The Science & Media Lies About Quinine, Chloroquine & HCQ

Last week we learned of the ‘Mysterious ‘Suicide’ Of Dr. Fauci’s Right-Hand Man At NIAID. The news is stirring fresh talk of Fauci’s mendacity as it coincides with further clinical results showing the quinine family of drugs – chloroquine and HCQ – are effective against COVID-19.

Rather than being the medical saint depicted by the media bravely leading the White House Coronavirus Task Force, incompetent/corrupt Dr Anthony Fauci is guilty of no fewer than ‘15 Deadly COVID-19 Errors.’

Perhaps the worst Fauci foul up is the story from April that ‘Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 — nobody needed to die’ (Bryan Fischer, April 27, 2020). The worst because Fischer had rightly exposed a cover up but his revelation was swiftly ‘fact fake check’ bombed by the mainstream.

On the very same day Fischer posted his damning ‘Fauci Knew‘ story the left-wing blog rushed out a counter story that succeeded in quelling public interest in the back story of this virus.

By the quick action, and author Daniel Funke pulled off a neat smoke and mirrors job and deflected the light from where it most needed shining: on the safe and cheap drug hydroxychloroquine, proven efficacious in treating coronavirus 15 years ago.

Their conclusory and scientifically cherry-picked ‘fact fake check’ was thereafter widely deployed to quell claims that Dr Fauci already knew (or should have known) of the remarkable properties of Chloroquine (Hydroxychloroquine) on coronavirus.

The first part of their ploy was persuading the public to believe SARS-CoV-1 (commonly called ‘SARS’) was not at all like SARS-CoV-2 (commonly called ‘COVID-19’).

Once we swallowed that crock, the ploy’s second part was to have us believe the drug from 2005 “Fauci knew about” (choloroquine) is nothing like hydroxychloroquine (President Trump’s CV19 ‘game changing’ wonder drug) and thus irrelevant.

The media largely succeeded with this double gambit – until now…..

The 2005 study in question is from Virology Journal, a publication of BioMed Central, which is owned by Springer Nature. [1]

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) indexes and archives these publications. Dr Fauci was head of NIH when this study came through. Even if Fauci wasn’t personally aware of it, he would be advised of it by colleagues once the pandemic hit home hard in March.

So, the article began:

“A widely shared conspiracy theory on Facebook alleges that Dr. Anthony Fauci is knowingly advocating against a treatment for the novel coronavirus.

An April 27 article says the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has known since 2005 that hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat conditions like lupus and arthritis, is effective against coronaviruses like the one that causes COVID-19.”

However, the smoke and mirrors of author, Daniel Funke, was in conveniently failing to reveal that:

(a) chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are both pharmaceutical derivatives of quinine and;

(b) the 2005 SARS and 2019/20 viruses share nomenclature classification because they are closely related.

Funke must have known what he was doing from his cited references. Prominent among them is the article ‘COVID-19 vs. SARS: How Do They Differ?’ (April 2, 2020) from which reveals that virologists admit:

“Both COVID-19 and SARS are caused by coronaviruses. The virus that causes SARS is known as SARS-CoV-1, while the virus that causes COVID-19 is known as SARS-CoV-2. There are also other types of human coronaviruses.” [emphasis added]

You don’t need to be a virologist to appreciate the obvious connection here: SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2

Indeed, get past the COVID-19 name and identify the original classification, not just in the reference above, but since January 2020 scientists repeatedly identified that the new virus “is related to SARS-CoV-1” [2]

While Funke’s cited sources in his footnotes openly reveal the connection, he and opted to bury this crucial fact in footnotes and not highlight it in the body of his article.

On its own, this one ‘oversight’ is insufficient to conclusively prove a motive to deceive.

But Mr Funke then goes on to compound that ‘oversight’ with a second; glibly telling readers that chloroquine is a different drug” from hydroxychloroquine. He merely left it at that, failing to reveal the key fact both are pharmaceutically from the same family of drugs (under quinine).

So, of course, anyone falling for such horse sheet would opine:

 “But, but, but that’s chloroquine, not hydroxychloroquine, and it’s SARS, not Covid-19”

Non-experts were easily duped. They didn’t understand that the ‘hydroxy’ addition makes the treatment safer and more readily absorbed, and would work just as well in combating SARS and Covid-19 – from the same family of viruses.

