Scott Gottlieb’s Role in Creating a New Intelligence Office

Gottlieb is an FDA commissioner, an investment fund manager, Pfizer Board of Directors member, CIA advisor and Corporate Media Shill

Dr. Scott Gottlieb was appointed FDA commissioner by President Trump at age 44, and served in that role from 2017 to 2019, after which he resigned to spend more time with his family.

He is a contributor to the cable financial news network CNBC, and a frequent guest on the CBS News program Face the Nation.

He is also an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine.

He is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a special partner with the venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and serves on the boards of Pfizer, Illumina, Aetion, and Tempus. NEA is one of the world’s largest venture capital firms.

Contrary to various rumors, Dr. Gottleib is not related to the notorious CIA leader of MK ULTRA (“Dr. Strangelove”) Dr. Sidney Gottleib. Based on reports from confidential sources, I have previously reported that Dr. Gottleib also serves the US Central Intelligence Agency as an advisor and was actively engaged with the CIA during the COVIDcrisis.

Before first joining the FDA, and in between each of his three tours of government service, Gottlieb was a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Fortune magazine identified Gottlieb as one of its 2018 “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders,” ranking him number 6.

The magazine stated “Gottlieb has gotten credit for being transparent about FDA steps—and, more important, for using his bully pulpit without being a bully.”

He received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Wesleyan University. After completing his undergraduate education, he worked as a healthcare analyst at the investment bank Alex. Brown & Sons in Baltimore.

Gottlieb attended medical school at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and completed his residency in internal medicine at the Mount Sinai Hospital.

His ascendency from an otherwise undistinguished internal medicine resident with a background in economics to highly lauded FDA commissioner at age 44 is quite remarkable.

Even more remarkable has been his successful strong advocacy and lobbying in corporate media for the CIA to assume a dominant role in public health during the COVIDcrisis- despite never having an official government position involving CIA, DIA or other elements of the intelligence community.

The depth of his involvement with the agency is unknown, but his advocacy for the interests of the CIA, Pfizer and the vaccine industry during the time of COVID have been consistent throughout the “pandemic”.

Let’s recap some of Dr. Gottleib’s most egregious behaviors since leaving the FDA to join the Pfizer board.

Gottlieb was crucial to convincing Trump to lock down. Kushner put him on the phone and Dr. Gottleib pushed for the hardest lockdown possible. He was also a strong advocate for the use of masks. In many ways, Gottleib’s role was at least as important as that played by Fauci and Birx, if not more so.

In August of 2021, Gottlieb saw a tweet disparaging the COVID jabs which was written by Dr. Brett Giroir. Dr. Giroir was formerly the U.S. assistant secretary for health (under President Trump), a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and an acting Food and Drug Administration commissioner.

This tweet simply stated that natural immunity was superior over vaccine-conferred immunity. That natural immunity is superior to vaccines is something that has been known since… well since the time vaccines were invented. That is a “vaccine 101” kind of fact. Pretty much self-evident.

So Gottlieb emailed a top employee and lobbyist working for Twitter complaining about the Tweet.

Recapping, Dr. Gottlieb sits on the board of Pfizer and has many surreptitious links with the US government including his membership in the National Academy of Medicine.

Dr. Gottlieb then suggested to this employee that the Tweet to be flagged as misinformation, writing that the offending tweet could prove ‘corrosive’ to the nationwide Covid vaccination campaign.

Twitter then labelled the tweet with a ‘Misleading’ label – despite the tweet being true, and having come from a senior Trump official who outranked Dr. Gottleib!

During this same period of time, Scott Gottlieb was very busy lobbying in a wide range of corporate media outlets on the behalf of the intelligence community to form a new office for the CIA, one that would effectively position the CIA to control all information, intelligence, interpretation and public policy relating to infectious disease as well as chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear threat mitigation – the CBRN mission space.

This proposed initiative would place the CIA in charge of a global intelligence and policy network, and enable it to gain bureaucratic control of key aspects of missions previously managed by DoD (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), the Department of Homeland Security, and the HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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    Interesting article concearning hierarchy fight in intelligence business. I think his guy was the conductor of the orchestra. Apparently he had achieved his goals already by the end of january 2022. He then used MSNBC television to give direct orders to his subordinates to stop the action going on since 2020. This guy is very dangerous and would in a normal country be sentenced to life long prison.


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