The Evidence Is In: The COVID Vaccine Is a Failure and dangerous

In my efforts to provide good information in place of Big Pharma-serving propaganda about Covid and the vaccine, I have reported to you from the official databases the large number of deaths and health issues associated with the vaccine.  For some age groups the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.

I have also reported to you from official reports that the largest percentage of new cases are associated with those who are fully vaccinated.  The question is: are these actually new cases or are they vaccine-associated illnesses?

Following the conclusions of a Nobel prize-winner in medicine and other top level experts, I have attributed what the medical establishment calls new cases, breakthroughs, delta variant, to adverse responses to the vaccine itself, thus questioning the existence of the delta variant.  But after listening to Dr. Robert Malone, it appears that there are variants also, and will be more variants. Thus the new breakout of what are reported as Covid cases consists of both adverse reactions to the vaccine and illnesses from the new variants.

Dr. Malone is the inventor of the mRNA technology that was used to develop the mRNA vaccine.  He is a member of the establishment.  He is not a kook, conspiracy theorist, or anti-vaxxer.  He is so solid a member of the establishment that the Department of Defense has relied on him for years.  Where Dr. Malone differs from the establishment is in his unwillingness to keep quiet when he sees that the ruling Covid narrative does not fit the facts.

Dr. Malone explains (at the 50 minute mark) that what the vaccine is doing, in addition to killing and injuring people’s health, which he does not emphasize, is evolving the virus, in a manner of speaking, training it to escape vaccines. In other words, the vaccine itself amplifies variants that cannot be prevented by vaccines.

You can listen to his explanations in the first 57 minutes of this video address to a professional group of educated people in Silicon Valley.  Even if you are not well educated, Malone speaks with a clarity that will allow you to understand the gist of the explanation. Click here.

The first 25 minutes are taken up with Malone’s explanation of who he is, his background and experience.  He explains the origin and reason for the official public health policy that experts, no matter how distinguished, are censored when they depart from the official (and ever-changing) CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA narrative. In other words, the official public health bureaucracies have a monopoly on the explanation. 

He explains that the mainstream media is interlocked with the public health bureaucracies and acts as censoring agent.   He speaks with humor. He describes being “fact checked” and  deplatformed by a high school dropout employed to shutdown “misinformation,” which is everything that diverges from the official narrative of the day. We have reached the point in our absurdity where distinguished scientists are censored by total dumbshits.

Beginning at the 35 minute mark, Malone gets into the heart of the dilemma we face.  He makes it crystal clear that the authorities were wrong and that there is no hope that vaccines are the answer.  He makes it clear that the delta variant is going to run through the population and no amount of vaccination, masks, and lockdowns can do anything about it.  The focus must be switched to treatment.  There are known effective treatments, and more are under development and testing. Malone himself was cured by Ivermectin.

Fortunately, he reports, the delta variant is less serious than Covid-19, but future variants might not be if we continue to use a vaccine that trains new variants to escape immune systems.  A number of distinguished scientists have reached the same conclusion.  See this for example.

For the first time in history, the world’s population has been used for mass clinical testing of an experimental vaccine.  The evidence is piling up.  Official reporting databases show extraordinary numbers of deaths and injuries associated with the Covid vaccine.  The vast majority of new cases are associated with the fully vaccinated. 

The fully vaccinated spread the virus as easily as unvaccinated Covid patients according to the CDC and Dr. Fauci himself. The vaccine is associated with spontaneous abortions.  These are all facts now quietly acknowledged by the bungling public health bureaucracies, but still mainly kept from the people.

The public health bureaucracies do not know how to respond to the vaccine failure as they bet the entire ball game on the mRNA vaccine.  All the hopes and claims associated with the vaccine were mistaken.  It is a long limb to climb back, especially when they have no other policy to suggest.

Not knowing what to do, the CDC recommends more jabs with the toxic vaccine. See this.

All the “fact check” mechanisms put in place to silence those who understand what is happening are still in place and still censoring the experts who have real solutions.

Clearly, the suppression of experts must now stop. The health dilemma that the ignorance and arrogance of public health officials, dumbshit politicians, and dumbshit media have trapped us in can only be resolved by open debate among the world’s experts.  No more controlled explanations, or we may all die if not from the vaccine then from a variant created by the vaccine.

Ivermectin Has Stopped Covid in India and the Media Covers Up the Good News, see report on Epoch Times.

Covid Financed by NIH Has Brought Totalitarianism to the World

Pressure on Unvaccinated Intensifies, see report on Global Research

Those Who Protest against the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths”, see Michel Chossudovsky on Global Research.

CDC Is Murder Incorporated

CDC’s Own Statistics Show 1,270  Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but CDC Continues to Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections, see report on Global Research.

If you take the vaccine, this could be your fate.

