristocrats pushing draconian COVID-19 measures.

According to his bio, “Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK, and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver, BC.”

The doctor is also currently working on pathology as Executive Chairman of Bio-ID Diagnostic Inc., a private company that develops tests for identifying COVID-19 infection.

“What I am going to say is lay language and blunt,” Hodkinson told the Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee.

“The bottom line is this,” he addressed the group. “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

“There is absolutely nothing to be done to contain this virus other than protecting your more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine. And that’s a very dangerous game.”

Continuing, Dr. Hodkinson added, “Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence based on their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. Seeing these uneducated people walking around like lemmings, obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face.”

He also claimed social distancing is pointless as COVID-19 “travels by aerosols, which travel 30 meters or so before landing. And closures have had such terrible unintended consequences. Everywhere should be open tomorrow.”

Next, the doctor touched on testing. “I’m in the business of testing for COVID. I do want to emphasize that positive results DO NOT, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection. It’s simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop.”

The only thing Dr. Hodkinson advocates for is to “protect the vulnerable” by giving all nursing home residents daily doses of vitamin D.

In Alberta, where the meeting took place, people under 65 years of age have a 1 in 300,000 chance of dying from COVID.

“It’s just another bad flu, and you have got to get your minds around that,” he stressed. “Let people make their own decisions. You should be totally out of the business of medicine. You’re being led down the garden path by the chief medical officer of health (Dr. Deena Hinshaw) in this province.”

Will mainstream media cover this qualified individual’s take on COVID -19 or will his message by silenced by Big Tech?

Read more here.

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    Dean Michael Jackson


    “…humanity is being “led down the garden path” by delusional aristocrats pushing draconian COVID-19 measures.”

    Let’s identify these “delusional aristocrats”…

    “Trust but VERIFY” – President Ronald Reagan’s watch phrase when dealing with the USSR…

    (1) The West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the USSR, even though the survival of the West depended on verification should the ‘collapse’ be a ruse, which proves (1) there was no ‘collapse’ of the USSR, because if there had been a ‘collapse’ the West would have immediately VERIFIED the ‘collapse’; and (2) the West’s institutions were co-opted by Marxists, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.

    (2) Throughout the 1980s the West conspired to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to facilitate the canard of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.

    (3) Before any religious sectarian strife in Yugoslavia (1991 – 2001) first there would have been massive reprisals against the reviled Communists who implemented draconian discriminatory policies to wipe out religion in Yugoslavia. LCY anti-religious discriminatory policies were so effective that within fifty years those who were without a religion increased by an astronomical 3,100%! The fact that no reprisals took place against LCY members proves that the ‘religious strife’ and ‘breakup’ of Yugoslavia was manufactured and controlled by the Communists.

    (4) The World War I Allies never did immediately send a naval expedition to Petrograd to easily topple Lenin & Bolshevik’s November 7, 1917 coup, thereby promptly returning Russia to the war, Russia’s involvement in the war being a critical variable for the Allies’ victory strategy against the Central Powers, proving (a) that the Allies knew they were going to win the war; (b) that the war was set up to (i) weaken the West’s influence in the world; (ii) weaken the West’s people’s confidence in their institutions and what those institutions stood for; and (c) one objective of the war was to settle into power the first above board Marxist state, with more to follow. In fact, there already was an anti-Marxist force in Russia at the time that if ordered would have conquered all of Bolshevik Russia during this period when the Bolsheviks were very weak. The unit was the 60,000 strong Czechoslovak Legion (soon to be 100,000 strong) but instead of sending the legion 700 miles north to Petrograd, the Allies sent it on a 6,000 mile odyssey across Russia to Vladivostok for evacuation to Europe(!), once again proving the Allies knew they were going to win the war…that the war was a Marxist operation.[1]

    (5) “On the initiative of the KGB, an army of Soviet vigilantes five million strong, the so-called ‘druzhiny’, was recruited from among the Komsomol activists. Their units were led by retired Chekists. They have been patrolling and policing the streets of all the Soviet cities. Their primary task has been to prepare the Soviet people to ‘behave’ during the forthcoming ‘liberalisation’.” – KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, March 1989, pp. 14-15.

