In the past century, medical research has led to improved health and increased life expectancy largely because of success in preventing and treating infectious diseases.
The Need for Biosafety Labs
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In the past century, medical research has led to improved health and increased life expectancy largely because of success in preventing and treating infectious diseases.
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The solar system: It’s big, it’s heliocentric, and it’s got space junk to spare. Here are 24 out-of-this-world facts about the corner of space that’s home to Earth, enough asteroids to keep Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis working for decades, and a football-shaped dwarf planet called Haumea, adapted from an episode of The List Show on YouTube.
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Dr. Scott Atlas (pictured), former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, called a recent study purporting to measure the effect of masking on curbing the spread of Covid-19 in Bangladeshi villages “extremely weak tea” during a Fox News appearance earlier this month.
Written by John O'Sullivan
An examination of peer-reviewed studies suggests regular COVID 19 mask wearing increases risk of mental retardation. Studies affirm what independent medical doctors are increasingly saying – mask wearing mandates are not only unscientific, but contrary to good health and can be deadly!
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As you review the jaw-dropping information, previously suspected but now demonstrably proven, it is well worth re-evaluating the current position of Fauci.
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Not only did the CDC bury influenza deaths under the guise of Covid, they also lumped pneumonia deaths with Covid, in addition to documenting anyone who died WITH Covid who was in a car accident, had a gunshot wound, kidney failure, or other life-threatening diseases, as a Covid death.
Written by Susan Bradford
The Rothschild Dynasty is seeking to fulfill the Kalergi depopulation agenda.
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As the fakery of COVID19 unravels and the world realises there was no virus, no vaccine but only an elitist conspiracy for societal mass control, a novel and relatable theory on Adolf Hitler emerges.
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Ursula Bach was 18 years old… and six months pregnant… when she heard the news. It was August 13, 1961. And East Germany’s government started building a wall to separate East Berlin from West.
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Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday he has asked the Department of Justice to review Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony to Congress for possible perjury, a move that comes after new documents have revealed U.S. funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe the novel coronavirus originated.
Written by Mark Pickles
MANY of us in the UK who have been writing about the Covid-19 vaccines (and have declined them) have found ourselves fighting what I call ‘data wars’.
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A new study in “Climate Dynamics” has criticized a key methodology that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) uses to attribute climate change to greenhouse gases, raising questions about the validity of research that relied on it and prompting a response from one of the scientists who developed the technique.
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In space, everyone can see you emit brightly shining gas, X-rays, and radio waves.
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Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
Dr. Peter McCullough has an impressive list of credentials1 — he’s an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas and is the editor of two medical journals and published hundreds of studies in the literature.
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The case is the second known account of a breastfeeding baby dying.