See more here:

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (19)

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    jamie cronin


    Wish i could agree, but these “cases” are almost without doubt vaccine induced. He is an insider who will never admit this. Saving his own(what’s left of it) reputation.


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    “He explains that the mainstream media is interlocked with the public health bureaucracies and acts as censoring agent. He speaks with humor. He describes being “fact checked” and deplatformed by a high school dropout employed to shutdown “misinformation,” which is everything that diverges from the official narrative of the day. We have reached the point in our absurdity where distinguished scientists are censored by total dumbshits.”

    Why resort to name calling and knocking anyone who drops out of school? Do the educated “elite” consider education more important than intelligence? I would argue IQ trumps education. I’m a triple 9 and dropped out of HS when i was 16- education was and is a joke and a poor yardstick to measure anyone. Sorry but if this guy thinks it’s about education he’s the real “dumbshit”. It’s about control and power nothing else. The real question is why. Why is real science being censored? The really intelligent among the population know. This is why so many very high IQ people (and I mean people that make Mensa members seem dumb) are avoiding the great “experiment” like the plague.


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      Tom O


      What’s your problem Bill? I seriously doubt that the comment was intended to put down high school drop outs. Get a life. It IS humorous that a high school drop out “fact checks an expert in the field talking about his area of expertise and calls it misinformation.” If you can’t see that, you are WAY too sensitive for some reason, and not paying attention. Stop skipping words while you read. Roberts, who is not the person being fact checked, called the fact checker a dumbshit. You are calling the REAL scientist a dumbshit because you didn’t pay attention to what you read.

      I can’t agree with Malone on variants because you have to have an original virus before you can create mutants, and the ONLY thing this “vaccine” does is to cause an antibody to the spike protein to be created that the vaccine trained cells to create. As it turns out, the spike, when it enters a cell on its own, also causes cells to create more spike proteins. If there are “Mutations,” it would therefore have to be mutations of the spike itself, and that isn’t happening. It is just the spike IS the reason for the “breakout” cases.


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    “On this week’s show, we look at German pathologist Dr. Peter Schirmacher findings after doing autopsies on 40 patients who died within 2 weeks of getting the Covid shot. He concluded that 30-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He’s not calling for anything drastic; simply asking for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But, as could be predicted Germany has thus far been reluctant to act, and his story is being suppressed. ”

    As a side note, that toxicology is practically entirely missing from arguments regarding virology is just about the most indicting thing about virology, btw. I cannot even almost respect ANY of virology while it festers in absolutely horseshit ignorance.

    Coz it avoids causation. It’s for an industry that only peddles toxins. And the basis of their arguments, results attributed to their phantom viruses, are all associated with toxicity and deficiency.


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      The under-reported role of toxic substance exposures in the COVID-19 pandemic
      “Toxicology contributions to COVID-19 are mostly ignored relative to virology contributions.”

      Everyone knows air pollution is associated with disease, right? Like if you go to coal mining areas in Kentucky or whatever. Okay, so in China, Italy, Spain and the US, where “covid” was the worst, you also happened to have REALLY obvious toxic factors that are conveniently ignored.

      Shit, in NY, even just one factor…I’ve seen some of their “roundup” spraying programmes, coverage and usage. If that was at all indicate, that alone is enough to cause significant disease. But of course, there’s WAY more toxic shit in an area like NY than just that.

      I have some experience with that, coz I had a many allergies, asthma and a total of 30% lung capacity, (after recovering for about 8 years) due to herbicides/pesticides.


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        Which is to say, obviously vaccines would be failures. They are toxins, virology ignoring toxins, toxins clearly implicated in disease. Virology as a whole is entirely failure. Just like the attempts to find these “causative pathogenic” viruses. You peddle from the perspective of virology (like van den tosser, yeadon, gates, fauci, malone, etc)…aaaaand you’re a failure.


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        You know, I have this sort of gambit scenario.

        I’d bet, a shot of heroin vs covid vaccines, in any competent study, would show less damage than the covid vaccine and provide more protection against “covid variants”, BY FAR. AND it’d actually make you feel good (supposedly). Take a covid vaccine and you instantly feel shit (assuming it wasn’t saline or a dud due to very common manufacturing sort of “sloppiness”).


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    I’m gonna relink an article here on PSI (which I hadn’t seen before, since I only recently started using the site, but I just stumbled on it while using a relevant search term in DDG)…

    Skimming over the article, it’s basically correct and comprehensive. Apparently, numerous people have somewhat independently come to the same sort of conclusion regarding these “viral” processes…

    So here’s JeffG.

    Here’s another JeffG, talking about “science”…speech from around 2 minutes. Very apt.