    (6) Leningrad Oblast (Province) is still named Leningrad Oblast! Engels City is still named Engels City! Engels Air Force Base is still named Engels Air Force Base! Russian military personnel still refer to each other as “Comrade”! Kaliningrad Oblast is still named Kaliningrad Oblast! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is atop the Duma building, and illuminated at night for clear viewing! Soviet Red Stars are still attached to the bows of Russian naval ships! The Hammer & Sickle logo is still on Aeroflot commercial aircraft! Not one statue to Lenin has been destroyed in Russia, where out of the 3,000 still standing throughout Russia, only a handful have been carefully taken down (in locations where tourists frequent) and hidden away in parks and museums, the remainder of these monstrosities to Russian nationalism/Russian Orthodox Church rubbing historical salt into still open wounds of Russian nationalists! The Russian ‘electorate’ are only ‘electing’ for president Soviet era communist party member Quislings, who persecuted the 85% of the religious population held captive by the Communist Party during the ‘Soviet era’!

    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…

    [1] Even more telling is neutral Denmark’s laying mines off its coastal waters in international waterways in August, 1914 [thereby violating the 1857 treaty opening the Danish Straits to all shipping, where, “No ship of any kind may, under any pretext whatsoever, be subjected to detention or obstruction at the passage of the Sound or the Belts”] at the prompting of Germany (Germany too lays mines in the Danish Straits) and Great Britain does nothing! Not a word from the Allies (and the usual deafening silence from the Marxist co-opted press), in fact, even though access to the Baltic Sea is critical for the Allies to roll up Germany quickly by (a) closing the Baltic Sea to all German surface/subsurface vessels; (b) denying German access to trade with Sweden; (c) bringing the Royal Navy and the Imperial Russian Navy together; (d) forcing Germany to relocate critically needed infantry divisions and heavy armaments away from the Western Front for the new Baltic Front; (e) allowing British and Russian troop landings across the Baltic coasts, preventing German forces from moving eastwards towards Russia; thereby (f) knocking Germany out of the war before one shot is fired.


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      Dean Michael Jackson


      “It’s simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop.”

      PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.

      Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.

      CT is merely an arbitrary number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”…

      The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially…

      …up to approximately 40 amplifications,[1] therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…

      [1] Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.


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      Dean, stop spamming the comments with your blog. Info, it is very annoying


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        Dean Michael Jackson


        “Dean, stop spamming the comments with your blog. Info, it is very annoying”

        We have a Marxist on the thread naturally not shocked to learn that the West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the Soviet Bloc, then conspired throughput the 1980s to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to provide the narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, the real numbers located in Party Congress literature, where in the case of the USSR, between the 1986 Party Congress and 1990 Party Congress, communist party membership increased by 28%. In the case of Yugoslavia, between 1982 – 1991, communist party membership increased by 40%.

        The 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, held from 25 February to 6 March 1986, was attended by 4,993 delegates, each delegate representing 3,670 party members, giving a total number for communist party membership of 18,324,310. The 28th Congress, held in 1990, had 4,700 delegates,[1] each delegate representing 5,000 party members, which = 23.5 million communist party members:

        “The Soviet Communist Party is hemorrhaging members and cash by the millions. In the past year, 4-million of its 19-million members have quit or stopped paying their dues on time.

        With the cogs of their political machine starting to jam, the Communists’ iron control over all aspects of Soviet life is slipping. Half a million people protested Communist power in a demonstration outside the Kremlin on Sunday, many of them waving derogatory signs that once would have brought them 10-year prison terms.

        Last year, the party lost 2.7-million of its 19-million members, Marti Chemodanov of the party’s Central Committee staff told the Associated Press.

        Only 125,000 dared to quit the party in 1989.”[2]

        “The Enhanced Role Of The Party As The Guiding Force Behind The Strategy

        The ‘perestroika’ strategy demands a widening of the scope of the Party’s political activity and an increase in its effectiveness. The Party has introduced and is practising a greater degree of inner-Party democracy, which is vital to the successful conduct of the strategy. Official and unofficial Soviet statements have referred to resignations from the Party, to an overall loss in its membership and even to the possibility of its long-term disintegration. The New York Times of 4 November 1990, quoting the Central Committee paper Glasnost’, gives a decline in membership of from over 19 million to 17.7 million. A more reliable figure can be derived from the representation at the Party’s 1990 Congress. This was attended by 4,700 delegates each representing 5,000 Party members – indicating a total membership of 23.5 million, a figure consistent with the increase in the strength of the Central Committee from over 300 to 412 members.”[3]

        In 1986 Soviet Party members were 18.3 million, in 1990 23.5 million, not 19 million. Membership increased, not decreased.