Do a search on Google Scholar on the topic. You will learn that:

“Chloroquine and the 4-aminoquinoline drug hydroxychloroquine belong to the same molecular family [quinine]. Hydroxychloroquine differs from chloroquine by the presence of a hydroxyl group at the end of the side chain: the N-ethyl substituent is β-hydroxylated.” [2]

Hydroxychloroquine gradually replaced chloroquine mostly because:

“Unfortunately, the efficacy of chloroquine gradually declined due to the continuous emergence of chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum strains.” [3]

Thus, beyond all doubt, SARS-CoV-1 (‘SARS’) from 2005 and SARS-CoV-2 (‘COVID-19’) in 2020 are closely related and virologists knew that a proven therapy for SARS (virus-1) must be a prime candidate to use against virus-2. and their msm co-conspirators dodged explaining the details – at the behest of their paymasters – in favor of their top story about the search for a completely new and expensive vaccine (via Bill Gates). But in the real world experts were aware of an altogether cheaper and quicker route via a re-purposed old medication which was shown to be effective as a treatment for SARS in 2005 (chloroquine).

Independent researchers thus realized – with high probability – these re-purposed cheap drugs could prove successful, so dozens of studies to validate the issue ensued. But the msm only wanted to focus on negative and largely fake stories to discredit HCQ, as detailed very well by

Not to be outdone by the fake news media, the multiplicity of ongoing and earnest efforts by (independent) researchers on quinine, chloroquine and HCQ can be found in the scientific literature. [4]

But Funke (and media co-conspirators) are relentless as propagandists. They only say HCQ is “dangerous”, “unproven”, not subjected to double-blind testing, etc. Yet quinine (the original source drug) is a key ingredient in your supermarket tonic water (used in gin and tonic).

So, why would a “dangerous”, “unproven” ingredient be permitted in a common beverage? And do you really believe mainstream journalists are ignorant of these facts?

Notwithstanding those questions, Funke is exposed by his cherry-picking and his footnote references at the end of the article plainly state what he failed to report. For example, his reference from  reveals that:

 “The new coronavirus has a 79 percent genetic similarity to the SARS virus.”

The biggest difference between the two viruses, it says, is that the 2005 “SARS is much more deadly than COVID-19.”

It gets better. The authors then admit:

 “A recent study has confirmed that both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV use the same host cell receptor. It also found that, for both viruses, the viral proteins used for host cell entry bind to the receptor with the same tightness (affinity).”

The only significant difference between the 2005 SARS (SARS-CoV-1) from the current coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which we generally call COVID-19 is that the new virus:

 “spreads more easily and often causes mild symptoms.”

So, the 2005 version was much deadlier but less infectious than the current virus causing all the global pandemonium!

What this global crisis needed from Day One was honest and accurate journalism. If the mainstream won’t oblige then online citizen journalists will do the job.

From Africa comes an example of how honest journalism should be done. Check out ‘COVID-19: Nigerian study finds Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine effective as Prophylaxis’ (June 23, 2020) where Chioma Obinna reports:

“Preliminary trials on the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis for COVID-19 in Nigeria has recorded some level of success.”

A promising African Study Protocol recommends quinine for all COVID-19 Inpatients (oral for regular inpatients and intravenous for ICU Patients).  The researchers found that:

“….quinine crosses the blood-brain barrier into the alveoli which gives it an added advantage over chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 and picks up where CQ/ HCQ stop….“Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine has multiple modes of action which prevents the virus from penetrating the host cell using its S protein and Protease. It breaks the polymerase chain and prevents viral replication. “It is a zinc ionophore and ensures penetration of zinc into the viral cell.”

Because results were promising this has meant that “the study protocols are currently being used in Kaduna, Bauchi, and some other States in Nigeria,” reports Obinna. The article continues:

“Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Prophylaxis works effectively for COVID-19 as all the clients recovered fully, after six weeks post-lockdown. None of the 110 placed on Prophylaxis has progressed into full-blown COVID-19.”

In conclusion the researchers:

“…observed that there were 100 percent positive outcome and zero deaths with 4Aminoquinolines in COVID-19 Response, stressing that quinine works in an advanced stage of COVID-19 as the case of the single laboratory tested positive clients have shown.”

So, there you have it from Africa, a key aspect of the fake media’s defense against accusations of Dr Fauci’s malfeasance is debunked. As proven by trials on real patients quinine, chloroquine and hydroxychlorine ALL work against coronavirus.

But it isn’t just in Africa where scientists are proving this family of drugs can do the job. A rudimentary search of Google Scholar reveals a plethora of studies from around the world substantiating the African findings, contrary to what and other fake news outlets would have you believe. [6]

If these drugs were already proven to be “dangerous” then why would researchers invest so many resources in doing more trials?

