PSI Podcast Premier: Electrosmog & Brain Reprogramming

Suffering from endless brain fog? Electrosmog may be the problem. Over a 40-year career Dr Clifford Saunders has perfected how to treat thousands WHILE THEY SLEEP. THE RESULTS ARE PERMANENT. The brain reprogramming doctor gets results in under 10 weeks in the comfort and privacy of your own home, sitting in front of your computer, in one-on-one sessions.

Partial transcript below:

John O Sullivan:

Hi, welcome to Principia Scientific International’s podcast. I’m John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International. I’m also a host on TNT Radio. We work out of Brisbane, Australia, and we’re very happy to be part of that operation. We collaborate internationally with so many organizations, and we enjoy broadcasting all across the world.

And one of the things we really enjoy doing is bringing on to our platform, anybody who has an idea, that’s not welcome in the mainstream media. The mainstream media, as you probably know, is controlled by special interests.

The globalists are running everything and we want to push back. We’ve been pushing back for 13 years and one of the gentlemen helping us pushing back is our good friend Dr. Clifford Saunders. Dr. Clifford Saunders, he’s the brain reprogramming doctor. He’s got some wonderful ideas. He’s qualified in cybernetics and other fields. He’s wonderful to talk to and has a good sense of humour.

Cliff (01:11.933)

Thank you, John. Thank you. Thank you. Well, yeah, I mean, it’s lovely to be here. I always like chatting with you. You’ve always got such interesting questions to ask, you know, and for me to wonder about. So, okay, you’ve obviously got something up your belt, so let’s have it. What have you got?

John O Sullivan (01:28.623)

Yeah, what I like to talk about is the idea of the electro smoke. This is something that is more and more people are waking up to the idea of the power of electromagnetism. We’ve had massive protests in the UK about 5G. We’re noticing people beginning to realize there might be a connection between the so-called vaccines, the COVID vaccines and 5G.

We know certain protesters have gone as far as actually to attack and destroy towers. Now, you’ve been on TNT radio, and we did a wonderful interview with you last year where you talked about your work as the brain reprogramming doctor. You use electricity, nine volt battery electricity for good. You use it as a therapeutic modality. And, you know, there’s always a flip side to this technology, isn’t there, Cliff?

There’s a good use and a taste of what it is that you do on the good side of things. So rather than just allowing people to know what you do with electricity, it’s actually quite helpful.

Cliff (02:34.450)

All right, okay, okay, okay. Well, yes, I’m more than happy to. And you’re right, it’s a complicated debate, right? It’s not all one thing. There’s lots of different perspectives on electromagnetics, electrons, and electrical fields, if you like.

What you’re talking about, of course, is this little device here that comes from Canada just runs on a regular night bulb battery especially designed to talk to our brains. So, you know, curiously enough, I was talking to a lady in Australia earlier today who’s extremely anxious, more than a little bit anxious, extremely panicky, and has been for two or three years just not coping well with the current environment.

And I showed her how you can take a couple of quite simple electrodes, little carbon electrodes, and I’m not going to do it properly now, just give you an idea, one on each ear, so that now what we can do is we can pass a very safe, weak electric field across the brain at a hundred cycles a second, so that’s like slightly faster than the mains hum. So if you’re in Britain, it’s 50 cycles, if you’re elsewhere, it’s 60 cycles a second. This signal is at a hundred cycles a second, so quite low, you could barely hear it as a low hum.

Cliff (04:04.470)

it as a signal to turn off the panic. Your brain responds to this signal very, very well and it’s good for it, it’s almost like it’s food. And the extra energy it gets from the signal, once it’s turned off the amygdala, the fear response, then the adrenaline in our body begins to dissipate and we stop poisoning ourselves with adrenaline. So here’s a case where we’re using a very simple device,

I don’t want to pretend that the electronics inside this device is trivial. It’s not. It’s been really, really carefully thought out. But basically, it’s engineered electricity that is healing for us. So you’re right. It’s not all one size fits all, John.

John O Sullivan (04:52.503)

Yeah, and this is not, I know this is the application is a novel application, but it’s not not new in a strict sense, is it because we know, you know, for over 100 years, people have been experimenting with electricity in therapeutic settings. And it’s something that people are waking up to because they can see the benefits. I mean, I’ve been following your work for some time now. And in your own case, you got into it because you had a severe eczema – you found a link it to stress and environmental pressures. Just to give our viewers an idea of how that’s benefited you.

