RFK Jr: ‘sadistic’ Fauci funded grafting scalps of aborted babies onto rats

To say the very least, my discussion with the man commonly referred to as “RFK Jr.” was as explosive as they come. He told me Fauci is a “monster” who funded some of the most grotesque human experiments conceivable, and that he has all the evidence needed to show that’s the case.

Among other things, Kennedy, who runs the non-profit Children’s Health Defense, told me that one of the projects Fauci supported involved the cutting off the scalp of aborted babies and then grafting them onto rats.

He also said that Fauci performed barbaric experiments on children and pregnant women, and that he “almost always tried to do his experiments on black and Hispanic people.

Africa really became a laboratory for Tony Fauci,” he said.

Kennedy relied on what he called a “team” of fact-checkers, including doctors and scientists, to compile his book, which has over 2,200 footnotes. Every accusation he brings up about Fauci, whom he calls “extremely sadistic,” is thoroughly cited, he said.

I wanted to know what Robert thought was the most important revelation to come out of his book.

He said people need to be aware that the intelligence community has been preparing for COVID-19 for decades, and that simulations involving the very events happening today were practiced many times before.

They’ve been “planning” this “coup d’état” against democracy under the pretext of a “pandemic” for a long time, he explained..

Kennedy also shared with me a great deal of insight on how the military industrial complex, the CIA, the media, and the pharmaceutical industry coordinate together, and how they’re trying to “control the population” and “transition [us] to a police state permanently.

I told Robert that many people find it hard to believe that money and profit are put ahead of the lives of actual Americans by men like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.

He said the “culture” of the industry is so imbued by that mentality that even if Fauci does go down, the corruption of the institutions is such that only someone at the very top could reform it all, which is extremely unlikely because the people who run them are almost always chosen from the inside.

To see the video and more: click here: lifesitenews.com

Bold emphasis added

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    FDA Adviser Explains Why He Abstained from Vote on Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Young Children

    The only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine advisory panel member to abstain from a major vote this week that essentially authorized Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children as young as 5 said he did so because of “limited safety and efficacy data”.

    Meanwhile, another FDA member was less scientific in his opinion, with little regard for how children might be affected by the shot…

    “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines, like the rotavirus vaccine (in which healthy children were injured or killed because of their participation in unwitting research studies—post “FDA approval”).” —Dr. Eric Ruben

    Two “medical experts”—two different opinions. Who would you trust?



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    T. C. Clark


    Dr. Mengele, I mean Dr. Faucistein will not personally give any shots…..he has never practiced medicine……but he is good at getting around government restrictions for gain of function research.


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    It appears that Mengele fauci is well above any laws since nothing will be done. Knowing the arrogance and cruelty of big pharma, they will probably keep funding his gruesome experiments…this time on 7 billion lab rats.


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    A Reasonable Man


    The last paragraph is really the most important. We are going to have to basically start a new country (with in the corrupt remnants of the old ones) . Amazing how quick (some) people forget all the lessons from history.


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    Carbon Bigfoot


    Organ Trafficking is big business. How about a fresh supply of youthful organs at $100-250K a pop.


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    Carbon Bigfoot


    You know where Planned Parenthood cash flow comes from……aborted fetuses. Rumor has it that they draw upwards of $250K USDs.


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