Loss of medical staff due to mandatory vaccines is affecting the care of children in Wisconsin critically injured in parade attack as ERs nationwide begin to close
Written by earthnewspaper.com
Loss of medical staff due to mandatory vaccines is affecting the care of children in Wisconsin critically injured in parade attack as ERs nationwide begin to close
Written by lidblog.com
I have often posted that the models used to tie man to climate change were not only bogus but impossible to be correct. There is no way for the model designers to understand all the factors influencing Earth’s climate.
Written by Ben Recht
Written by st-andrews.ac.uk
The Indian numerals discussed in our article Indian numerals form the basis of the European number systems which are now widely used.
Written by theepochtimes.com
A new variant of the virus has been detected in South Africa, its health minister, Joe Phaahla, announced Thursday.
Written by zerohedge.com
The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp (pictured) located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari.
Written by europerenaissance.com
The Press is keeping silent about the spike in suicides on a scale not experienced since the darkest days of World War II. Throughout the Western world, ordinary people driven to despair are taking their own lives to escape the menace of increasing totalitarianism.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
BBC News carried two articles last week denigrating and demonizing the critics of climate-change alarmism.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
As delegates from the climate conference in Glasgow streamed home in mid-November, with the official start of the Australian summer just days away, Melburnians were freezing, there were floods in NSW and it was snowing in Tasmania.
Written by Neville Hodgkinson
EUROPE and much of the Western world is in upheaval as people take to the streets over Covid. Mainstream media reports depict these protests as a response to vaccine mandates and other losses of freedom. That is far from the whole story, however.
Written by Royal Museums Greenwich
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 – 1859) was one of the most famous civil engineers and mechanics in history. In a 2002 poll by the BBC, Brunel was voted the second greatest Briton of all time (after Winston Churchill).
Written by gizmodo.com
Upwards of 10 to 20 percent of the earliest galaxies are hidden by thick blankets of cosmic dust, new research suggests
Written by BBC
A Roman villa containing a rare mosaic that depicts scenes from Homer’s Iliad has been found beneath a farmer’s field.
Written by vrevealed.com
With ever exploding censorship, COVID REVEALED exists to daringly bring to light the known facts and needed debate concerning COVID-19 as well as the policies and edicts that surround it.
Written by Jon Rappoport
Leaks are turning into floods. We are hearing about brutal clinical studies on puppies and other animals, and now a study involving orphans in New York.
Written by John O'Sullivan
‘Experts’ on SARS-CoV-2 tell us the virus has many lineages and each may be more deadly (or less so) than the last. Only the gullible and uneducated masses will fear the newest variant: OMICRON. This literally is an anagram for MORONIC.