        In Yugoslavia, membership increased 40.75% between 1982 and 1991. The West knowingly regurgitated disinformation from the Soviet Bloc, thereby proving the Marxist co-option of the West.

        The West conspired to regurgitate false Soviet Bloc under counting of Soviet Bloc communist party membership in order to provide a narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments.





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      John O'Sullivan


      Dean, We are receiving an increasing number of complaints that your are spamming the comments sections of articles. While we welcome your informed opinion, please be more judicious in the frequency and amount you share with us. Many thanks, John


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        Dean Michael Jackson


        “Dean, We are receiving an increasing number of complaints that your are spamming…”

        Naturally Marxists are shocked to see themselves clearly outed and can’t reply. The fact that my comments are ignored is proof of the predominately Marxist ‘false opposition’ on this site, who still call the PCR amplification tool a test, thereby facilitating the Marxist co-option of our institutions that are currently in the process of wiping out humanity by curtailing children’s physical and cognitive growth via oxygen depriving masks; children require 50% more oxygen by body mass than do adults. To date, I’m the only one to direct readers’ attention to this ‘spam’, including the following ‘spam’ that by now should be common in discussions on this site and others, but naturally is avoided by the Marxist ‘false opposition’:

        PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.

        Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.

        CT is merely an arbitrary number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”…

        The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially…

        …up to approximately 40 amplifications,[1] therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…

        [1] Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi John,
        Dean is obviously obsessive, paranoid, and delusional.He’s crazy. Perhaps his name is just a compilation of different names for different personalities. Humoring him will not help and he will not listen to any advice. He should be banned so he doesn’t keep filling up the comments section and preventing rational discussions.


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        Hi John O’Sullivan.
        You have given free speech more than a generous innings and an opportunity for judicious restraint.
        If somebody puts their hand in the fire does the fire say, “do that again and I will burn you.”?
        Your hospitality is being abused.
        Have a good weekend John.
        Kind Regards Matt


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    Dean Michael Jackson


    “Seeing these uneducated people walking around like lemmings, obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face.”

    15% of these “lemmings” are Marxists performing street theatrics, following Marx’s directive for the “abolition of religion”, and the destruction of those civilizations “whose spiritual aroma is religion”:

    Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)

    “The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”


    “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”


    “It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”

    Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…

    “The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”


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    Flu is not a hoax and Covid is not a hoax; people die with both infections and Covid cannot be trivialised by calling it a hoax. We have a vaccine for flu and still some people die because the vaccine is not 100% effective.

    If there is a hoax is about the actions being forced on us, not the disease itself, but a hoax can only take hold if people are willing to accept it. The economic damage is not a hoax, it is a tragedy. The greatest immediate concern is how can a vaccine be developed, and trials conducted so quickly and trials when it is never been possible in the past.


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      Back around 2008 the meaning of a pandemic was changed from deaths to cases.

      With an average life span of 81 years in the UK, the average age of death from covid 19 is 81 years and with between 1-3 other serious diseases. Is anyone dying who shouldn’t be dying anyway, they are already in the age bracket of normal mortality. Covid 19 has not been isolated and the PCR test cannot tell the difference between a live or dead virus. It is run at 45 cycles when anything above 35 cycles is garbage. With the meaning of pandemic changed you can make anything look like a pandemic when you feed all this data into the wrong hands.


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    Doug Harrison


    Alan, for goodness sake get your blinders off. So called covid is a corona virus, one of about 60 and vulnerable people have been dying from them for ever. There is a business in USA that owns a large chain of care homes and hospices covering three states. For years they have lost 9,000 per month from pneumonia. This year none.


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      This year, all from Covid 19?


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    Hi there,
    I’m here trying to find the article that contains Dr Michael Yeadon’s letter sent to Matt Hancock, Nov 13th re, proposed changes to the Human Medicines Regulations “to cover a potential roll-out of a vaccine”.
    I can’t find a search bar here on your website.
    Thanks for your time and efforts, I came across your site only today and I’m finding it very informative.


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