Covid–19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others.
Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless
Written by Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD
Written by Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD
Covid–19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others.
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Rising out from the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan is the Bissekty Formation, a structure of rock and sediment between 90 and 92 million years old that has preserved many a dinosaur fossil. Out of this formation, paleontologists have discovered an imposing new dinosaur species that was likely the apex predator of the area at the time.
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A truck carrying a load of Tesla batteries in Placer County, California crashed and rolled over, causing the batteries to light on fire and blocking a large portion of I-80 on Friday night.
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Psychiatry, parading as non-political science, is a toxic prison of the mind.
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Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun’s corona.
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MANY of us in the UK who have been writing about the Covid-19 vaccines (and have declined them) have found ourselves fighting what I call ‘data wars’.
Written by Tom Woods
Last week I mentioned that the ban on entry into Sweden against people who live in seven countries (among them Israel and the United States) is interfering with a trip I had scheduled to take there.
Written by Doug Brodie
This is an updated version of the email entitled ‘The futility of Net Zero’ sent on 25/8/21 to the three below-listed leading proponents of Net Zero, copied to numerous other politicians including all members of the 1922 committee. It has been updated to make it’s conclusions more explicit and emphatic, motivated by anger at the government’s obvious determination to force young children to take the experimental, provenly-dangerous, medically-unjustified Covid vaccine.
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A discussion between Stew Peters and a hospital nurse who has direct contact with COVID patients and all aspects of COVID treatment is a must watch. {Direct Rumble Link} Really, this gets better as the discussion gets more detailed.
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A graduate of Yale University who also obtained a PHD at Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine has published a paper in which she concludes that mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of excellent scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19.
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Anti-vaxxers boycott Morrisons after supermarket says it will cut sick pay for unvaccinated staff.
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The UK’s four chief medical officers seem likely to override the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation not to vaccinate under-16s – simultaneously rejecting Public Health England’s stance that ‘children under 16, even if they are clinically extremely vulnerable, are at low risk of serious morbidity and mortality, and, given the absence of safety and efficacy data on the vaccine, are not recommended for vaccination’.
Written by BBC
Doctors, scientists, intelligence agents and government officials have all been trying to find out what causes “Havana syndrome” – a mysterious illness that has struck American diplomats and spies. Some call it an act of war, others wonder if it is some new and secret form of surveillance – and some people believe it could even be all in the mind. So who or what is responsible?
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Millions of Australians are extremely concerned about the federal government’s push to force hastily approved and poorly tested novel vaccines on the population, when adequate long term safety data is unavailable.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
“TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences — including Bill Gates’s role as No. 1 funder — controlling the World Health Organization, to the peril of public health.
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Before we link COVID and climate, and let doctors run the economy, maybe we could raise the possibility that UN-driven climate and economic models might be as wrong, even more wrong, than the COVID curve models.