The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun

At TruthBasedMedia, James Corbett does a deep dive into digital currency and demonstrates why resistance to the elite bankers and politicians can make all the difference

And it was a surprise to me that Nigeria shows the world how to resist:

Nigeria became one of the first nations in the world to adopt an official, national central bank digital currency when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched the eNaira amid much fanfare in October 2021.

Promoted with the slogan “Same Naira, more possibilities!” the bankster class collectively held its breath as it watched this trial run of digital money unfold before their eyes.

The early results of this experiment, however, were not promising for the money manipulators.

Despite a massive push of the eNaira by the government and breathless coverage of its rollout in the establishment media, it was revealed one year after the digital currency’s launch that a mere 0.5 percent of the population—one in every 200 people—had actually used it.

Not to be dissuaded, the CBN imposed new banking regulations last December, limiting cash withdrawals from ATMs to just ₦20,000 ($45) per day in a bid to increase adoption of the nation’s CBDC.

The result? Again, utter failure. In fact, worse than utter failure. An actual uprising!

Nigerians took to the streets in February of this year to protest the cash restrictions and even attempted to storm the central bank.

CBN officials are now rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, upgrading the eNaira app to allow contactless payments, as if that was what was keeping people from using the banksters’ new digital enslavement tokens.

But, try as they might to cover it up, the results of this experiment in monetary manipulation are now clearly visible for all to see.

The eNaira is a failure of such gargantuan proportions that it now serves as a cautionary tale to central bankers around the world about how pear-shaped things can get when a digital currency is shoved down an unwilling public’s throat.

Nigeria!  Who would have thought? Mr. Corbett has a lot more to say, but his game plan for those of us who want to resist this ultimate tyranny is pretty simple:

. . . here’s the hot part of my hot take: CBDCs are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks.

The fact that they have to spend billions of dollars a year pumping lies and misinformation into the heads of the citizenry in order to keep people from seeing the truth is a tacit admission that our thoughts and opinions actually do matter.

After all, why would they bother propagandizing to us at all if they didn’t require our approval (or at least our docile apathy) to continue pursuing their agenda?

Similarly, the fact that the banksters are ramping up the next stage of their CBDC indoctrination operation—attempting to convince an increasingly skeptical public that a complete overhaul of the fabric of our monetary reality is somehow beneficial to Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom—is a tacit admission that we are the ones who decide whether CBDCs are implemented or not. They can tout the benefits of their digital slave tokens all they want, but if we refuse to use them, then the CBDC world order will not come to fruition.

The banksters, for one, are well aware of this fact. But are we aware of it?

[T]he message is that the public is—for the time being and until the propaganda machine kicks into high gear—overwhelmingly on our side. People DO NOT WANT programmable money and the vast majority see it for what it is: another trick on the part of the establishment to take more power and control away from every day people and put it in the hands of the banksters and their cronies.

That’s why this is the time to seize the momentum of public opinion and steer it into actual productive activity. We can encourage Cash Friday awareness. We can build up local trading communities based on alternative and complementary currencies.

We can introduce those around us to Agorist.Market. We can promote community currencies and precious metals and decentralized cryptos and barter circles and the million other forms of survival currency that clued-in Corbetteers [Mr. Corbett’s regular readers] have been researching for years.

Yes, your resistance and pushback do matter. It does make a difference. We do have a part to play in this.

Read Mr. Corbett’s full column here.  When he refers to alternative currencies, he is referring to scrip, i.e. any substitute for legal tender.

If you’ve ever gone through a subway turnstile using a token instead of coins, you’ve used scrip.

In the early days of the Cleveland Tea Party and other liberty groups, some activists were already introducing community-issued scrip into Cleveland neighborhoods.

The challenge is to get critical mass and to find vendors and proprietors who accept it.

See more here

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Comments (2)

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    All these digital prisons are going to run great on solar panels and windmills. Are these clowns really that stupid? Trying to merge digital everything with global warming scams and the push for useless green energy.


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    Frank S.


    In the U.S., CBDC will be trial-run beginning in 2025. It will become the mandatory “coin of the realm” in 2027.


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