In fact, there are no fewer than 80 registered trials ongoing worldwide into chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment and the evidence for success is building [7]

The conclusions are becoming more inescapable: science is showing Trump was right all along. Dr Fauci should have known – and was duty-bound to make it widely known  – that HCQ (combined with the Z-pac protocol) was a proven front line candidate for a cure.

What Fauci had to do from March 21 2020 was apply due diligence and check Trump’s “game changer” claims to uncover and share what was known in 2005. In his capacity as the lead White House Task Force expert he was duty bound to do this. Instead, he played dumb and obfuscated.

If Dr Fauci had acted perhaps 500,000+ lives could have been saved and the wholesale destruction of the world economy prevented because of an avoidable global ‘lock down‘.

[1]Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread’ (Aug 22 2005) doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69. See:


[3] T.E. Wellems, C.V. Plowe, Chloroquine-resistant malaria, J Infect Dis, 184 (2001), pp. 770-776

[4] M. Wang, R. Cao, L. Zhang, X. Yang, J. Liu, M. Xu, et al.Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro Cell Res, 30 (2020), pp. 269-271, 10.1038/s41422-020-0282-0


[6] The list is extensive, here are just a few:

Gao J, Tian Z, Yang X. Breakthrough: chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies. Biosci Trends. (2020) 14:72–3. doi: 10.5582/bst.2020.01047

Gautret P, Lagier JC, Parola P, Hoang VT, Meddeb L, Mailhe M, et al. Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial. Int J Antimicrobial Agents. (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949. [Epub ahead of print].

[7] Ferner RE, Aronson JK. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in covid-19. BMJ. (2020) 369:m1432. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1432

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (28)

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    John O’Sullivan

    Again with this topic.

    Here is a very recent article to counter yours.

    Quote from the article: “At this point in time, there’s been five randomized-controlled, placebo-controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine, so at this point in time, we don’t recommend that as a treatment,” he said.

    Not sure what evidence you are looking for that it is not effective in treating Covid-19.
    Trials were run using good scientific method. The outcome is that there was shown to be no benefit.

    Conspiracy theories are not science and most do not have an rigor or demand for proof. That is why they remain on blogs and not in Courts of Law. In Courts actual evidence of criminal activity must be admitted. With blogs any theory is good and accepted blindly as fact. Very few on this blog seem to even want to look at evidence of any kind. They just accept the story presented and agree. Too bad you call this a science sight. I am not sure your followers have a clue what science is. I think they just love the latest Conspiracy Theory and get mad when you point out evidence against it.


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      Andy Rowlands


      You sound just like climate alarmists. Anything that differs from what you say or believe must automatically be wrong. I am a ‘follower’ and contributor to this website, and I have a degree in particle physics, so I think I have a clue what science is.


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        Andy Rowlands

        Not correct. I think you totally misunderstand my reason for posting. I am asking for rigors of science. This blog is described as a science blog but most posts are invalid conspiracy theories with very little supporting evidence. You would be fairly bright to get a degree in particle physics so you would know that evidence of a claim is an absolute for science. There are many ideas of particles and how they interact and how they fit in with the Standard Model. It requires experimental evidence to verify any idea. And even then any radical idea is monitored closely and intensely scrutinized, any new discovery that goes against the established physics is questioned not just immediately accepted.

        What evidence do you find that HCQ is a miracle drug and that its used is suppressed by an evil group of Conspirators with an evil agenda.

        Do you know who the journalist Jim Tucker was? He would investigate the secretive Bilderberg group every year they met. He did not just write down wild theories about what this group was doing. Initially he actually penetrated the meetings. He was banned and yet he used tactics of hotel staff to get copies of the meeting agendas. He was investigating a Conspiracy but he was doing it correctly. Gathering real evidence and not speculating and throwing out unproven claims. That is what this blogs seems to lack. They have many ideas but they lack the rigor of good journalism or hard science. They do not seem to doubt their own ideas which is the hallmark of good science. Question your own ideas, research them with rigor and try to find flaws in them.

        The blind zombie like acceptance of all that is posted unnerves me a bit.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Norman,
      The link is to a press release not science. He cites 5 studies but there is no link to the studies. Does it include the sham study where they gave extremely ill veterans massive doses of the drug? Do the studies check just using the hydroxychloroquine or do they use the entire treatment protocol? If it was science you’d see evidence, not just a mealy mouthed evasive opinion (“cannot recommend for use”).
      Doesn’t it strike you as odd that authorities will jump at any excuse to ban or restrict its use (the crap study from Lancet, The side effects for a drug in use for 50 years). but ignore the testimony of doctors and patients using it (even the democrats congress women who says it saved her)? What happened to the belief that you do anything and everything to help a patient instead of saying use a drug that does nothing or wait until we develop a vaccine. Next time you get ill call a politician for the political correct treatment, not a doctor.


