Greenland Defying Alarmists

Written by Jack Dini

Greenland set a record cold in January 2020, its glaciers are relatively stable, its ice sheet is cooling and it has been warmer in the past. People might be surprised to see how today’s frigid Greenland looked during the last two interglacial periods.

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Top Medical Doctor Says Focus on COVID Treatments, Not Vaccines

Written by Based_Bollard

Dr Peter McCullough is the leading published medical doctor of his speciality in the world. He is regarded as an impeccable expert and someone to be listened to on COVID19 treatments.

In this testimony before the Texas Senate he bemoans that too little is being done to educate ourselves on non-vaccine alternative treatments.

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SpaceX’s Starship successful flight, then it explodes

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Image: CNET

SpaceX continued its rich tradition of destroying Starship prototypes with SN11 succumbing to an explosive end during a high-altitude flight test.

Originally planned for 29 March, the test flight from the company’s facility in Boca Chica, Texas, had been postponed until this morning because a Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA) had been unable reach the site in time to observe the test.

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Strange space object sending out ULF radio emissions

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Torrance Hodgson, ICRAR/Curtin University

As you can imagine, studying radio frequencies from 340 million lightyears away presents its own special set of challenges. However, they’ve been able to develop a working theory of where it came from: supermassive blackholes that created “powerful jets of plasma” about two billion years ago.

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