Dr Scott Jensen’s Latest Much Watch Video

Written by specializedtom

This video is a must watch. Please share. From Dr Scott Jensen’s tweet :

“For the THIRD time in under a year someone has tried to take away the my medical license and use the board as a weapon, but they failed again. The sad part is we’ll never get to know who is behind these targeted attacks.

Pay attention, because they are coming after YOU!”

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Video: The Truth About Vaccines

Written by truthhunter

Our governments continue to suppress any and all information that proves many vaccines are ineffective and potentially harmful.

Watch this video containing actual mainstream media reports with admissions that vaccines that cause cancers, adverse reactions and are more harmful than the diseases they supposedly suppress.

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French: COVID nasal swabs associated with increased meningitis risk

Written by lifesitenews.com

Image: diy13 / shutterstock.com

The Académie nationale de médecine, an independent but official learned society in France, published a statement on Thursday warning that nasopharyngeal swabs used for PCR tests to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus “are not without risks.” The alert came days before nasal auto-testing kits will become available in French pharmacies.

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Video: DARPA’s Implantable Microchip to Detect Viruses

Written by TruthVideos1984

The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed an implantable microchip that will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus.

Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician heading up DARPA’s response to the pandemic, appeared on 60 Minutes to demonstrate the technology.

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UK ‘rush to abandon human rights’ rebuked by Amnesty

Written by theguardian.com

Image: Barcroft Media/Getty

Amnesty International has published a stark rebuke of the UK government’s stance on human rights, saying that it is “speeding towards the cliff edge” in its policies on housing and immigration, and criticising its seeming determination to end the legal right for the public to challenge government decisions in court.

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SAGE Documents: UK Govt Spun COVID to Scare Brits to Stay Home

Written by 21stcenturywire.com

Once again, the UK government has been shown to have used ‘covert tactics’ in order to scare UK residents into staying at home for lockdown by increasing the ‘perceived threat’ of COVID’ rather than genuine science-backed risk assessment data, and also used ‘hard-hitting emotional messages’ designed to cower the public into complying with the government’s arbitrary diktats.

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