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        Well put Herb. Thumbs up


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      I have a long histroy with Norman. He continues to use the same strategy and tactics. He will attack anyone that does not go along with the “established science”. When he is shown he is wrong, he resorts to personal insults, false accusations, and misrepresentations. He always forgets to mention he has no meaningful science background. Usually he tries to fake a knowledge of physics, but now he is trying to fake a knowledge of medicine.

      It’s really nothing new.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Norman, Your link is yet another fact-free, conclusory whitewash. Keep on drinking the msm Kool Aid.


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      John O’Sullivan

      Why do you conclude the article is a fact-free whitewash? What Nations that used HCQ decreased the death rates in a significant way. Do you have any evidence at all to support the claim it is a super drug that could eliminated deaths from Covid and a really sick and perverted Conspiracy is at work to intentionally let people die in terrible fashion?

      Your previous article stated that Italy and Spain were the largest users of this medication and their death rate was higher than most. Not sure what actual evidence you bring to the table to prove HCQ is a miracle drug and evil people are suppressing its use.

      They have already done extensive clinical trials that showed no positive benefit. You reject any evidence that does not support a Conspiritorial view of reality. Closed loop, if one shows evidence to counter the vast evil conspiracy then they are part of it and the evidence is considered invalid.


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    Andy Rowlands


    Good article John, saved for future use 🙂


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      John O'Sullivan


      cheers, Andy. Important we spread these facts far and wide.


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    Joseph Olson


    If you have a therapy for a disease with a 99% cure rate there is NO excuse for double blind, placebo testing, as this would be forcing substandard care and clinical genocide.

    If you have a 99% effective prophylactic, preventative then not allowing use is regulatory genocide.

    We have a preventative and cure, there there should be NO deaths, NO lockdowns, NO social distancing, NO face muzzles, NO contact tracing, NO mandatory voodoo vaccination.

    Even more shocking medical Truth about WuFlu Bat Stew is emerging….
    stay tuned to here….same-bat time, same bat-channel


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      CJoseph Olson

      Other than your opinion. Do you have a verified study that shows a 99% cure rate from HCQ? Is the study suppressed by the evil elite and you have the lone copy that was not destroyed? Can you supply anything to support you claim?


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    I did wonder how convenient it was that Fauci was in Chine about the same time the virus showed up.
    Strictly a co-incidental happening, right?


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      Do you have any links to valid evidence that Fauci was in China the same time it showed up there? Around November 2019 or so. I could find none.


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    I did wonder how convenient it was that Fauci was in China about the same time the virus showed up.
    Why is he not being questioned??????????


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    Alan Stewart


    Then there’s the vaccine that will save everyone SOON. Apparently a vaccine for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 1 has been researched since 2003. The sickness of politics has invaded medicine and science.


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    Thankfully, real physicians that are practicing real medicine on a daily basis are speaking up and confirming this article.
    This is supporting the results of many other real physicians and scientists around the world.
    What a shame they are being cancelled (fired) for speaking up about their success with this HCQ course of treatment.


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    HCQ is being denounced simply because it mitigates the requirement for a vaccine & undermines its geopolitical urgency.
    Strange that cases are again on the rise while background mortality rates remain normal. This offers natural control groups for comparison and illustrates that something other than covid is responsible for previous lockdown deaths.

    Great coverage John.
    Many thanks


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    John O'Sullivan


    Cheers, Dev. As you say, beyond the fake world of controlled media and controlled ‘science’ the medical grassroots evidence is becoming overwhelming that the HCQ + Z -pac protocol is over 90percent effective, thus mitigating any need for a botched vaccine. The death toll is being faked, testing is sky high showing almost everyone has had coronavirus. We are gradually winning the war despite living in the age of stupid Normans who will only listen to what their masters tell them.


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      Jack Fiero


      People will believe what Drs tell them.


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    Brian James


    Jul 9, 2020 C0R0NAVlRUS Cases Surging but Deaths are Not, Here’s Why

    But hold on, because once again new numbers show that the number of people who have already had this virus is vastly higher than what’s being reported… and as the number of cases is surging, the number of deaths is not, here’s why.


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