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    Richard Noakes


    “Even so, a key issue is that the current vaccines block severe disease but do not prevent infection, said Dr. Gregory Poland, a vaccine scientist at the Mayo Clinic. That is because the virus is still capable of replicating in the nose, even among vaccinated people, who can then transmit the disease through tiny, aerosolized droplets”
    Reuters – what my free salt water cure stops.

    The Achilles Heel of Coronavirus, is while it is still in the developing stage as Coronavirus/Covid in the warm, wet areas inside the nasal passages of your head (nose) and before it gets to become Covid in your head and lungs, 10 to 14 days later. If Coronavirus is not treated with my free salt clean water cure to flush out your nasal passages, as soon as possible, or during self isolation, it becomes Covid, which is where the money is. You cannot catch Covid! Always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth shut, because you really don’t want the Coronavirus to seed itself in your lungs!! My free salt water cure has “absolutely nothing” to do with mRNA test vaccines. Treating Coronavirus with my free salt clean water cure, flushes out the nasal cavity and kills Coronavirus, before it gets to be Covid, irrespective of if you have had mRNA vaccines or not. Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm or cold clean water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives. If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity. While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfulls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Bronchitis there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done. Pour some of the solution on a flat surface and allow to dry and see what you have then. This is what coats the nasal passages in your head and kills Coronavirus/Covid off. You can see why it is so effective. This is what I have done for the past 26.5 years and I am NEVER ill, nor do you need to be either.
    Please pass it around to everyone who wants to give it a try.

    He added that “Current vaccines are great at preventing [CO1] serious infection deep in the lungs, but not at blocking infection in the upper airways. What’s needed is a nasal-spray (vaccine) that would stop the coronavirus from taking hold at all.” – what my free salt water cure does and stops.

    You want to stop the Covid pandemic – this is the only way and it is free too.

    Keep safe. Richard


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    A perceptive 10 year old can see, and could see from the start, that Covid-19 has nothing to do with real science (ie, it’s a scam).

    Here is WHY even most so-called intelligent people CANNOT figure that out… read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The  Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at 


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      Yeah I dunno, as I’ve stated, the majority of people are simply doomed. There is no hope there. They’re gonna be wiped out.


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        Here’s a short-term warning sign about the impending extinction (due to avarice, ignorance, incompetence, horribly toxic environments, propaganda, medications, etc):

        Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly lower IQ scores, most likely due to masking of mothers

        I doubt it’s just the masking that would result in that, but regardless, massively toxic worthless societies (as they are).

        “In the decade before the COVID-19 pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardized tests for children between the ages of three months and three years was around 100. The children in the study had an average IQ score of 78.”


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        And where you refer to the sociopsychopathetic societal models, I think there’s a significant spiritual aspect, less tangibly obvious.

        They are qlippothic, souled out. Seriously.


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        Unless things RAPIDLY change in some northern hemisphere areas…winter in the northern hemisphere will be horrific.

        Don’t for a moment doubt they won’t use “force multipliers”, regarding geoengineering, EMF, etc along with their caused degeneration (policies, vaccines, engineered food shortages)…


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    ‘What are the odds?’: RI man’s unexpected discovery likely linked to well-known billionaire
    “The markers belonged to Israel, Seth and Zechariah Gates.”

    Consider this:
    “Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955. He is the son of William H. Gates Sr. (1925-2020) and Mary Maxwell Gates (1929-1994). His ancestry includes English, German, and Irish/Scots-Irish.”


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      Which is to say, the obvious regarding the obviousness associated with “Maxwell”…is obvious.


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    “For some age groups the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.”
    That’s the problem with all these “experts”:


    There is no herd immunity. There is no infection. There is no virus. There is no pandemic. These are the facts!

    It’s possible that the Covid collaps began in commi Canada recently: “HUGE Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Now Dropped” –

    The nonexistent virus, the nonexistent mutation, the nonexistent infection, the non existent herd immunity, the nonexistent epidemic, the nonexistent pandemic, the existent GIANT CONSPIRACY.

    “Dr. Stefan Lanka destroys infection theory, virus theory, virology, epidemiology and the corona lie with a single video” – (use translate option if necessary)

    Dr. Lanks puts more wood on the fire: Say goodbye to the virus – (use translate option if necessary)

    “The Virus Misconception | Measles as an example | Dr Stefan Lanka” –

    See also: court germany flu virus


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    Rob Embree


    So, if this is a computer generated virus, then where is the computer generated anit- virus? if its made by Microsoft and Bill Gates then our systems are going to crash and we’re all going to be dead. No reset this time around.


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      I can give a derivative of something fake…

      EVERY “virus” they peddle, is synthetic, imaginary. Covid is interchangeable with influenza because influenza ALSO doesn’t exist or function as claimed.

      Listen to this speech from my alter-ego:

      I like the part where it says “…ability to self-regulate in any domain….”

      I think more people should be familiar with that idea.


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