Yes, and you’re quite right. So I was, so I’m 74 and three days now, at my birthday couple of days. And from day one, that I was covered from more or less head to foot with scabs. Whatever happened in becoming born, obviously that little fetus, that little. So from a very early age, I was without realizing it poisoning myself with adrenaline I didn’t know and unfortunately there’s two sides to this idea of brain reprogramming.

You can program good stuff and you can unfortunately program in stupid things and I didn’t know any better Doctors didn’t know any better and I kind of hardened on Holding this this turning this this response on and years and years. And one of the ways of me interrupting that, as well as yoga and the meditations and a lot of other things, diet and so on, was using a device like this to give me a chance to get on top of the sort of panic response.

And, you know, and I mean, once you start to realize, oh my God, I’m not stuck, you know, because you spend a lot convinced that you’re doomed, convinced that nothing can be done. Oh, you’ve got it for the rest of your life, have another pill. So after a while you get quite leery about, will this work? But my goodness me, it’s actually working. You have a smile on your face, it’s working! So yes, it’s a wonderful feeling when you realise, no, I’m not trapped, I’m not stuck forever. There are things that I can do today.

John O Sullivan (07:19.113)

Alright. Yeah, and the important thing about electrical therapy is that using a nine-volt battery, it’s low level and you encourage people to do their own research on it. Conversely, to go to the flip side for a second, the darker side of electro smog, call it electro smog because it’s effectively pollution that we don’t really know about. We’re not really controlling it, are we? In the environment we live in today, myself included, we’re all surrounded by Wi-Fi. You know, this invisible electromagnetic radiation, it’s endemic, isn’t it?

We can’t avoid it because it’s so convenient. Lots of us want to do away with cables. You know, we’d rather not have to plug things in all the time. We’ve got the Internet of Things, you know, more and more people are linking up their home appliances, their washing machines, their central heating, their air conditioning.

Everything becomes unified. It’s the Internet of Things. And the problem with that is, regulations are not in place. And what I found and colleagues at Principia Scientific have found is that for too long now, the regulators have turned a blind eye to the health and safety aspects, profit first, it seems to be. And it’s something that we have to take on our own shoulders, isn’t it, Cliff?

We have to be kind of regain sovereignty and look for ourselves into what risk we’re taking because conversely, you’ve got other problems with diet and so forth. Everything is interconnected. We like to explain to readers that your wellbeing you have to take the initiative and probably not just go and see your pharmacist or your doctor for pill popping.

Pill popping is not what many people now want to do. We’re realising we’re waking up, Cliff, we’re waking up slowly, but really we kind of need to take control back, don’t we? And it’s something that you’re going to encourage people to do because you’re very quite humble about this, aren’t you? You’re not making millions from this, you’re doing it because you genuinely want our people.

Cliff (09:28.390)

No, that’s right. I mean, when you’re, when you’re, I’ve been very lucky, all right, so I’ve been really, really, really very lucky. I’ve met some amazing people, I’ve some great coaches, I’ve got lots and lots of stories, and it just seems to me to make sense to pass that information on. The lady that I was talking to today, she said, but do you get a commission from the devices you recommend?

No, no, I’m not in the middle of that and I look for the very best of devices that are home-based, self, they’re wellness products, they’ve been proven. But if you’d like, I earn my crust from showing people, well, how do you use this? What frequency do you choose when? What are the results you’re getting? In fact, I don’t know if we’ve ever discussed this much, John, but one of the things that I kind of pride myself on is they become their own scientists.

And I teach them the basics of science. The basics of science is we’re going to do an experiment now, you’re going to put this device on and we expect to see so and so happen. So that’s the expected part of the equation. And then when we get together later on for the next session, what did we observe? What did we expect and what did we… So it’s hypothesis testing in real time. And we’re not attempting control, double blind, you know, randomized control, what we’re using the individual as their own control in that sense.

But what we’re doing is we’re, just as you said, the most important word you use so far is that self-empowerment, that people take responsibility for themselves and put themselves at the center of their own healing universe, and the rest of us then around the outside as consultants.

