Why are we always putting ‘green’ energy assets in all the wrong places?
For Australia ‘Net Zero’ is an economic suicide pact
Written by Viv Forbes
Written by Viv Forbes
Why are we always putting ‘green’ energy assets in all the wrong places?
Written by Susan Ferrechio
Steep increases in energy bills are leading consumers in Democratic-led states to question ‘renewable’ energy policies that have failed to deliver more reliable, less expensive heat and electricity
Written by I&I Editorial Board
The end is near. That’s what we’ve been told since the beginning. The doomsayers have cited a variety of cataclysms that will do us in, from asteroids to resource exhaustion to a dying sun to ‘climate change’
Written by Dr Robert Malone MD, MS
Modern “Public Health” primarily focuses on disease prevention and treatment, rather than on health promotion
Written by The Truth About Cancer
Let’s start with a simple question: how many of you have ever read an article that didn’t match the headline?
Written by News Roundup
Donald Trump’s latest and most evil sin against the climate, apparently, is that he “could be derailing a major global climate report”. And we all know how much we need another one of those doorstoppers
Written by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
A leading critic of COVID-19 vaccines said U.S. society has reached “an inflection point” as more people question these two things: product safety claims made by Big Pharma and Big Food, and mainstream media’s credibility — especially given its reporting on the Covid ‘pandemic’
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
All things can be, and usually are, true. It’s true that people surrounding RFK Jr. have influence—some of whom do not share our goals. It’s true that the opposition will make things as difficult as possible for him. It’s true that he is under attack and has weapons trained on him from all sides.
Written by James Taylor
‘Renewable’ power advocates often claim wind and solar are less expensive energy sources than coal, natural gas, and nuclear power
Written by Lex Acker
In April 2023, Lee Turner, of Doak Shireff Lawyers LLP, took over conduct of the defence of Dr. Charles Hoffe vs. the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
Written by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton
Cambridge University has announced a major new “initiative to address risks of future engineered pandemics”
Written by Roger Pielke Jr
I was speaking to a non-US non-climate beat reporter yesterday about undeniable issues of scientific integrity in climate science and he asked a question about the climate science community that got my attention
Written by P ED Watch
In what will no doubt come as a relief across the UK, “We are absolutely not saying everyone needs to be vegan” according to Emily Nurse, “head of net zero at the UK government’s Climate Change Committee”
Written by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
Big Pharma-sponsored media recently launched a measles fear campaign based on distorted science, ignoring the real risks, natural disease patterns, and the role of vaccine shedding:
Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
Many Mennonite community members in West Texas feel “frustrated” and “targeted” by mainstream media coverage of the current measles outbreak in Gaines County, Texas, Tina Siemens, a Mennonite business owner and award-winning author told The Defender in an exclusive interview today.
Written by Hannes Sarv
Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, says that now there are thousands and thousands of studies showing that mRNA based vaccine products are not safe.