Destroying Villages In Order To Save Them

Written by John Leake

A salient feature of the last decade or so has been the steady rise of bizarre cults with legions of fervent true believers, even though we have virtually zero rational grounds for believing in the central tenets of these secular religions

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Written by Phillip.Altman

Here are the unadulterated facts:

We have been lied to from the beginning about the origin of the virus, how serious the SARS-CoV-2 virus was to healthy individuals and children.

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Understanding The Great CO2 Climate Scam

Written by Bevan Dochery

Retired Australian geophysicist and long-term follower of the climate debate; Bevan Dockery, explains in his concise essay why the ‘science’ behind climate alarm is premised on little more than unproven assumptions about how ‘greenhouse gases’ operate in our open atmosphere

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