It’s working. Oh, I’ll turn it. Okay, that didn’t work this week. What should we do different? So we deliberately set it up so people can feel, yes, I’m going to give you some ideas of new experiments to do, but at all times we’re going to be validating it. So yeah, I think it’s vitally important. We put ourselves at the center of our own healing.

John O Sullivan (11:50.203)

Yeah, and what we tend to agree on, we agree on that we’re all individuals. I mean, anybody with any inclination to study biology would know that genetically speaking, we are quite diverse. And the problem we see with allopathic medicine is they go for one size fits all, they try and give you a prescription, and that prescription has been written out many, many thousands of times. And if you don’t fit the cookie cutter ideology, then you’re kind of left hanging, aren’t you?

This is why your kind of way of doing things allows us to tailor make a treatment to our own specific needs, our own environmental pressures and so forth. A lot of us, you know, myself included, I mean, I got onto the idea of taking more control back about three years ago with the pandemic, you know, medicine, and we were not being told, you know, to do preventative treatments, not told about nutrition, not told about going out in the sun and so forth. So we were left to our own devices. A lot of us having more time, especially those who were off work on furlough or whatever, there’s been a groundswell of people beginning to do their own research.

And this is why the time is probably right for someone like yourself who comes along who’s had many, many years proving, testing your ideas and making sure they do work. This is where you’re part of the wider box of tools, if you like, where people can come and say, look, Dr. Saunders has ideas that are worth trying. Let’s give it a go.

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Comments (6)

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    Two electrodes in your ears passing a one hundred Hz wave doesn’t strike me as having any scientific base at all. Does it need affirmations as well? Is the wave a sine, square? Any plans? Why does it need one on one if it’s self programming
    Mindalive? Never mind, I didn’t realise it was a sales pitch for a company.

    I must note that I’ve had 100 Hz through my body before and it does nothing. You can get it from any cheap wall wart based on a standard power transformer.

    “the most important word you use so far is that self-empowerment, that people take responsibility for themselves and put themselves at the center of their own healing universe, and the rest of us then around the outside as consultants.”
    That’s the core process isn’t it. As expected it’s little more than what has gone before in healing and needs belief to work. It’s all down to the individual with no brain programming done. Reminiscent of binaural beats and the will to make it real. Placebo.


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      I am aware of the purring and it’s effects Joseph. An Interesting book: “Do Cats Hear with Their Feet?”

      Binaural beats, isochronic tones, and the rife frequencies. These have also been converted to light for example, by feeding an amplifier and transducer, such that the body is bathed in the ‘sound’, or topical application.

      I’ve been a listener of binaural beats for around a decade, including isochronic, and spot tested the Rife frequencies, which gave interesting results. I noted that I have to keep my awareness on the spot to be ‘treated’.
      Here’s an experiment people might like to try: Direct attention to say, the lower spine, and visualize stroking, or caressing that spine. Feel anything? It’s surprising what a bit of imagination can reap.
      These are usefull tools, but none change my mind that this is some sort of voodoo magic. It is the mind itself that effects the result.

      The A=432 musical scale is the daddy of them all. Pure sound is all that’s needed and no programming required.


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    Have you brain reprogrammed… why not?
    Well first, who’s doing the programming? What’s their agenda and personal bias? Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone thought the way the programmer wanted?
    This is a recipe for voluntary mind control. If you aren’t suspicious you probably think Elon Musk’s Neuralink will be a boon to humanity.


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    “We put ourselves at the center of our own healing.” Fine, so you don’t need pills, hospitals and al the rest of the medical paraphernalia. Neither do I in general, probably because at 82 I exercise every day and dont’t drink smoke or overeat. Maybe that’s what makes me resistant to the electrosmog in which I’ve been living for the last 82 years as noted. Seems to have done me a lot of good. Here we have 50Hz, o doubt a poor substitute for 100Hz, but it works well even with two-pole three-phase motors. 100 would be a bit too fast, 6000rpm?


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    “we’re all individuals. I mean, genetically speaking, we are quite diverse. allopathic medicine one size fits all, they try and give you a prescription, and that prescription has been written out many, many thousands of times.”
    Well said. That’s why, if we have any discrepancy, sickness, problem or whatever, with respect to the rest of humanity, we tell our doc, so that they can take account of the differences.


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