PSI’s Joe Olson Interviewed on Coast to Coast M Radio
In this helpful and informative radio interview PSI senior fellow, Joseph A Olson, explains why man-global warming is a huge hoax.
In this most recent Coast to Coast AM podcast hosted by George Noory, Olson’s interview begins ten minutes into the show.
“No gas molecule can capture, store, redirect or amplify radiant energy photons moving at the speed of light, any ‘absorption’ is followed in a billionth of a second by a longer wavelength, lower energy photon. The atmosphere filters out incoming solar energy, cooling the Earth by day, slowing heat loss at night, but delayed cooling is NOT WARMING. Many thanks to George Noory for the widest spectrum of science debate on the planet.”
About Joe Olson:
Civil engineer for over 30 years, Joseph A. Olson worked with Dr. Tim Ball and other scientists on a text debunking the greenhouse gas theory. In the first half, he discussed theories and observations on which forces are shaping the climate, global temperatures, and seismic activity. Olson is a member of Principia Scientific International, a non-profit group in the UK, comprised of scientists and engineers who dispute the claims that excess CO2 is causing climate change.
He covered the history of greenhouse gas science dating back to the 19th-century and cited that inadequate scientific data of that era, led to erroneous assumptions.
Earth has gone through many drastic weather changes over its lifetime (including a 10-million-year freeze), and these were not due to man-made causes but rather natural cycles, he indicated. Olson suggested that core temperatures of the planet and climate factors could be affected by seismic and volcanic activity.
Regarding global warming, Olson believes our civilization is not in catastrophic danger, and the debate over climate science has been deliberately instigated by those in power to drive a wedge in the populace so they can’t unite together.
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Joseph Olson
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Wiki/Thunderstorms > Water_Absorption_Spectrum > Milankovitch Cycles
Geologist-1011(.)net > Fourier 1824 > Tyndall 1859 > Volcanic CO2 > Volcanic Halocarbons
PSI articles by Dr Arthur Viterito and by Dr Pierre Latour
Slayer authors and PSI founders support traditional Thermodynamics, Radiation Physics and the Scientific Method. We do not support any big, or little warming by back radiation.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Great Interview.
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When I was in college I blew glass, CO2 was the nemesis, the tiny bubbles (seeds) in glass are CO2, and if we did not add Metal Oxides to the glass to make CO4 the seeds would never rise to surface of the liquid molten glass, and there was a massive amount of energy applied, so much energy that glass radiates Ultraviolet Light strong enough to burn your Retinas. I call that a Test in Reality.
Joseph Olson
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