Nurse Angela Wulbrecht released some very shocking details about Alexis case, it’s definitely worth listening to the whole story.
Watch Shocking VAERS Case Study Report Exposing Hospital
Written by Closed Vaers
Written by Closed Vaers
Nurse Angela Wulbrecht released some very shocking details about Alexis case, it’s definitely worth listening to the whole story.
Written by Michelle Starr
The electrical effects of a thunderstorm are not confined just to high up in the atmosphere. Close to the ground, Earth’s atmosphere hums with intense electric fields that accelerate particles, flinging electrons in ways that force atoms to glow with gamma rays
Written by Will Jones
A U.S. Government scientist and leading authority on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s published faked images in papers on the diseases, a Government report has claimed
Written by Matt Oliver
British companies are paying the highest electricity prices of anywhere in the developed world, official data has shown
Written by David Blackmon
I have frequently written over the last several years that the agenda of the climate-alarm lobby in the Western world is not consistent with the maintenance of democratic forms of government. [emphasis, links added]
Written by John Leake
After yesterday’s session at the Bird Flu Summit, McCullough Foundation fellow Nic Hulscher and I reviewed our documentary Bird Flu.
Written by Dr David Whitehouse
This week’s prize for jumping the climate gun goes to New Scientist, twice
Written by Sean Alexander Carney
Through the ubiquitous wireless connectivity promised by the Internet of Things (IoT) humanity and every living thing is turned into a wireless “transmitter.”
Written by Chris Morrison
The cat is finally out of the bag. It is planned that Britain by 2030 will produce 95% of its electricity from so-called green sources with 5% coming from gas.
Written by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
On September 29th, the Australian government’s Vaccine Claims Scheme stopped accepting new claims, despite thousands of people continuing to suffer with covid-19 vaccine injuries
Written by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D
A federal court on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense filed by the family of a 24-year-old college student who died from complications of Covid vaccine-induced myocarditis
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
Why can’t America get healthy? This has been the topic of a recent US Senate Hearing chaired by Senator Ron Johnson.
Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Story at a glance:
Written by Nick Bowler
On September 20th there was an announcement by a little known energy company located in Baltimore Pennsylvania:
Written by Efrat Fenigson
How is US foreign policy related to censorship, free speech, mind control, wars & regime changes? and where do we draw hope from?
Written by David H Denham
For over thirty years, we have all been bombarded by the rhetoric that our future is doomed