Covid Lies Cost 100,000 Lives –Mark Skidmore

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Image: Solari Report

Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed more than three years ago, there was $21 trillion in what he called “Missing Money” from government books.  He’s doing some new number crunching surrounding public policy and the effects on the Covid 19 (CV19) pandemic.  It’s all laid out in a brand new report.  What he found is appalling.

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Doctor Breaks Ranks with Elite for Truth and Freedom

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Until recently, Dr Christiane Northrup was a rock star of the Liberal media, with three New York Times Bestsellers, 10 appearances on Oprah! and numerous TV appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Today, Rachel Ray Show, The View, 20/20 and eight PBS Specials, which raised millions of dollars for the network. She was a celebrated Feminist on the front lines of women’s Mind-Body Medicine, when doing this was still OK – before the Big Pharma global coup d’état.

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The Texas Freeze Project

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The real question for investigators is how come with two massive NRG owned power plants sitting just outside Houston, many of its citizens were without electricity for 55 hours in sub-freezing temperatures?

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Oil is NOT a fossil fuel and AGW is non-science

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Image: ET Energyworld

We all grew up believing that oil is a fossil fuel, and just about every day this ‘fact’ is mentioned in newspapers and on TV. However, let us not forget what Lenin said – “A lie told often enough becomes truth.” It was in 1757 that the great Russian scholar Mikhailo V. Lomonosov enunciated the hypothesis that oil might originate from biological detritus.

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COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

Written by J. Bart Classen, MD


Vaccines have been found to cause a host of chronic, late developing adverse events. Some adverse events like type 1 diabetes may not occur until 3-4 years after a vaccine is administered [1]. In the example of type 1 diabetes the frequency of cases of adverse events may surpass the frequency of cases of severe infectious disease the vaccine was designed to prevent.

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exclusive interview with Dr Mike Yeadon

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Image: Twitter

Dr Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory department at Pfizer, who has also provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity.

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Land Tides or Earth Tides

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Image: istock

Land tides, also called Earth tides, are very small deformations or movements in the Earth’s lithosphere (surface) caused by the gravitational fields of the sun and moon as the Earth rotates within their fields. Land tides are similar to ocean tides in how they are formed but they have very different impacts on the physical environment.

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COVID Jab: More Vaccine Deaths Than Past 15 Years COMBINED

Written by Brian Shilhavy

The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now reached 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.

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