TNT Radio’s No Fly Zone: Greg Maybury w/John O’Sullivan

 The No Fly Zone is a weekly one hour program on TNT Radio hosted by Greg Maybury. We seek via introductory op-ed and extended interviews with prominent analysts, authors, journalists, activists and commentators.

Hello Friends, On this episode of the No Fly Zone, I had great pleasure in welcoming CEO of Principia Scientific International, John O’Sullivan to the show. I will return to our guest shortly, but the following comprised the introduction to the show.

I want to mention an email I received from a friend who’s very knowledgable about the way fundamental principles and methods of science have been corrupted in recent years. With high level qualifications in both the scientific and communications (journalism) fields, he is well positioned to make critical observations about such matters as “climate change” and the Covid “pandemic”.

He sent to me a recent New York Post article that reported a number of myths, lies, fables, and deceptions we were fed by COVID “experts” and the media that have now been well and truly debunked. Quite apart from the umbrella “safe and effective” mantra, these included…

#1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity;

#2: Masks prevent COVID transmission;

#3: School closures reduce COVID transmission;

#4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection.

?➡️ ‘In my opinion there are even more myths that were propagated. These 10 are based centrally on the conventional allopathic medical model which is deeply flawed. What is also not mentioned in this article is how the WHO changed over the course of 10 years the definitions of pandemicherd immunity and vaccine

Yet at this very moment the WHO and the “health industry” are busy trying to cement the busted myths as fact for future reference. In future they want everyone to act under their “One Health” mandate. One size fits all. Do as we say “or else”. They’re treading water. Their time is up. This is not health. It’s big pharma takeover. More and more people have cottoned on to the con.’ — END QUOTE

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Further to the introduction above, my guest on this episode is a man who fully understands such sentiments. As CEO of Principia Scientific International (PSI), John O’Sullivan heads up a community of impartial scientists from around the world debating and publishing cutting-edge thinking on a range of issues without a preconceived idea of outcomes.

For some time now PSI has been one of my ‘go-to’ watering holes for information about matters of a scientific or technical/technological nature. To underscore this, PSI’s reportage on the Covid “pandemic” and the ‘one-size-fits-all’ panacea — the “voodoo vaccine” — that was preordained then mandated to combat this highly inflated threat to humanity has been exemplary.

We enjoyed a wide ranging discussion, and I was personally pleased that we found much in common. Like myself, John is passionate about the issues; but in both of us having backgrounds in past lives as educators, we also shared similar professional experiences.

I’d like to highlight some of those issues where indeed we found common ground, and which recent articles on the PSI website have addressed. These include issues surrounding 1) climate change; b) the risks/dangers of 5G/MW radiation; and c) the misinformation, propaganda, and censorship which has characterised the whole public debate around Covid and the “pandemic”. These are all very important pieces, and I highly recommend each. Please sign up also to receive the PSI’s Daily Digest Of The Day’s Headlines. John and his team are providing a regular stream of up-to-date reporting from a wide variety of sources.

The show explores deeper aspects of the latest news, covering geopolitics, Western foreign policy, media ethics (esp. the role of propaganda & censorship), the national security state, the globalist agenda, and the broad political economy. In the true spirit of alternative (independent) media, of particular interest will be those topics, themes and viewpoints which the establishment media have effectively declared “No Fly Zones”.

Bottom Line: Our aim is to question or challenge official government policy—and where necessary speak up and speak out about—surrounding any issues or concerns that are of significant public interest. This will apply especially where we feel that the official narrative—promulgated by the governing bureaucracy and endorsed by the establishment media—is at odds with objective reality or independent evidence based analysis.


The No Fly Zone Interview with Greg Maybury, March 4, 2023 — Guest: John O’Sullivan, CEO, Principia Scientific International

The Sky Dragon Slaying broadcast goes out live on TNT Radio between 6pm to 8pm (E.S.T.) every Saturday.

If you are a lover of empirical science proofs and a hater of corrupt government science, this is a show you won’t want to miss. Please use the  TNT Radio link at the top right of this web page.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (3)

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    Joseph Olson


    Speaking of NO FLY ZONE, the TNT Radio Sky Dragon Slaying Show will interview Captain Karlene Petitt, the Delta Whistleblower and expert in FAA and aviation industry corruption on Mar 11,2023 > also see Maximus Aviation video on FewTube


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Joseph,

    I went to your link and read what karlene petitt had written. Yesterday, I had watched a video of a meeting at the Coast Guard’s headquarters at Washington D.C. The purpose of this meeting began June 1, 2022 when Adm. Karl L. Schultz was relieved by Adm. Linda L. Fagan as the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. Then on October 12, 2022 Adm. Fagan unveiled a new Coast Guard strategy and a change in its ethos from ‘I’ to ‘we’ at a large meeting of the Coast Guard employees working at the Washington DC headquarters.
    One reason for this new strategy was explained to be: because of the number of suicides which were occurring in the ranks of the old Coast Guard for the same reasons described by Karlene Pettit at the link you just shared.

    Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Members and Readers,

    I composed this comment but I cannot find that I submitted it. Maybe I was debating if I should or where. I have decided that I should and given Karlene Pettit struggles about air safety I conclude my struggle is for the safety of SCIENCE. We cannot ignore the observed evidence that the GHE is an absolutely wrong idea because the unquestionable observed fact is that air temperature measured at the same place and time has never been less than the atmosphere’s dew point temperature. The GHE is absolutely wrong because the prediction of this theory is that the air temperature should be more than 30C (50F) lower if there was no carbon dioxide gas (molecules) in the atmosphere. And it gets very, very discouraging to find so many who merely argue that there is no GHE cannot seem to understand the difference between arguing and observing.

    John O’Sullivan, PSI’s founding editor and I, have had a good working relationship since I discovered PSI in 2016. However, he knows my rigid ideas about physical science often conflicts with his and many other PSI founders’ ideas. Who, like him, have a minimal background in the fundamental physical sciences physics and chemistry as engineers. Hence, this comment is to introduce my next comment which might likely offend some other active PSI members.

    Now a historical fact is that Richard Feynman was aware that many physic and chemistry were directly taught about his rigid ideas of PHYSICS and Chemistry. For in a 1974 commencement address (Cargo Cult 
Science) at Caltech he addressed this problem, which I severely edit in an attempt to keep it brief.

    “But this long history of learning how to not fool ourselves—of having utter scientific integrity—is … something that we haven’t specifically included in any particular course. .. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. … After you’ve not fooled yourself, It’s easy not to fool other scientists. … I’m talking about a specific, extra type of integrity that is not lying, but bending over backwards to show how you’re maybe wrong, … One example of the principle is this: If you’ve made up your mind to test a theory, or you want to explain some idea, you should always decide to publish it whichever way it comes out. If we only publish results of a certain kind, we can make the argument look good. We must publish both kinds of results.”

    This address was published at the end of his book “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”

    Have a good day


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