The surface of a pristine, transparent freshwater lake may not reveal to ecologists the reality of what’s occurring in its depths.
Researchers to build biosensor capable of measuring nutrients in water
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The surface of a pristine, transparent freshwater lake may not reveal to ecologists the reality of what’s occurring in its depths.
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Then why not let them join the 1,149 people left paralysed by the Covid-19 Vaccine?
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California students will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to attend school once the vaccines have received full approval by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Oct 1.
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A young girl eager to return to school needs a nasal swab test. Her Mom says 30 minutes after returning home, she was bleeding from her nose…and an eye. Hospital staff allegedly stated this is “normal.”
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A future kitchen appliance could make it possible to 3D-print entirely new recipes and cook them with lasers.
Written by PA Pundits International
In the wake of a series of severe EV battery fires, one of the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world, General Motors has just issued safety recommendations for Bolt EV’s:
Written by National Institutes for Health
The scientific community has witnessed an exponential increase in the applications of graphene and graphene-based materials in a wide range of fields, from engineering to electronics to biotechnologies and biomedical applications.
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Virgin Galactic has received clearance by US flight regulators to resume spaceflights.
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NASA is preparing for the December launch of the James Webb Telescope, after former NASA administrator James Webb, it will use infrared technology to examine far-away planets.
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Merck announced Friday that an experimental COVID pill it has developed reduced hospitalizations and deaths by 50 percent in people recently infected with COVID.
Written by Tom Woods
It’s true what they say: bad news sells. Before the virus, whenever I would send out an email with good news, far fewer people would open it than if the subject line implied something catastrophic.
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Gerson Moreno-Riaño recently stated, “American colleges and universities have always positioned themselves as the bastions of knowledge and truth for the moral formation of their students. Regardless of intellectual debates surrounding the meaning of such terms, universities in America have never rejected implicit commitment to moral formation.”
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The thinning of an icy “glue” that holds fractured ice together may drive ice shelf collapse in Antarctica, according to a new study.
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The ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future comes with a promise of an endless sea of ‘groovy’ sustainable jobs in the manufacture of solar panels and wind turbines and much more, besides.
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For many months myself and many of the investors I work with have become increasingly concerned at the growing instability and insecurity of energy markets.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
There is a real energy crisis in Europe that was created by a combination of political missteps, climate change fear-mongering, and a woke energy policy that could leave much of Europe and Asia undersupplied as they head into winter.